Chat with us, powered by LiveChat You will use Yelp’s three sort categories to obtain a list of the top twenty restaurant recommendations for food choice “Malasada”. You will analyze and compare the data obtained to answer - Writingforyou

You will use Yelp’s three sort categories to obtain a list of the top twenty restaurant recommendations for food choice “Malasada”. You will analyze and compare the data obtained to answer

Question #1:
Data Collection Requirements: You will use Yelp’s three sort categories to obtain a list of the top twenty restaurant recommendations for food choice “Malasada”.
You will analyze and compare the data obtained to answer the Main Topic Question (described above) and to draw conclusions.
Qualitative Data (to be entered into Yelp search bar) : Malasada (food choice)
Required Location: Honolulu, HI
Quantitative Data
Number of stars received
Required response format: Must be entered as a number between 1 and 5 (round to one decimal place)
Number of reviews received
Required response format: Must be entered as a whole numbers.
Reference: Yelp Honolulu Hawaii
Data Format :
1-20 Name Restaurant
Yelp Recommend Sort
# between 1 and 5 ( round to one decimal)
Number of Stars
Whole Number
Number of reviews
Data Format :
1-20 Name Restaurant
Yelp Highest Rated Sort
# between 1 and 5 ( round to one decimal)
Number of Stars
Whole Number
Number of reviews
Data Format :
1-20 Name Restaurant
Yelp Most Reviewed Sort
# between 1 and 5 ( round to one decimal)
Number of Stars
Whole Number
Number of reviews
Please see the attach photo for the table sample:
Question 2: In this assignment, you will provide answers to the following three questions.
What topic have you chosen to pursue for this semester’s Term Project? Provide at least one complete sentence. (reminder: students who choose a topic outside of the pre-structured topic are required to work with their instructor)
It is recommended that students complete the data collection process by the end of the 5th week of instruction. How do you plan to finish your data collection in a timely manner? Provide at least one paragraph (3 complete sentences minimum).
Do you have any general questions about the requirements for the Term Project? Provide at least one complete sentence.
Regardless of the specific format of the submission, your Term Project Report must contain the following sections:
Introduction: Introduce your project topic, your previous knowledge or experience pertaining to your topic, including your reasons for choosing this particular topic, and your initial thoughts going into this project.
Data Collection Process: A description of how data was collected and a discussion of any challenges you experienced. Also, include a discussion of the limitation of using Yelp and the three sorting categories to collect data.
Data Analysis: A summary of the data that you collected, compared, and analyzed, including your answer to the required “Main Topic Question.” Include a discussion about the calculated statistics (mean, median, Q1, Q3, standard deviation, minimum and maximum) and any similarities and/or differences you observed in relation to answering the Main Topic Question.
Supporting Tables and Graphs: Provide tables and graphs to support any claims made in the Data Analysis narrative. Each graph must be appropriately constructed, labeled, and displayed based on the data classification and description provided.
Conclusions: Based on the data you collected, compared, analyzed, and graphed, what is the answer to the project topic question? Include what you found interesting (e.g. There was a difference between..) or unsurprising (e.g. There was not much of a distinction between…). Any conclusions you draw and describe should be consistent with your data analysis.
Closing Remarks: A description of your overall impression of the work and effort that went into completing the Term Project. If you had the opportunity to redo this assignment, what would you do differently?
Bibliography, if necessary: List any sources you specifically used in any part of your project. Any recognized format is allowable.