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Etiology, signs/symptoms, assessment, diagnoses, treatment and anything else pertinent to the disorder.

Your presentation must include a minimum of 11 slices including a slide with you references. please make sure cover etiology, signs/symptoms, assessment, diagnoses, treatment and anything else pertinent to the disorder.


Etiology signs and symptoms, assessment, diagnoses, treatment and anything else pertinent to the disorder.


Etiology is the study of causes. In this case, it refers to the cause of autism spectrum disorder (ASD).


This can be determined through a variety of methods:

  • Metabolic testing—a patient’s blood work will show if they have high levels of alkaline phosphatase or other markers associated with autism. If so, it doesn’t mean that you have ASD but rather that your child may have another condition similar to it; however, there are some cases where these tests do indicate an underlying metabolic disease such as epilepsy or mitochondrial disorder that causes ASD symptoms instead.

  • DNA analysis—a DNA test can determine whether someone has certain mutations in their genes related to brain development and function like those found on chromosome 11p12-13 which code for proteins involved in synapsing connections between neurons during fetal development (1). These mutations have been linked with ASD because they affect how these proteins function at various stages throughout childhood up until adulthood when we learn how our brains work best; therefore affecting how well people learn new things later on down through life due us learning new skills better than others who don’t have any issues with them whatsoever.”

Signs and Symptoms

The signs and symptoms of ADHD are:

  • Inattention, which means that you have trouble paying attention in school or work, or when you’re driving. It can also mean that you can’t remember things like numbers or names.

  • Hyperactivity/impulsivity, which means acting without thinking about what’s happening around you; acting before thinking; acting without thinking about how others might feel about your behavior; fidgeting a lot (for example, tapping your finger on the table); interrupting often in conversations with others.

In addition to these common signs and symptoms of ADHD are:


Assessment is the process of collecting information about a disorder. The tools used in assessment include taking a history, conducting a physical examination and ordering laboratory tests. The goal of assessment is to determine if the problem is psychiatric or medical in nature.

In assessing patients with eating disorders it is important to assess their current level of functioning both at home (e.g., relationships with family members) as well as work related issues such as employment status or education level. It’s also important that they receive proper treatment while they’re on this journey toward recovery so that they can reach their full potential again like everyone else does once they’ve recovered from an eating disorder


Diagnosis is based on a combination of clinical presentation, physical examination, and laboratory findings. Clinical presentation includes the presence of characteristic symptoms and results of laboratory tests.

The diagnosis can also be made by using an algorithm that involves differentiating between various types of depression in order to better understand its characteristics.


There are many treatment options for depression. The most common treatments include:

  • Psychotherapy, which can involve one-on-one sessions or group therapy sessions with other people who have the same disorder as you (called “peer support”). This type of therapy is typically more effective than medications because it addresses the root causes of your depression.

  • Medication, which can be taken as pills or in liquid form to help relieve symptoms such as fatigue and sleep disturbances. Antidepressants are one type of medication used to treat depression; they work by changing how your brain responds to certain chemicals called neurotransmitters that affect moods and behavior patterns—such as serotonin in your brain affecting how you feel sad when things don’t go well at work/school/home…


You can take away the following:

  • What is the takeaway?

  • Why is this information important?

  • What should you do with this information?


The treatment of bipolar disorder is complicated and requires a thorough understanding of the illness. It is important to seek professional help as soon as possible.