Chat with us, powered by LiveChat Infographics are used to communicate complex ideas in a visually pleasing, yet simple to understand manner. Evaluation,?create an Infographic that communicates the information you want to co - Writingforyou

Infographics are used to communicate complex ideas in a visually pleasing, yet simple to understand manner. Evaluation,?create an Infographic that communicates the information you want to co

 Infographics are used to communicate complex ideas in a visually pleasing, yet simple to understand manner.

Evaluation, create an Infographic that communicates the information you want to convey about either Thales, any Pre-Socratic philosopher, or Socrates.

Imagine you are a recruiter for his school or his philosophy. Present some historical information about your philosopher, but also present information about theories you find interesting, accomplishments, snippets of any writing. Sell me on this philosopher. Present reasons I would want to have this philosopher as my teacher.

This satisfies Course Objective 1.

When creating your infographic, please consider the following:

  • Use an Infographic program such as PiktochartVisme, MS Publisher, or MS PowerPoint. For many of these, you will need an account for them to work properly (they will still be free). Do not pay for an account.
  • Use copyright-free images (included in the Infographic program used).
  • Include text to explain your argument and describe your position.
  • Include data to support your argument.
  • Include at least two sources in the Infographic and include both references at the bottom and in-text citations on the infographic where the referenced material was used.

Use Thales for topic.

Examples in the files

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I�fograp�ic by: Jo�� S�it� © Lear�i�g � Develop�e�t Dept.



Thales of Miletus The First Philosopher 

First of the Seven Sages of Greece! Founder of Philosophy! First to question the origins of the universe. Developer of 5 mathematic theories

Who is Thales

Thales Ideas

The Earth The earth is spherical and at rest. It is

also surrounded by water and has wood properties. This is how the

earth floats on water. (Rusu)


Water is the Origin Everything is full of water. All things

emerge from water and all things will return to water. (O'Grady)

Rusu, Livia. “How Thales of Miletus Changed the World.” ZME Science, 2 Feb. 2021,

O'Grady, P., 2022. Thales of Miletus | Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy. [online] Available at: <>.

Earthquake Theory When earthquakes happen it is

merely  the movements of the oceans and their roughness around the

earth. (O'Grady)

To study under Thales is to follow an open mindset and to question the commonalities of life. If you believe that there is more to the world than the chaotic nature of the gods, then you have come to the right place.

There are answers to the universe that you can only find when you open your mind to observation and reason. Thales has founded many

different things to include multiple mathematic and scientific theories. He is a well established as a philosopher and is the first of the Seven

Sages of Greece. There is no better choice in a leader than that of Thales of Miletus. 

Choose Thales

Reference List

In an isosceles triangle the bases are equal. The angle in a semicircle is a right angle. If two straight lines cut

each other they make vertical angles equal to one another. (Rusu)