Chat with us, powered by LiveChat Senior Vice President Mason requested a report be prepared to ensure employee safety and maintains productivity after performance reviews. This concern stems from the recent current events e - Writingforyou

Senior Vice President Mason requested a report be prepared to ensure employee safety and maintains productivity after performance reviews. This concern stems from the recent current events e

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Recommendation Paper Outline
Title: Understanding and Proactive Prevention of Workplace Violence
Company: Access Mortgage Company
Author: Shanne James (initials)
Date: October 30, 2015
Letter of Transmittal (Memo)
Authorization of report
Senior Vice President Mason requested a report be prepared to ensure employee safety and maintains productivity after performance reviews. This concern stems from the recent current events entailing workplace violence. The potential employee reaction to upcoming personnel decisions may cause stress and may negatively or positively impact morale. In this report, I analyze the causes of workplace violence and solution that help to prevent incident. Form these solution, I offer recommendations to integrate these solutions into the corporate culture at Access Mortgage Company
Reason for Report:
Identify the common underlying causes of workplace violence.
Inform employees of how to recognize signs of impending danger.
Suggest recommendations to prevent potential workplace violence
Restate title:
“Understanding Workplace Violence and Proactive Prevention”
Features of the Report
Exploration of stress and the causes in the workplace
Understanding how low employee morale leads to workplace violence
Recommendations and procedure to de-escalate potential aggressive employee behavior
Policies and programs that help safeguard against violent incidents
I am available to further discuss the implications of this report and to begin a dialogue with those who may have more to contribute to this initiative.
The project was funded by the Access Mortgage Human Resources Department and the Security and Prevention Department. Access Mortgage Human Resources department provided internal research reports evaluating current policies and programs. Other resources and research was obtained through the Monroe College library Ebscohost Business Source Premier databases and the Google search engine. Information included in this report are from both scholarly journal articles, case studies, and government statistical data.
Table of Contents
Letter of Transmittal
Executive Summary
Define the Problem: What are the major factor causing of workplace violence
What is Workplace Violence?
Work place violence is has broad definition that can encompass more than just violent behavior. It has been used to in association with many behaviors including terrorism, armed robbery, verbal threats, spreading gossip, theft, vandalism, and sexual harassment (Nueman & Baron , 1988)
As defined on the Occupational Health and Safety Administration Website, “Workplace violence is any act or threat of physical violence, harassment, intimidation, or other threatening disruptive behavior that occurs at the work site. It ranges from threats and verbal abuse to physical assaults and even homicide. It can affect and involve employees, clients, customers and visitors.” (National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, 2014)
How is workplace violence committed?
The stimulus that triggers this type of behavior usually starts out as seemingly ambiguous, unintentional, and thoughtless acts and turns into intentional and highly coercive behavior which can cause retaliation (Bhalerao & Kumar, 2015).
There are three levels of causes of workplace aggression ” (1) the withholding of cooperation, spreading rumors or gossip, consistent arguing, belligerency, and the use of offensive language, (2) intense arguments with supervisors, coworkers, and customers, sabotage, verbal threats and feelings of persecution, and (3) frequent displays of intense anger resulting in recurrent suicidal threats, physical fights, destruction of property, use of weapons, and the commission of murder, rape, and/or arson. (Nueman & Baron , 1988)
Why is workplace violence occurring?
Stress from work condition or performance requirements: general state laws defines significant deliberate stress to employees needs to be considered outrageous behavior by those outside the situation and result in severe emotional distress. “Victims of stress can experience multiple physical repercussions, including anxiety, depression, stomach ailments, nervous tremors, high blood pressure, insomnia, and ulcers, to name a few. They can miss work as a result of the physical symptoms or because of dread. Often, they seek counseling or psychological treatment (Zachary, 2014).”
Low morale:
“Situations that may cause some employees to become upset include …
Layoffs or downsizings Discipline or termination Failure to get a raise or promotion Job insecurity Poor relationships with supervisors or other employees Poor communication” (National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, 2014)
Inappropriate behavior between employees/employers:
(Manilla, 2008)
“Violence may breed in organizations with an authoritarian style of management and where there is a division between employees and managers. Other factors that may lead to violence include: Inconsistencies in policies and decision making Discouragement of creativity and new ideas Negative environmental factors No program in place to deal with violence By contrast, workplaces in which fair and consistent treatment of employees is the rule do not generally foster violence. These organizations have policies and procedures that promote respect in the workplace” (National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, 2014)
Unheard concerns or complaints or lack of acknowledgement
Inconsistencies in policies and decision making Discouragement of creativity and new ideas Negative environmental factors No program in place to deal with violence (National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, 2014)
Who can perform workplace violence
Employee, Employer, Costumer/Client, Suspect/Stranger
-“acts of violence by disgruntled co-workers, clients, customers, or patients; and domestic violence involving ex-spouses or family members.” (Manilla, 2008)
-“Criminal” refers to when the perpetrator has no legitimate relationship to the business or its employees and is usually committing a crime in conjunction with the violence (e.g., robbery, shoplifting, or trespassing). (Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries, 2015)
What is the solution: How to reduce the likely hood of workplace violence
Manager and employee training program to recognize signs of violent employees:
“To assist in solving problems, you must also develop your own conflict resolution skills and see that very level of management is also trained. Skills needed to avoid problems and to deal with angry or distraught employees include:
Being a good observer who notices and documents any changes in an employee’s behavior
Meeting with the employee and being prepared, getting to the point and providing examples of his or her problematic behavior
Getting employee input to create a solution
Identifying the steps the employee must take to change his or her conduct
Conducting follow-up meetings to check on the employee’s progress and modifying the plan, if necessary, with his or her input” (National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, 2014)
Provide support outlets for employees to reduce trigger factors
(DelBel, 2003)
Define the parameters of what is workplace violence and its consequences in a policy (Bandow & Hunter, 2008)
Evaluation of the solution: Recommendations based on the solutions available
Criterion A: Ensure employee safety
Explain the criterion
How solutions help to establish criteria is met
Criterion B: Maintain productivity
Explain the criterion
How solution help to establish criteria is met
What are the implications of the facts
Actions to take place at Access Mortgage Company
Format: Work Cited
Visual Aids: (U.S. Department of Labor, 2014)