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Strategic Use of Technology


Please find the attached documents and let me know if any questions arise. I also attached stage 1 that you did, just in case you would need it to have an idea of what has been completed. 

Section I: Strategic Use of Technology


Institutional Affiliation





Maryland Technology Consultants is an accessing firm that specializes in providing Information Technology (IT) solutions to clients. The firm uses proven methodologies to deliver measurable results and enhance business performance. The provision of IT consulting and outsourcing services will be the main topics of the Business Analysis and System Recommendations (BA&SR) report on MTC's commercial zone. Therefore, the report aims to create a strategic plan for implementing an onboarding program or recruiting system to enhance MTC's recruitment procedure. The report will employ a four-stage strategy to accomplish this goal. Each of them examines a different portion of the study. The report will emphasize providing exceptional consulting guidance and advice to its customers by hiring highly qualified experts and keeping up-to-date with cutting-edge business technologies and innovations.

I. Strategic Use of Technology

A. Business strategy

IT can revolutionize the manufacturing industry and transform business operations. Utilizing technology plays a critical role in trade and economic growth and can aid MTC in boosting its business progress through new contracts and partnerships (Chi, 2022). The usage of IT also broadens MTC's reach because it is no longer constrained by geographical region. By utilizing IT, MTC can assemble a group of international consultants that can help American onsite teams via remote study and evaluation. This can be one of the company's strategies. Additionally, IT enables more efficient identification of potential business partners in other countries or continents.

B. Competitive advantage

The Manufacturing Technology Corporation (MTC) operates in a highly competitive market, facing competition from both large-scale IT consulting organizations and smaller companies with specialized skill sets, as well as small to mid-sized businesses. MTC is concentrating on its hiring method to draw top IT experts with in-depth knowledge of cutting-edge technology and an inventive strategy for problem-solving for customers in order to acquire a competitive advantage (Amadeo & Rasure, 2022). The organization is aware that many applicants utilize online forms and anticipate a simple and quick application procedure in the current digital era. MTC has implemented an integrated hiring and retention strategy to fulfill this expectation, including a new IT solution. The candidate monitoring and hiring procedure is improved overall by this technology, which monitors the process more effectively than the manual method. The system also has a tool for managing business activities, simplifying management (David & David, 2016). The recruiting and recruitment procedures are streamlined by a piece of software called the applicant tracking system. Online processing allows the monitoring system to manage business operations and gather data, giving MTC a competitive edge over its main competitors.

C. Strategic Objectives

MTC intends to compete with more prominent companies for new IT Consulting projects by offering highly qualified IT consultants. MTC will be likely to do this in order to boost its effectiveness.

Strategic Goal



Increase MTC business development by winning new contracts in the areas of IT


Look into prospective business opportunities. Think about taking on one contract as the prime contractor and collaborating with at least two big firms as a subcontractor.

This statement suggests that the person or company should research different business opportunities and consider taking on a contract as the primary contractor while working with two other larger companies as subcontractors. This could involve partnering with larger companies to bid on and complete a project, with the primary contractor taking on the lead role and the subcontractors providing additional resources and expertise. This strategy could potentially help the primary contractor gain experience and credibility in the industry while also leveraging the resources and reputation of the larger firms.

Build a cadre of consultants internationally to provide remote research and analysis

support to MTC's onsite teams in the U. S.

Over the next twelve months, increase overseas hiring and bring on six research analysts.

Online applications will be accepted from candidates worldwide, resulting in a spike in the number of international applicants. As a result, hiring managers would have the chance to track candidates' progress for these roles, identify key research competencies, and evaluate resumes in light of those competencies. By looking at the applicant pool, recruitment agencies can quickly assess how many candidates are required to fulfill a goal.

Continue to increase MTC's ability to provide high-quality consultants to quickly

awarded contracts to best serve the client's needs.

Enlarge the hiring market. Over the next five months, five exceptionally talented talent acquisition specialists with at minimum five years of fast-paced experience in the industry should be employed.

To implement the new hiring strategy successfully, hiring qualified recruitment agencies used to demanding work settings is vital. They ought to know about hiring personnel after winning contracts.

Increase MTC's competitive advantage in the IT consulting marketplace by increasing its

reputation for having IT consultants who are highly skilled in leading edge technologies and

innovative solutions for its clients.

