Chat with us, powered by LiveChat PLEASE ANSWER THE FOLLOWING STUDY GUIDE QUESTIONS 1)Imagine you are sitting on the subway listening to music when the train stops and everyone else gets off the train. You get off the train too be - Writingforyou

PLEASE ANSWER THE FOLLOWING STUDY GUIDE QUESTIONS 1)Imagine you are sitting on the subway listening to music when the train stops and everyone else gets off the train. You get off the train too be

1)Imagine you are sitting on the subway listening to music when the train stops and everyone else gets off the train. You get off the train too because you assume they know something that you do not. This is an example of
A: Informational influence
B: Normative influence
C:Identity leadership
D: Obedience
2) In the Stanford Prison Experiment, how did Zimbardo dehumanize the prisoners?
A:He gave them numbers instead of names
B:He gave them sunglasses to deindividuate them
C:He gave them explicit instructions about how to behave in the study
D:He kept reminding them it was just an experiment
3) Behavior regarding which of the following is dictated by an explicit norm?
A:Standing on your chair in the middle of lecture
B:Facing inward in an elevator
D:Walking forwards rather skipping to get places
4)in schools using the power of_________ to create social change:
A:social norms
B:Implicit bias
D:The central route to persuasion
5)What is social desirability?
A: People feel like they are supposed to ask questions a certain way because of how people will judge them if they answer honestly
B:People desire social interactions
C:Society demands that we all act the same way no matter what
D: People feel like if they don’t answer questions honestly the experimenter will find out
6) In Asch’s line experiments, if any of the confederates disagree with each other then conformity:
C:Stays the same as in the original study
D:This study is now about conformity
7) On a trivia game show a contestant is stumped by a difficult question and is given the option of polling the audience for the answer. After the majority of the audience chooses answer A, _________ leads the contestant to believe that A is the correct answer.
A:Informational influence
B:Normative influence
8)One key difference between obedience and conformity is:
A:Obedience explains the behavior from the point of view of the one who obeys; conformity does not explain the behavior for the one who conforms
B:Conformity but not obedience is an example of social influence
C:Obedience but not conformity is an example of social influence
D:Conformity occurs within a hierarchy; obedience does not
9:According to the MODERN interpretation of the Stanford Prison Experiment:
A:Zimbardo was right and totally cool and acted appropriately
B:The prisoners were just following orders
C:Leaders who cultivate a sense of “us vs them” can foster a culture of dehumanization and violence
D:Our social roles override our personal values
10:How can you resist normative influence now that you know it exists?
A:Frame the change as consistent with the values of your group
B:Frame the change as revolutionary for your group
C:Make sure you have a history of non-conformity within your group so your group expects change from you
D:Make sure you have proof that the change will be good for your group
11:Influence is usually leads to private acceptance while _______Usually leads to public acceptance only.
A:Informational influence; normative influence
B:Normative influence; informational influence
C:Obedience; conformity
D:Compliance; conformity
12:In the Milgram experiment, what is the operationalization of obedience?
A:Whether the “teacher” administered painful shocks to the “learner”
B:Whether the “learner” expressed pain after receiving the shocks
C:Whether people will obey authority even to do something that hurts others
D:Whether proximity affects how many people will go up to the highest voltage
13:According to ZIMBARDO’s interpretation of the Stanford Prison Experiment:
A:The guards needed explicit guidance to be cruel
B:Our personal values override our social roles
C:Our social roles override our personal values
D:The prisoners were to blame for what happened to them
14: A __________ is what everyone actually does; A________ is what people think everyone should do
A:Prescriptive norm; descriptive norm
B:Descriptive norm; prescriptive norm
C:Implicit attitude; explicit attitude
D:Explicit attitude; implicit attitude
15:According to Tankard & Paluck (2017) after the Supreme Court ruled to make gay marriage legal in the U.S.:
A:Americans changed their personal attitudes to be more favorable toward the LGBTQ+ community
B:Americans changed their personal attitudes to be less favorable toward the LGBTQ+ community
C:Americans perceived that other Americans had a more favorable attitude toward the LGBTQ+ community
D:Americans perceived that other Americans had a less favorable attitude toward the LGBTQ+c Community
16:Imagine many people are standing around looking up at the sky. Using your knowledge of conformity what do you think other passersby will do?
A:Ignore them
B:Also stop and look up at the sky
C:Tell them to stop looking up because there is nothing there
D:Shock them at 450 volts
17:What are the three different types of social influence?
A:Obedience; consensus; agreement
B:Conformity; compliance; independence
C:Compliance; obedience; conformity
D:Individualism; independence; initiation
18: One big lesson from social psychology is:
A:We think our convictions and beliefs determine our behavior but situational factors like social norms have a big impact on what we do
B:Our attitudes perfectly predict our behavior
C:When people commit acts of violence it is because they are unique and different from normal people
D:People are the way they are; there is nothing we can do to change how they behave
19:Consider the Asch line study: how does the number of people who are influencing you affect the probability that you will conform?
A:Conformity increases linearly as the number of people who are influencing you increases
B:Conformity increases linearly until the number of people who are influencing you reaches 10 people. Once it reaches 10, the probability of conformity levels out
C:Conformity increases nonlinearly until the number of people who are influencing you reaches 4-5 people. Once it reaches 4-5, the probability of conformity levels out
D:The number of people who are influencing you has no effect on probability of conformity
20: Sherif’s auto-kinetic effect study is an example of:
A:Normative social influence
B:Informational social influence
C:Compliance; obedience; conformity