Chat with us, powered by LiveChat Green Rabbit is a candy wholesale company that has had a success story based on the use of ERP. Two friends, Joe Melville and Greg Balestrieri founded a candy wholesale business in the US ca - Writingforyou

Green Rabbit is a candy wholesale company that has had a success story based on the use of ERP. Two friends, Joe Melville and Greg Balestrieri founded a candy wholesale business in the US ca

management case study and need support to help me learn.

Question One A-
Your first task is to select a case study (from the real world, using the internet, or any resource). It can be related to enterprise systems, an organization/store, or any relevant topic. B- After selecting the case study, describe it in your own words using the following points.  Clear headline (introduction): It should give the most important information that describes the case study.  Business process: describe in detail the activity, how the business process is done, and the main Input and Output. (If there are many business processes, select one with issues)  The current situation: It describes the current situation based on the business process. By providing the main points, including the clients name/industry, the product/service used, and quick result stats.  The Issues: State the problem/issues, consequences, and any hesitations in the business process.
Requirements: 200 – 500
College of Computing and Informatics Case Study DEADLINE: MONDAY 13/02/2023 @ 23:59 [Total Mark is 14] Student Details: CRN: Name: Hussain Ali Al-Hadhban Name: Ahmad Al-Shammari Name: Aseel silsilah ID: S190007710 ID: S180172466 ID: S180218799 Instructions: You must submit two separate copies (one Word file and one PDF file) using the Assignment Template on Blackboard via the allocated folder. These files must not be in compressed format. It is your responsibility to check and make sure that you have uploaded both the correct files. Zero mark will be given if you try to bypass the SafeAssign (e.g., misspell words, remove spaces between words, hide characters, use different character sets, convert text into image or languages other than English or any kind of manipulation). Email submission will not be accepted. You are advised to make your work clear and well-presented. This includes filling your information on the cover page. You must use this template, failing which will result in zero mark. You MUST show all your work, and text must not be converted into an image, unless specified otherwise by the question. Late submission will result in ZERO mark. The work should be your own, copying from students or other resources will result in ZERO mark. Use Times New Roman font for all your answers. Integrated Enterprise Systems IT 402
Pg. 01 قيبطتل “ةيسيئرلا ةحفصلا” بيوبتلا ةمﻼع مدختسا !أطخHeading 1 .انه رهظي نأ يف بغرت يذلا صنلا ىلع Question One A- Your first task is to select a case study (from the real world, using the internet, or any resource). It can be related to enterprise systems, an organization/store, or any relevant topic. B- After selecting the case study, describe it in your own words using the following points.  Clear headline (introduction): It should give the most important information that describes the case study.  Business process: describe in detail the activity, how the business process is done, and the main Input and Output. (If there are many business processes, select one with issues)  The current situation: It describes the current situation based on the business process. By providing the main points, including the clients name/industry, the product/service used, and quick result stats.  The Issues: State the problem/issues, consequences, and any hesitations in the business process. Learning Outcome(s): CLO1: Explain the interdisciplinary concepts, theories, and trends in ES and their role in supporting business operations. 4 Marks
Pg. 02 سيئرلا ةحفصلا” بيوبتلا ةمﻼع مدختسا !أطخ قيبطتل “ةيHeading 1 .انه رهظي نأ يف بغرت يذلا صنلا ىلع Answer Q1: Question One: GREEN RABBIT CASE STUDY  Introduction: Green Rabbit is a candy wholesale company that has had a success story based on the use of ERP. Two friends, Joe Melville and Greg Balestrieri founded a candy wholesale business in the US called The business operated online to sell candy to candy lovers, event planners and candy retailers. They transported their candy to customers based in different parts of the US. However, there encountered a significant challenge midway through their operations. When the summer approached, owners realized that the high summer temperatures melted candy on transit to their respective clients. Therefore, there was a significant reduction of quality of candy due to the summer temperature. The situation forced the Green Rabbit owners to rethink their operations. Another challenge that these owners encountered was on their use of three platforms including excel, email and QuickBooks. There was a failure of these three platforms to communicate with each leading to delays in processing sales data. The two owners decided to introduce ERP from NetSuite to improve its operations efficiency. They further developed a delivery system that kept candy safe from heat during shipment in summer. As a result, the company managed to ship candy to customers across the country within 24 hours. It also expanded its warehouses to three within the US. Besides, the owners decided to change the company name from to Green Rabbit.  Business process: (The order process) Since Green Rabbit started as a candy wholesale business, its business process involved making orders from the candy manufacturers to supply it with candy. The company would then receive candy in its warehouse before making plans to deliver it. Besides, the company would receive orders from candy retailers, lovers, and even planners. Upon processing of the invoices, the company would supply the customers with candy within the specified period. Green Candy supplied candy lovers and retailers with candy across the US and the process would take a significant length of time. Besides, the processing of candy orders took time due to lack of a centralized system
Pg. 03 قيبطتل “ةيسيئرلا ةحفصلا” بيوبتلا ةمﻼع مدختسا !أطخHeading 1 .انه رهظي نأ يف بغرت يذلا صنلا ىلع that would process communication from different sources. The company used three main channels including Excel, QuickBooks, and email in its order processing.  The current situation: The multiple databases used by Green Rabbit made it impossible for the company to conduct real-time data analysis since they could not communicate with each other. The databases included email, QuickBooks and Excel. The warehouse needed assistance from the IT team to enable them process orders, slowing the process. Besides, the company owners realized that the hot summer melted the candies on their shipment and lower the quality of candy before reaching the consumers. It needed to solve its logistics operations to ensure that the candies reached consumers in their right quality. This goal was only achievable by Green Rabbit upon implementing an efficient logistics approach that would reduce the transportation time.  The Issues: had been successful in the market as it supplied candy retailers, lovers and event planners with candy across the US. However, it realized that the hot summer could paralyze its operations and it had to change its ES to retain clients. The company therefore made various observations to its operations as listed below. o The delivery time was long leading to delayed delivery of candy to customers. o The hot summer interfered with the quality of candy on transit. o The three databases used by the company could not communicate with one another. o The customers at times received melted candies due to hot weather and delayed delivery.
