Chat with us, powered by LiveChat Respond to at least 2 of your peers who have chosen to leave feedback on a different post by noting a strength in their feedback and suggesting a revision to further improve the feedback.HU - Writingforyou

Respond to at least 2 of your peers who have chosen to leave feedback on a different post by noting a strength in their feedback and suggesting a revision to further improve the feedback.HU

Respond to at least 2 of your peers who have chosen to leave feedback on a different post by noting a strength in their feedback and suggesting a revision to further improve the feedback.


Respond to  at least 2 of your peers who have chosen to leave feedback on a different post by noting a strength in their feedback and suggesting a revision to further improve the feedback.


The post I am assessing is from Lulu Black


2 Pieces of Feedback for Ms. Lulu


Hello Lulu,

First great job on your post and explaining your case study. I do have two suggestions that can help make your next post stronger. You mentioned that a human services professional may be meeting to address one issue and then another issue is seen to be more immediate. After mentioning this point, it is important to go into further detail about why you would use brokering or referrals when the need does change. I think addressing that change can happen is great but also remember to state what is done next in the brokering or referral process when the change does happen.

Secondly, the prompt required connecting your reasoning to chapter nine “How to refer”. You did a good job explaining the responsibility that a human services professional has however, using some information from chapter nine to support that thought would make this point stronger. Mentioning the responsibility of the human services professional after that point would give more detail about the referral process regarding your case study. Overall good job, make sure to review the prompt to make sure everything is being addressed in your response. Use these tips to make your next response stronger. If you have any questions or need better clarification Ms. Lulu, please email me.


The feedback given to Ms. Lulu starts with affirmation and ends with affirmation. “Using this pedagogical approach, it is vital for staff to nurture and maintain a supportive and caring environment, or 'ethos of care'” (Deeley, 2018, para.6). I think it is very vital to affirm students when giving feedback. As a student myself, I have had an experience of receiving feedback that made me feel bad about my work and my own abilities. I felt all she did was tell me what I did wrong and what I should have done, not one time mentioning anything I did well. There is a quote, “People do not care about how much you know until they know how much you care”. Although her feedback was valid, her approach was not. There is a strategy that I have learned in life when having to deal with any conflict or having to give constructive criticism and it is called the Sandwich Method, positive-negative-positive. Always start and end the conversation with the positive. A person will be more likely to hear and change from your feedback when you're affirming the good things and not just criticizing the bad.  It is also important to make sure the student knows they have the opportunity to reach out to the professor for clarity. “Staff may assume that students clearly understand their feedback; however, it is possible that students misinterpret or misunderstand the meaning of feedback” (Deeley, 2018, para.8). Reassuring the student that they can follow up for further clarity is beneficial for both the student and the professor so they are on the same page for the understanding of the assignment. All in all, providing feedback in an effective way can help strengthen the student’s awareness of aspects they may need to improve on which they can carry with them throughout their schooling.



Deeley, S. J. (2018). Using technology to facilitate effective assessment for learning and feedback in higher education. Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education, 43(3), 439–448.


Response to Tamara Gray:  200- to 300-word initial post that is organized into multiple paragraphs.

“How to Refer to” steps in Chapter 9 brokering or making referrals. Explain, Describe, Know the Contact, and Transmit. For the case study of A.R.,

Feedback 1: Good job on providing a detailed and thoughtful approach for making a referral to a caregiver respite group for A.R.

1. You explained the purpose of these groups and how they could help A.R. have time to herself or better balance her obligations showing a deep understanding of the needs of caregivers.

2. You highlighted the fact that respite care is not a reflection of A.R.'s inability to take care of her mother is also a critical point that shows your compassion and empathy.

Feedback 2: It would be helpful to provide specific examples of how you would obtain the best contact information and establish a good connection with the respite group. Additionally, it would be beneficial to mention the importance of obtaining A.R.'s consent before sharing her information with the respite group. Overall, good job of providing a clear and concise approach, but adding more detail and specificity could make it even stronger.

This feedback aligns with the current research on feedback, which suggests that my feedback will always be specific, actionable, and focused on the task or behavior rather than the individual. Additionally, feedback should be timely and delivered in a supportive and constructive manner. By providing specific examples and actionable feedback, instructors can help students improve their work and develop their skills effectively.


Innovative Teaching Practices Showcase. (2020, February 20). Prioritizing feedback on graduate student writing links to an external site. [Video]. YouTube. to an external site. Shape, arrow  Description automatically generated

Walden University Writing Center. (n.d.)

