Chat with us, powered by LiveChat Is formal education or work experience and skill MORE important to gaining success as Physician Assistance (PA)? REQUIRED SOURCE: 1) - Writingforyou

Is formal education or work experience and skill MORE important to gaining success as Physician Assistance (PA)? REQUIRED SOURCE: 1)

Please write a 1,000 to 1,200-word research essay arguing the following topic/question from the point of view of the career you intend to pursue after college.
Topic/question: Is formal education or work experience and skill MORE important to gaining success as Physician Assistance (PA)?
QUESTION: PICK ONE SIDE TO ARGUE. Either you will use the essay to argue why formal education is less valuable than work experience for your chosen profession even with what artificial intelligence is able to do now and in the future, OR you will argue that formal education is more valuable. Make two (2) lists of reasons for yourself for each side of the debate, less valuable versus more valuable, and see which list is not just longer but most persuasive if you had to argue with someone with an opposing viewpoint. Whichever list of reasons you feel you can more convincingly argue in writing is the side to pick for authoring your essay.