Pg. 04 “ةيسيئرلا ةحفصلا” بيوبتلا ةمﻼع مدختسا !أطخ قيبطتلHeading 1 .انه رهظي نأ يف بغرت يذلا صنلا ىلع Question Two A- Model (As-Is) process using BPMN 2.0 using any tool such as Visio. (1 mark) B- Then analyze As-Is process from at least two perspectives. (2 mark) For example, if quality and time perspectives are taken then mention at least 1 issue related to quality and 1 issue related to time in the process Learning Outcome(s): CLO4: Design ES architectural models for various business processes. 3 Marks
Pg. 05 قيبطتل “ةيسيئرلا ةحفصلا” بيوبتلا ةمﻼع مدختسا !أطخHeading 1 .انه رهظي نأ يف بغرت يذلا صنلا ىلع Question Two Answer Q2: C- Model (As-Is) process using BPMN 2.0 using any tool such as Visio. (1 mark) Learning Outcome(s): CLO4: Design ES architectural models for various business processes. YES 3 Marks Cl ient Shipping CouriOrder for Candy Payment Invoicing Ship Transport candy Refund Return candy to Warehouse Order Cancelled Cancel candy Order YES NO Payment completed?
Pg. 06 بطتل “ةيسيئرلا ةحفصلا” بيوبتلا ةمﻼع مدختسا !أطخ قيHeading 1 .انه رهظي نأ يف بغرت يذلا صنلا ىلع A- Then analyze As-Is process from at least two perspectives. (2 mark) For example, if quality and time perspectives are taken then mention at least 1 issue related to quality and 1 issue related to time in the process The perspectives analyzed in this study include both quality and efficiency. The decision by the two owners of Green Rabbit to apply the new ERP enabled it to efficiently deliver the candy orders to its customers spread across the US within 24 hours. Therefore, the company became highly efficient to ensure that the customers receive their candy orders when fresh for consumption. The quality also appears since the new system allowed Green Candy to avoid the melting of candy due to poor hot weather during the summer. It enabled the company to properly transport candy to the clients without melting from excessive heat in the atmosphere.
Pg. 07 قيبطتل “ةيسيئرلا ةحفصلا” بيوبتلا ةمﻼع مدختسا !أطخHeading 1 .انه رهظي نأ يف بغرت يذلا صنلا ىلع Question Three A- Propose at least two ideas for improving process of your selected case study from any perspectives: for example: (a) equipment perspective, (b) employees perspective, (c) IT & IS technologies perspective, etc. B- Also explain how your suggestions will solve business process issues? Learning Outcome(s): CLO3: Discuss the issues and challenges associated with implementing ES and their impacts on corporate enterprises. 3 Marks
Pg. 08 قيبطتل “ةيسيئرلا ةحفصلا” بيوبتلا ةمﻼع مدختسا !أطخHeading 1 .انه رهظي نأ يف بغرت يذلا صنلا ىلع Question Three Answer Q3: C- Propose at least two ideas for improving process of your selected case study from any perspectives: for example: (a) equipment perspective, (b) employees perspective, (c) IT & IS technologies perspective, etc. The two approaches that Green Rabbit can apply to improve its system include the recruitment and training of highly innovative employees and application of modern technology. The company has made significant step in the market by capturing a large number of candy consumers in the US. Therefore, it needs innovative employees that always think about new strategies to improve efficiency in the candy wholesale business conducted by Green Rabbit. The organization can also organize for staff training to enlighten its workers with new ideas about the market. Logistics is one area that require innovation and having innovative employees will save Green Rabbit a lot of money that it uses to secure the modern technology. Further, Green Rabbit should learn about the current dynamics in the IT industry and always try to implement the latest technology. The approach will enable the company to maintain a robust logistics system that sustains its thousands of customers across the country. 3 Marks
Pg. 09 قيبطتل “ةيسيئرلا ةحفصلا” بيوبتلا ةمﻼع مدختسا !أطخHeading 1 .انه رهظي نأ يف بغرت يذلا صنلا ىلع D- Also explain how your suggestions will solve business process issues? Recruitment of the right employees and offering them the right training will allow them to use the incorporated technologies by the company. It will also enable the firm to develop new technologies from within to improve its operations. The acquisition of latest technology will ensure that Green Rabbit keeps pace with its direct competitors and continue to generate income.
