1. Reflect on positive, supportive supervisory relationships you have experienced in the past. What were the essential elements that contributed to the success of this relationship? Some points to consider are:
Similar practice philosophy
Experienced supervisor both in practice and supervision
Both parties spent some time getting to know each other’s style
Your supervisor created a respectful environment and provided positive as well as constructive critical feedback
Both parties practiced ethical communication
Making mistakes was viewed as an opportunity to grow as a social worker
The supervisor was able to provide clear direction
Learning is a two-way street with a supervisor—this type of environment encourages full participation and adds respect to the relationship
2. Reflect on negative and/or unhelpful supervisory relationships you experienced in the past. What were the essential elements that contributed to the unsuccessful relationship? Some points to consider are:
Conflicting practice philosophies
The supervised has more experience and education than the supervisor
No reflection on learning style by either party
Just received positive feedback, and since no constructive critical feedback was given, the compliments lost their meaning
Communication about our supervision discussion was routinely shared without my knowledge
Mistakes were blown out of proportion
Supervisor contradicted themselves routinely
Supervisor spent most of supervision time talking about themselves
Supervisor was a perfectionist and never shared any mistakes they may have made at some point