Chat with us, powered by LiveChat Using information from the lecture,?Identify which event listed above you believe made the biggest impact on Western Civilization. You must choose one and only one (d - Writingforyou

Using information from the lecture,?Identify which event listed above you believe made the biggest impact on Western Civilization. You must choose one and only one (d


  • Using information from the lecture, 
    1. Identify which event listed above you believe made the biggest impact on Western Civilization.
      • You must choose one and only one (do not describe all three)- The Black Death, the Hundred Years’ War, or the Great Western Schism.
      • Keep in mind that “biggest impact” may be considered negative, positive, or both.
    2. Describe the event
      • State when the event occurred (I’m looking for dates or centuries)
      • Fully explain what caused the event (make sure to fully explain this. Some of these events have multiple causes)
      • Fully explain what happened during the event
    3. Fully discuss the consequences of your chosen event.
      • If you discuss the Black Death, explain how it impacted the economy, art, and literature (make sure to discuss all three).
      • If you discuss the Hundred Years’ War, explain how it affected weapons and language.
      • If you discuss the Great Western Schism, explain how it impacted the religious ideas of people and respect for the pope
    4. Fully explain why you believe the event you chose made the biggest impact.
      • You may refer back to some of the information you provided when describing the event to explain your choice.

Identify which event listed above you believe made the biggest impact on Western Civilization.


This is a discussion post.

Justinian Code (Law code)

The Justinian Code was a law code that was issued by the Byzantine emperor Justinian I in AD 529. This law code was in effect during the Middle Ages and into modern times. It was used as a guide for creating legal systems throughout Europe, Asia and Africa, including England and France (which are both descendants of Roman provinces).

The central feature of the Justinian Code is its emphasis on codifying existing laws rather than making new ones or adapting existing ones for each region/country. This allowed for consistency across all societies without having every jurisdiction apply different rules or laws depending on where they lived.

The Magna Carta

The Magna Carta was a document that laid the foundation for the English legal system. It was signed by King John in 1215, and is one of the most important documents in the history of democracy.

The Magna Carta established a number of rights for all people under English law—the right to trial by jury (the body charged with judging guilt or innocence), protection from arbitrary imprisonment and torture, protection from unlawful seizure of property or money owed to one’s family members (including wives), restrictions on how fast taxes could be raised without consent from Parliament–and more. It also allowed citizens’ guilds (called “freemen”) to sue their leaders if they broke their contracts with them (making sure they kept their promises). This was an important step toward creating what we now call “civil society,” because it gave citizens something they could rely on when making decisions about how best run their communities.

The Hundred Years’ War

The Hundred Years’ War was a series of conflicts between England and France. It began in 1337 and lasted more than 100 years, from 1337 to 1453. The war was fought over the English claim to the French throne and resulted in the emergence of England as a major power in Europe.

The Reconquista

The Reconquista was the retaking of Spain by Christian forces from Muslim rule. It began in the 10th century and lasted for over 600 years; it was completed in 1492.

The Protestant Reformation

The Protestant Reformation was a religious movement that began in the 16th century and culminated with Martin Luther’s Ninety-Five Theses, which questioned the authority of the Catholic Church. This event led to a split from the Catholic Church and sparked years of religious upheaval.


One of the biggest influences on Western Civilization was the Enlightenment. The Enlightenment was a major intellectual movement that took place during Europe’s Age of Reason, from about 1750 to 1800. It was an age when people became increasingly skeptical of religion and superstition, and began to question what they could know for sure about reality and their place within it.

The Enlightenment thinkers were concerned with the world around them: they believed in science, reason & logic over superstition & faith! They also believed in equality between men & women (although not everyone agreed), which led to some important female rights movements like suffrage movement or feminism (the latter having been coined by Simone de Beauvoir).

Scientific Revolution

The Scientific Revolution was a period of scientific discovery and invention in Europe, occurring between 16th and 18th centuries. It was associated with the Copernican Revolution, the Age of Enlightenment, and the Industrial Revolution.

The Scientific Revolution led to the development of modern science—which has since come to be applied not only to human knowledge but also to other realms such as politics, economics and law enforcement.

This is a discussion post

This is a discussion post, so you can add your own answer and discuss other people’s answers. If you don’t have an answer, feel free to say what event you think was the biggest impact on Western Civilization.


I think that, when all is said and done, the most important events in Western Civilization were those that occurred around the time of Christ. This includes the spread of Christianity, which led to new ideas about government and society – including democracy – as well as economic growth thanks to better agricultural technologies. This period also saw many wars between different groups who wanted control over different regions or countries; these battles helped shape our world today because they were so large scale!