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Respond to at least two of your peers by asking questions about the webinar they attended and sharing your thoughts on the content

Respond to at least two of your peers by asking questions about the webinar they attended and sharing your thoughts on the content.

Respond to at least two of your peers by asking questions about the webinar they attended and sharing your thoughts on the content. Post again to continue the conversation by answering questions about the webinar you attended, asking questions about topics covered in the webinars, or adding to your explanation of how you can apply the content to your writing process.


 Webinar Recording: Introduce, Conclude, and Write the Abstract of Your Study

       A doctoral capstone is a culmination of years of research and academic work. It is essential to encapsulate this research in a direct and concise introduction, conclusion, or abstract. This post will provide a brief overview of how to write these essential parts of a doctoral research paper. To write a proposal, you need to provide a clear idea of your research question, the significance of the study, the methodology, and the expected outcomes. Your proposal should also highlight the literature review and the research gap your study aims to fill. Ensure that your proposal follows the guidelines set by Walden University and the research field you are working in. A well-structured proposal will help you receive feedback and funding for your research.

        If you are writing an introduction for a study that has not yet been formulated, providing context and background information on the topic you want to explore is essential. Begin by discussing the research problem and why it is significant. Then, highlight previous research and the gap you want to fill. Introduce your research questions or hypotheses and provide a brief overview of the research design and methodology you plan to use. When it comes to writing the final document, ensure that you do justice to all the data and analysis in the project. Begin by reviewing the research questions and hypotheses and highlighting the main findings. Then, provide a detailed analysis of the data and present your conclusions. Ensure that you tie your findings to the literature review and the research gap you identified earlier.

       Writing an abstract is perhaps the most challenging part of the research paper. You need to summarize all the major points of the research on a single page. Start by providing a brief background of the research problem and its significance. Then, highlight the research questions, methodology, findings, and conclusions. Ensure that your abstract is clear, concise, and accurately represents the research paper. Encapsulating research in a direct and concise manner is essential to make your doctoral research paper impactful. Your proposal, introduction, conclusion, and abstract are critical components that need careful attention. Ensure that you provide a clear context, highlight the research gap, and tie your findings to the literature review. To write an effective introduction, provide a clear and compelling case for the research, while the conclusion should summarize the main findings and provide an overall evaluation of the research. The abstract should provide a clear and concise summary of the research and its implications. The final document should organize the research in a clear and logical manner.

By following these guidelines of the dissertation process, researchers can ensure that their research is effectively summarized in these critical components of their doctoral research paper. With these tips, you can write an excellent doctoral research paper that captures the reader's attention and leaves a lasting impact.


Walden University Writing Center. (n.d.-f). Webinars: Doctoral capstone students. Links to an external site.


Summary of Capstone Webinar

The webinar I chose to review is the Writing Process for Longer Research Projects. This webinar focused on ways to approach the writing process for longer research projects such as a dissertation or capstone project. This webinar explained why the dissertation process is so long. Ultimately, we will be working on the opportunity to conduct research to formulate a new solution for a real-world issue. When conducting the research process, the webinar stated that it is better to be iterative rather than linear. This means that instead of moving through the capstone process in a linear sequence, the stages in an iterative life cycle are performed as many times as needed. Doing so will help the researcher attain the best possible solution.


This webinar also annotated the importance of being organized and building a solid support system. According to Walden University Writing Center. (n.d.-f) being organized allows you to articulate, investigate, and clarify your thoughts, such as by conducting a literature review. Being organized also helps allow time to complete each task and avoid plagiarism. The webinar went into detail about the resources we have at Walden University that are readily available to students when they need help in the research process. Utilizing the resources at Walden University would benefit anyone planning to write a paper or dissertation. The library and the people you may have met are all resources that can help aid the writing process for longer research projects.


Applying Concepts to Dissertation

Organization is crucial to success and should be applied to the dissertation process. When you have organization, you have structure. Structure refers to how we organize information (Mount, 2019). Recognizing the underlying structure of your writing can help students focus on the key topic of their paper. Additionally, utilizing the resources that we have are way can apply the concepts that were talked about in the webinar to the dissertation process. Many times, journal articles are not readily available by googling them. Therefore, using the library database can produce journal articles, and you can also narrow them down to peer-reviewed or not. Additionally, there is a team of professionals in the writing center that can also help with the dissertation process. Similarly, talking to your peers to bounce ideas off them is another way to utilize our resources. According to Bernery et al. (2022), when peers consult with each other during the dissertation process, opportunities are provided to increase awareness, engage in critical thinking, get feedback on ideas, and combat isolation. Moreover, consulting with peers during the dissertation process can help the peers hold one another responsible and stay organized.



Bernery, C., Lusardi, L., Marino, C., Philippe-Lesaffre, M., Angulo, E., Bonnaud, E., Guéry, L., Manfrini, E., Turbelin, A., Albert, C., Arbieu, U., & Courchamp, F. (2022). Highlighting the positive aspects of being a Ph.d student. ELife, 11.

Mount, K. N. (2019). The art of organizing your research content. A Guide to the Scientific Career, 477–484.

Walden University Writing Center. (n.d.-f). Webinars: Doctoral capstone students.