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Respond to at least 2 of your peers posts with insights on how to address needs related to diversity (i.e., age, ability status, sexual identity, ethnicity, socioeconomic status) i

Respond to at least 2 of your peers’ posts with insights on how to address needs related to diversity (i.e., age, ability status, sexual identity, ethnicity, socioeconomic status) in one or both of their settings. 


Respond to  at least 2 of your peers’ posts with insights on how to address needs related to diversity (i.e., age, ability status, sexual identity, ethnicity, socioeconomic status) in one or both of their settings. Offer additional considerations and/or suggestions for maintaining an inclusive learning environment.


Human Service Principles

Teaching Strategy

The fundamental values of the human services profession include respecting the dignity and welfare of all people; promoting self-determination; honoring cultural diversity; advocating for social justice; and acting with integrity, honesty, genuineness, and objectivity (Allen, n.d.). These principles will not only be taught through instruction but also applied within instruction. Being that this course would be in person and online, depending on certain circumstances I would allow the online adult learners to be able to sit in an in-person meeting if they were able to. Flexibility for adult learners can really make a difference. There are many times when a person may feel an online course would work best but to ultimately find out that online learning is a challenge, so definitely having that option for those who need it. For the in-person course, I think it would be best to make sure some of the same technological resources that are being used online can be incorporated in person. That way if an online student did want to come in person for a class meeting they would not be lost during instruction and would be up to speed. Also, when it comes to online courses, implementing recordings of live instruction can be helpful while it also can help those learners who are auditory learners as well even though they may be enrolled in the online course.  One of the biggest difficulties for adult learners can be engagement. Being that adult learners are typically in careers with families or involved with other outside factors having interactive lessons and assignments can be beneficial. For example, having more dialogue through lecturing versus straight lecturing and no engagement by the learners at all. It is more likely that an adult learner will retain what they talked about during the lecture versus just hearing the professor continuously talk. Using the active learning method will hopefully prompt motivation within the adult learners to feel comfortable and open enough to participate. “Faculty must enhance traditional lecturing with carefully constructed effective teaching strategies designed to enhance skills and gain content knowledge” (Karge et al., 2011). So incorporating active learning in class would be the foundation of how the class would be executed.



The changes I would need to make would definitely be geared toward making sure instruction is being understood and retained. Although active learning can be interactive and fun, would it be the best method for adult learners to grasp the concepts of the principles being taught? It will be important that even within the method of open dialogue lecturing that fidelity is still maintained. There may be times when students may share personal experiences during class so making sure that all students are aware of confidentiality and respecting the privacy of their peers will be vital to the progression of the course instruction. Also, because adult learners are typically already in careers it would be very important to be mindful of their flexibility and not just my own as the professor because although something may work for me does not mean it will work for them. Adult learners face significant challenges in seeking postsecondary credentials and degrees, the vast majority of adult learners are financially independent, work part-time or full-time, have dependents, and must juggle many responsibilities with school (Kazis et al., 2007). As a professor always remember that we were once in the same place as our students and being understanding towards their life and their circumstances can make all the difference in having not just a successful course but building successful learners.



Allen, B. (n.d.). Ethical Standards for HS Professionals.,%2C%20honesty%2C%20genuineness%20and%20objectivity.

Karge, B. D., Phillips, K. A., Jessee, T., & McCabe, M. (2011). Effective Strategies For Engaging Adult Learners. Journal of College Teaching & Learning, 8(12), 53.

Kazis, R., Callahan, A., Davidson, C., McLeod, A., Bosworth, B. P., Choitz, V., & Hoops, J. H. H. (2007). Adult Learners in Higher Education: Barriers to Success and Strategies to Improve Results. Employment and Training Administration. Occasional Paper 2007-03. Jobs for the Future.



Client Populations and Diversity

Approach to Teaching

When teaching adult learning in person or online, the main thing is to have the class be engaging and open to dialogue. As Cavanaugh (2020) pointed out, for people to learn, they need to be stimulated with curiosity and inspired so that they will want to take in the material being taught. I would also plan activities where the students can direct their learning and utilize participation and groups for social collaboration, as we can all learn from one another’s professional and personal experiences. Furthermore, when adult learners take part in the implementation process, they are more likely to succeed in their studies (Loeng, 2020).  Moreover, unlike teaching in a classroom full of children, less micromanagement would need to be done, so I would spend less time lecturing and more time letting the adult learn to solve the problems using life-like scenarios.  Since the class would be about client populations and diversity, it would be imperative that the adult learners become aware if they have any biases. Therefore, I would utilize role-playing with different topics. This will help engage the class and provide feedback so that they are able to reflect on what they may need to work on. Also, to avoid students feeling there is special treatment or bias in the class, I would employ a no opt teaching strategy to ensure that the students understand what is being taught. With this teaching strategy, students would be called on, whether they volunteer to answer or not (Gonzalez, 2017).

Analyzing Approach and Change

When analyzing how my approach to teaching may need to be changed, I employ an open-door policy and work with each student collaboratively to help them to be successful in their studies. Similarly, adult learners will have unique expectations, difficulties, and barriers to learning, I will try to accommodate these issues and design the learning courses online and in person in a way that is the most efficient and engaging for them. Since, some people learn by listening, and others by taking notes and looking over them afterward, to engage learners in the best way possible and help them retain information, having notes already prepared and any needed materials can be useful. Not only will this will ensure that what the students are studying is accurate and not up for misinterpretation it will also help the students save time so they can also meet the demands in their life.




Cavanagh, S. R. (2020). How to make your teaching more engaging. The Chronicle of Higher Education.

Gonzalez, J. (2017). 5 ways college teachers can improve their instruction. Cult of Pedagogy.

Loeng, S. (2020). Self-Directed Learning: A core concept in adult education. Education Research International, 2020(3816132), 1–12.