Description and Instructions
Case Study Objective:
This case study is an opportunity for you to practice your knowledge and to develop skills of working in teams.
Total Marks = 14
Group Size = 3-4 Members.
One group member (group leader/coordinator) should submit all files: Project Report and Presentation Slides on blackboard.
Marks will be given based on your submission and quality of the contents.
Project Report
Each Project Report will be evaluated according to the marking criteria mentioned in each question section.
Students (Group) need to present their projects (either F2F or Virtual) in week# 11. (Considered as last week before the final review)
Presentation schedule with date and allocated timing will be shared with the students via Blackboard before the end of Week # 10.

Gold pizza?is a Pizza restaurant established in 2000. The pizza restaurant uses food ingredients, including meat, vegetables, and seafood, which meet the set standards. It is a small restaurant owned by two people. One of them was responsible for buying goods and bringing them to the restaurant two times a day: every morning and late afternoon. The other owner manages the restaurant activities and organizes shifts for employees. Because the restaurant is open 24 hours, seven days a week, with three shifts, they employ well-experienced employees on each shift. The restaurant has three chefs for making the dough of pizza and sauce, three well-trained employees for preparing and putting the ingredients in the pizza, and three well-trained employees for cooking the pizza and controlling the oven heat. The owners work in this restaurant with other employees to help them .
Business process: (The order process )
The process starts by welcoming the customer and giving them the menu. The customer looks into the menu and then places their order. The cashier writes down the order on a separate paper for each customer, calculates the prices, and then asks the customer to pay (3 minutes). After getting the payment, the cashier handed the paper of each order to the second employee. The second employee then starts pizza preparation based on the order (the restaurant has two bases of dough: the thin dough and the thick dough) (4 minutes). The next employee is responsible for filling the pizza with the ingredients based on each customers order (2 minutes). The next employee takes the pizza, puts it into the oven until it is ready, and then gets it back (3 minutes for thin dough base and 5 minutes for thick dough base). The last employee cuts the pizza and packages it, then hands it to the customer (2 minutes).
The current situation:
The restaurant starts to get a lot of orders that are over its capacity due to its reputation. It usually gets around 25 orders from persons coming to their restaurant in each hour. Each order ?? on average ?? includes 4 Pizza of different bases and ingredients. However, the restaurant lost a couple of its experienced employees responsible for preparing and cooking pizzas.
The Issues:
The Gold pizza restaurant was very successful and had many customers and significant revenue. However, the restaurant starts to lose many of its loyal customers and receives a considerable number of complaints. The managers started to investigate the complaints they received. They also contacted their loyal customers to understand the different issues more clearly. After this deep investigation, they categorized the issues into the following categories:
Some of the pizzas bases and ingredients are unavailable in the early afternoon or late night.
The waiting time becomes unacceptable to customers.
The quantity of ingredients is not always the same which affecting the taste of the pizza.
The thick dough base of pizza is sometimes undercooked.
The customers sometimes get some of their pizza cold.
The customers sometimes get the wrong order.
Note: the above mentioned case study is just an example; students are supposed to find a separate case study for any area of manufacturing, business, market, etc.
Question One
Your first task is to select a case study (from the real world, using the internet, or any resource). It can be related to enterprise systems, an organization/store, or any relevant topic.
After selecting the case study, describe it in your own words using the following points.?
Clear headline (introduction):?It should give the most important information that describes the case study.?
Business process:?describe in detail the activity, how the business process is done, and the main Input and Output. (If there are many business processes, select one with issues)
The current situation:?It describes the current situation based on the business process. By providing the main points, including the clients name/industry, the product/service used, and quick result stats.
The Issues: State the problem/issues, consequences, and any hesitations in the business process.
Question Two
Model (As-Is) process using BPMN 2.0 using any tool such as Visio. (1 mark)
Then analyze As-Is process from at least two perspectives. (2 mark)
For example, if quality and time perspectives are taken then mention at least 1 issue related to quality and 1 issue related to time in the process
Question Three
Propose at least two ideas for improving process of your selected case study from any perspectives: for example: (a) equipment perspective, (b) employees perspective, (c) IT & IS technologies perspective, etc.
Also explain how your suggestions will solve business process issues?