Chat with us, powered by LiveChat In your response posts, comment on at least two of your peers' posts and provide feedback as to whether you agree or disagree with their example(s). Make sure to reference what you've been lea - Writingforyou

In your response posts, comment on at least two of your peers' posts and provide feedback as to whether you agree or disagree with their example(s). Make sure to reference what you've been lea

In your response posts, comment on at least two of your peers’ posts and provide feedback as to whether you agree or disagree with their example(s). Make sure to reference what you’ve been learning in your textbook in your responses.




This Pie chart is hard to read as some of the information uses the same color next to each other which makes it hard to distinguish which is which. For it looks like the entire red color represents one section of collected data, but with many different labels in different spots. This could have better representation with different colors for each percentage. 

Bad Pie chart

This Pie chart can be read correctly because all data has been separated and represented with different color schemes side by side. All information and percentages are clear to read. Even though the print is small. Each sections is it’s own.

Good pie chart


In your response posts, comment on at least two of your peers’ posts and provide feedback as to whether you agree or disagree with their example(s). Make sure to reference what you’ve been learning in your textbook in your responses.


We encourage active participation in our discussions!

As a student of this course, you are encouraged to review your classmates’ posts and help each other widen your perspectives by sharing your thoughts and feedback.

As a student of this course, you are encouraged to review your classmates’ posts and help each other widen your perspectives by sharing your thoughts and feedback.

I have been learning about peer feedback in this class. It is important for me to ask questions when I don’t understand something or am confused about something new that we learn in class.

I think that it’s important for students who have just started college or high school to find their place within the community at large; however, there are some things they should keep in mind while doing so:

Ask questions and help each other understand the topic better.

While you’re reading the textbook, ask yourself:

What questions do I have?

What am I not clear on, but would like to be?

To help others understand the topic better and clarify their own understanding of it, make sure to:

Ask questions. It’s always a good idea to ask your peers if they’ve read something that’s confusing or if there are parts of their posts that don’t make sense. This can help them clarify things for themselves!

Ask questions about how someone else understands something. If someone else has written about an issue in their post, try asking them what they think about it—and if possible, take notes from their response so that when you write one yourself later on (see below), you’ll know exactly where everyone stands!

Your instructor will be moderating the discussion and may jump in to ask questions or share additional information on the topic.

Your instructor will be moderating the discussion and may jump in to ask questions or share additional information on the topic.

Please make sure to use your textbook when responding to other students’ posts!

We encourage active participation in our discussions!

We encourage active participation in our discussions! Please be sure to post your responses and/or questions to the discussion board. This is a great way for you to learn more about the topic, ask questions, and share experiences with others who are taking this course. Your instructor will be moderating the discussion so we can have an open exchange of ideas that lead us all forward together toward our shared goal: understanding how you can make an impact on society by leveraging technology skillsets like coding and data analysis for social good projects!


We hope this has been helpful and encourage you to get involved in our discussions! We have a lot of great content coming up on the course website, including more essays from students like yourself. If you haven’t registered yet, please do so now so that we can meet all our students.