Chat with us, powered by LiveChat How i found myself single led myself into wanting the dating world Ended up interacting with more people within my generation (social context, dating apps, going out on dates) How when i got - Writingforyou

How i found myself single led myself into wanting the dating world Ended up interacting with more people within my generation (social context, dating apps, going out on dates) How when i got

Can I please have a middle paragraph in narrative form explains these jot notes about how I don’t fit in with my generation. How hooking Up is the new thing but dating and fairy Tails is what I love like the past. how girls got names for hooking up but nowadays it’s normal. thank you narrative form pls
General concepts
How i found myself single led myself into wanting the dating world
Ended up interacting with more people within my generation (social context, dating apps, going out on dates)
How when i got forced into that situation (dating apps) and how my own personal values didn’t align with the general age group and dating
Found i didn’t fit in
Personal experiences
Found myself having to compromised my own integrity around intimacy (sex)
Dating means a lot to me (See dating as love, family, trust, and the key to life.)
Dating means learning about you as a person and if your interests align with the other person, getting to know one another and connects with their families, seeing their future, etc
How pure pressure occurred from friends and family (common) (close people told me their own personal experiences and how finding the “right guy” may lead me towards this direction.)
Tried tinder
Met men online, been out on dates, and thought it was leading to something good, however since i didn’t meet their expectation around intimacy they dropped me like a dime.
Girlfriends told me I needed to go
Not meeting the social standard of a women my age because I didn’t have enough intimate partners like they did which made me feel “less” “not normal”