Chat with us, powered by LiveChat Create and narrate a PowerPoint that could be presented to other teachers in your subject area explaining the application of the Key Shifts in English Language - Writingforyou

Create and narrate a PowerPoint that could be presented to other teachers in your subject area explaining the application of the Key Shifts in English Language


  • Create and narrate a PowerPoint that could be presented to other teachers in your subject area explaining the application of the Key Shifts in English Language Arts in your content area instruction. You will use information from your readings and your understanding of incorporating standards into your content area in order to enhance student comprehension to develop this presentation.
  • Requirements: Using the Unit 1 PowerPoint Template (available in Canvas), you will create a 5-7-minute narrated PowerPoint presentation.


  1. Choose a grade level and content area to focus on during this course.
    • Grade level must be 4th-12th.
    • Content area may NOT be ELA but may be Science, Social Studies, The Arts, World Languages, Business and Technology, Computer Science, Health, or Mathematics.
  2. Read and review the following document:
    • Key Shifts in English Language Arts pdf found in Canvas under Assignment 1 documents.
  3. Create your PowerPoint on the provided slide templates.
    • You must answer the prompts on each slide. However, you may delete the template text to write your answers and insert additional slides if you need extra space. You may also change the slide background and add visual elements if you desire.

    4. Record the narrated presentation of your PowerPoint using

    5. Upload your presentation to Unit 1 Writing Assignment in Canvas.

Instructional videos on using ScreenPal (formerly called Screencast-O-Matic).

ScreenPal website: to an external site.

Screencast-O-Matic tutorial video: to an external site.

Video Tutorials for Yuja (free for Belhaven students) to an external site.

Using PowerPoint to make your video presentation. An instructional presentation and written instructions are included in Canvas.

Note: When doing a quality PowerPoint presentation, you should NOT simply read the text printed on your slides but provide additional details and explanations in your narration.

REA617 Unit 1 Writing Assignment Rubric- Professional Development PowerPoint Presentation (50 pts)

REA617 Unit 1 Writing Assignment Rubric- Professional Development PowerPoint Presentation (50 pts)




This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeContent

20 pts


All components of the assignment are included and are supported with solid research and sound educational practices.

17 pts


Most of the components of the assignment are included and are supported by some research and sound educational practices.

14 pts


Several components of the assignment are missing and there is little evidence of research and sound educational practices.

11 pts


The assignment does not address the stated components or use solid research or sound educational practices.

20 pts

 This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome6 ILA Organization & Content

6 ILA Organization & Content 

threshold: 3.0 pts

4 pts

Advanced – The candidate’s performance is exemplary and consistently exceeds expectations. Indications of a high level of critical and reflective thinking, with a depth of understanding a core knowledge base, as well as demonstrates academic and professional skills.

3 pts

Proficient- The candidate’s performance consistently meets expectations. The candidate effectively demonstrations the requirements with expected professional performance indicating an understanding of a core knowledge base with the application of critical thinking, academic, and professional skills.

2 pts

Basic- The candidate’s performance sometimes meets expectations but is not doing so consistently. Candidate demonstrates little depth of knowledge base understanding and little evidence of critical and/or reflective thinking.

1 pts

Minimal – The candidate’s performance demonstrates mediocre work, very little effort or demonstration of responses to requirements. The candidate demonstrates little to no understanding of a core knowledge base with little to no critical/reflective thinking, academic or professional skills

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeOrganization

10 pts


Assignment is organized in a clear and logical manner.

8.5 pts


Assignment has clear organization.

7 pts


Assignment’s organization is not cohesive.

5.5 pts


Assignment lacks organization and cohesion.

10 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeEffectiveness of Presentation

10 pts


PowerPoint slides are very neat and professional. Narration is clear and at a good volume. Presenter does not just read from the slides but expands and expounds on the information with additional detail

8.5 pts


Slides lack some professionalism, or narration is not clear or too soft. Presenter does not just read from the slides but expands and expounds on the information.

7 pts


Slides lack some professionalism, or narration is not clear or too soft. Presenter generally reads from the slides but expands on the information a little

5.5 pts


Slides are sloppy or poorly constructed, and presentation is not appropriate for a professional setting. Presenter reads from slides without enthusiasm or confidence.

10 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeFollows Directions

5 pts


Consistently follows directions and formatting shown in the template; no content errors

4.25 pts


Consistently follows directions in the template (1-2 MINOR formatting errors); no content errors.

3.5 pts


Follows directions in the template but 1 content errors

2.75 pts


Does not follow directions OR more than 1 content error.

5 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeMechanics

5 pts


The presentation demonstrates exceptional use of standard English conventions (mechanics, usage, grammar and syntax). NO ERRORS.

4 pts


The presentation demonstrates consistent use of standard English conventions (mechanics, usage, grammar and syntax). (1-2 MINOR errors)

3 pts


The presentation demonstrates inconsistent use of standard English conventions (mechanics, usage, grammar and syntax). (3-5 errors).

2 pts


The presentation does NOT demonstrate use of standard English conventions (mechanics, usage, grammar and syntax). (More than 5 errors).

5 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAPA-compliant formatting

5 pts


Consistently follows APA format, including title page, citations, and References page when required. (NO errors)

4 pts


Consistently follows APA format, including title page, citations, and References page when required. (1-2 MINOR errors).

3 pts


Limited (3-5) errors in APA forma,t including title page, citations, and References page when required

2 pts


More than 5 APA errors in format, including title page, citations, or References page when required.

5 pts

Total Points: 55