Create a culture within your firm that will draw in and keep talent. Reward staff members every quarter and acknowledge their contributions. Make use of MTC's advantages to expand your clientele and gain more market share.

Rewarding top achievers will result in happier, more productive workers and lower turnover rates. Customers will value and appreciate MTC's qualities, resulting in new contracts and collaborations.

D. Decision Making

Data tracking capabilities are among the most crucial features of information systems. The fact that an info system turns data into specific information is vital to comprehend. The ability to make decisions can be strengthened by using upgraded information just after data has been converted into knowledge.


Level as defined in Course Content Reading

Example of Possible Decision Supported by Hiring System

Example of Information, the Hiring System, Could provide to Support your Example Decision

Senior/Executive Managers (Decisions made by the CEO and the CFO at MTC supported by the hiring system)

Strategic level

Promote emerging markets that you are considering joining.

You should specify how many experts you will need because you will be working with a new arrangement.

Middle Managers (Decisions made by the Director of HR and the Manager of Recruiting supported by the hiring system)

Managerial level

There are various phases involved in allocating budgets and resources.

According to the contract terms, candidates might be chosen by hiring managers and the director of the headquarters office.

Operational Managers (Decisions made by the line managers in the organization who are hiring for their projects supported by the hiring system)

Operational level

Work at a different location with workers moving from one area to another.

All qualifications and certificates necessary for the new post will be confirmed through the system's verification procedure.


Amadeo, K, and Rasure, E. (2022, January). US and World Economies, What is Competitive Advantage?

Chi, C. (2022). Business Strategy: What It Is & How to Build an Effective One.

David, F., & David, F. R. (2016). Strategic management: A competitive advantage approach, concepts, and cases. Pearson–Prentice Hall.


Stage 2: Process Analysis: 2.5 pages

Before you begin work on this assignment, be sure you have read the Case Study and reviewed the feedback received on your Stage 1 assignment.


As the business analyst in the CIO's department of Maryland Technology Consulting (MTC), your next task in developing your Business Analysis and System Recommendation (BA&SR) Report is toconduct a process analysis. This will identify how the current manual process is working and what improvements could be made to the process that would be supported by a technology solution.

Assignment – BA&SR: Section II.Process Analysis

The first step is to review any feedback from Stage 1 to help improve the effectiveness of your overall report and then add the new section to your report. Only content for Stage 2 will be graded for this submission. Part of the grading criteria for Stage 4 includes evaluating if the document is a very effective and cohesive assemblage of the four sections, is well formatted and flows smoothly from one section to the next. For this assignment, you will add Section II of the Business Analysis and System Recommendation (BA&SR) Report to Section I. You will conduct an analysis of the current hiring process and present information on expected business improvements. This analysis lays the ground work for Section III. Requirements of the BA&SR Report (Stage 3 assignment) which will identify MTC's requirements for a system.

Using the case study, assignment instructions, Content readings, and external research, develop your Section II. Process Analysis. The case study tells you that the executives and employees at MTC have identified a need for an effective and efficient hiring system. As you review the case study, use the assignment instructions to take notes to assist in your analysis. As the stakeholders provide their needs and expectations to improve the process, identify steps that could be improved with the support of a hiring system. Also look for examples of issues and problems that can be improved with a technology solution.

Use the outline format, headings and tables provided and follow all formatting instructions below.

Begin with your Section I (Stage 1 assignment) and add Section II. Apply specific information from the case study to address each area along with relevant supporting research.

II. Process Analysis

A. Hiring Process

At the beginning of this section, write an introductory opening sentence for this section that addresses what the complete table provides. Refer to Week 3 and 4 content on processes and analyzing process improvements. Additional research can expand your knowledge of these areas.

The first step in analyzing the process is to document what the current process steps are and who is responsible for doing them. Therefore, the table provides the current steps in the manual hiring process provided by the case study. Remember , a process is a series of steps to perform a task; therefore, think about what the users are doing as part of the hiring process. Retain the as-is process steps provided; do not remove or revise these. Complete the second column by identifying the stakeholder responsible for this step based on the interviews in the MTC Case.

