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political science discussion question and need a sample draft to help me learn. Option 1:

political science discussion question and need a sample draft to help me learn.

Option 1: The Equal Rights Amendment was first proposed almost a century ago and has still not been added to the United States Constitution. It is supposed to guarantee equal legal rights for all American citizens regardless of sex. It was first introduced to Congress by Alice Paul, leader of women’s suffrage movement in 1923. Compare/contrast the Equal Rights Amendment with the Fourteenth Amendment. Did they deal with separate concepts? Explain your answer.
Is it necessary that the ERA become a part of the Constitution because:
the 14th Amendment was not meant to give equal rights to women;
the 14th Amendment does not give enough protection for women’s rights;
conservative Supreme Court Justices are right now limiting the reach of the 14th Amendment;
women’s rights are still in question and under attack;
encroachment onto women’s rights should be subjected to strict scrutiny by the Federal Courts; and/or
what else?
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