The next step is to identify how a hiring or applicant tracking systemcould improve each step in the process and how the business will benefit from that improvement. For each of the as-is process steps provided, complete the To-Be Process column in the table.indicating how this step in the process will be done using the hiring or applicant tracking system.For each process step, the statement should be concise and include an action verb and align with improving or replacing the current manual, as-is process step provided. Then complete the Business Benefits of the Improved Process column by explaining how this part of the process can contribute to the overall business strategy– think at a higher level than the specific process step . Review the examples provided in the Hiring Process table. For each to-be process step, identify the result of using the system, as shown in the two examples. While it is truethat the system will speed up each step of the process, think about how MTCwould benefit more strategically from using an automated system to perform that step.

The first row and last rows have been completed for you as an example and must be retained and not revised.Be sure your table contains a total of 12 steps. Use the examples to help you provide clear to-be process steps and business benefits. Your responses should be written in complete sentences.

MTC Hiring Process

As-Is Process

Responsible MTC Position

To-Be Process – How the system Will Support and Improvethe hiring process

Business Benefits of Improved Process (Align with MTC’s overall business strategy and needs.)

1. Recruiter receives application from job hunter via Postal Service Mail.


EXAMPLE PROVIDED – (Retain text as #1 but remove this label and gray shading in your report)

System will receive application via on-line submission through MTC Employment Website and store in the applicant database within the hiring system.

A more efficient submission process decreases time needed to receive and begin processing applications. This will present a positive image to potential employees and help MTC compete for top IT talent.

2. Recruiter screens resumes to identify top candidates by matching with job requirements from job description.

3. Recruiter forwards top candidates to Administrative Assistant via interoffice mail

4. Administrative Assistant forwards candidates’ resumes and applications to hiring manager for the position via interoffice mail.

5. Hiring Manager reviews applications and selects who he/she wants to interview.

6. Hiring Manager sends email to Administrative Assistant on who he/she has selected to interview and identifies members of the interview team.

7. AA schedules interviews by contacting interview team members and hiring manager to identify possible time slots

8. AA emails candidates to schedule interviews.

9. Interview is conducted with candidate, hiring manager and other members of the interview team.

Hiring Manager and Interview Team

Interview is conducted with candidate, hiring manager and other members of the interview team. (Hiring System is not used for this step.)


10. AA collects feedback from interviews and status of candidates

11. Hiring manager informs the AA on his top candidate for hiring

12. Administrative Assistant prepares offer letter based on information from recruiter and puts in the mail to the chosen candidate.

Administrative Assistant

EXAMPLE PROVIDED – (Retain text as #12 but remove this label and gray shading in your report)

System enables AA to prepare job offer letter by storing the offer letter template and information on each candidate; allows AA to select information to go into letter and put it into the template, which can then be reviewed and emailed to the candidate.

More efficient offer process presents positive image to applicants and decreases time needed to prepare offer letter, and enablesMTC to hire in advance of the competition.

B. Expected Improvements – As noted in the case study, there are a lot of manual processes, overwhelming paperwork, difficulty scheduling interviews, etc. related to MTC’s current manual hiring process. A technology solution can address many of these issues. For each of the areas listed in the table below, provide an example of an issue from the case study and how a technology solution could be used to improve that area. Issues and improvements should be addressed in 1-2 clear, complete sentences with information incorporated from the case study. The first one is provided as an example. Note: This is not about the stakeholders' wishes or expectations for the new system but identifying the current issues they have. Some may be explicitly stated in the interviews and for others you may need to apply some critical thinking. (Provide an introductory sentence and copy the table and insert information within.) For explanations of these areas, refer to Week 4 content on analyzing process improvements.Additional research can expand your knowledge of these areas.


Current Issues

(from the Case Study)


(due to use of technology)



(Retain text but remove this label and gray shading in your report)

The Hiring Manager states that recruiting is only one area he is responsible for and he isn’t as responsive to HR as he could be. Therefore, he counts on the Recruiters to help manage the process and keep him informed.

Current manual system causes considerable communication breakdowns and takes additional effort and time to stay on top of the hiring process.

An efficient system with all information in one place, easily accessible via a dashboard, and updated in real time could make his recruiting job easier; and he could devote time to effectively working collaboratively and proactively with HR on his staffing needs.

Communications: Explain how a hiring system could improve internal and external communications

Workflow: Explain how a hiring system could improve the MTC hiring process by providing a consistent structure for each participant to perform his/her part in the hiring process.

Relationships: Explain h