I included a template I use for my classes.
Assume you are an employee of an organization and your executives have requested that you investigate corporate sustainable policies and initiatives. Develop a memo to respond to the executive committee. Inform these executives about the findings of your research. Offer concise, relevant, and actionable advice. Include at least 5 policies and/or initiatives.
2 |
Do not include a Running head title. Page number only in the header. 3
Title of Paper in Bold Centered
Student Name
American Public University
COURSE####: Course Title
Instructor Name
Due Date
Title of Paper OR Introduction
The paper title can serve as the heading for the first paragraph of the paper, so “Introduction” would not be used as a heading; use one or the other, not both. The Introduction includes the thesis for the paper – what are the major points that will you discuss? Margins are set at 1 inch for top, bottom, left, and right. The text is left-justified only; that means the left margin is straight, but the right margin is ragged. Do not hit “Enter” after each line; let the computer wrap the text. Hit the enter key (one time) only when you reach the end of a paragraph. Paragraphs should be a minimum of 3 sentences.
The first line of each paragraph is indented 0.5 inch. It is best to use the tab key to indent or set a first-line indent in the paragraph settings or use the Ruler. The line spacing is double throughout the paper, even on the reference page. One space is used after punctuation at the end of sentences. The font style used in this template is Times New Roman and the font size is 12 point. In APA7, any reference that you include in your paper must have an in-text citation. In APA7 these citations include the author’s last name and the year of the publication in parentheses (Name, Year). See samples below.
In most papers, you will use Level 1 headings for each section when discussing different topics. APA7 recommends using subheadings only when the paper has at least two subsections within a larger section.
The Section Headings
The section heading is used if you want to have your paper divided into sections based on content and aligned to the grading rubric categories. This is a Level 1 heading, and it is centered and bolded, and the initial word and each word of four or more letters is capitalized. The heading should be a short descriptor of the section – do not use the questions verbatim from the assignment instructions – Turnitin will be high. The Level 1 will be used the most in a paper. Refer to the grading rubric for the topic categories – a few words from these can be your headings in the paper.
Level 2 Subheading
The subheading section would be used if there are several sections within the topic labeled in a first level heading. This is a Level 2 heading, and it is flush left and bolded, and the initial word and each word of four or more letters is capitalized.
Level 2 Subheading
APA7 dictates that you should avoid having only one subsection heading and subsection within a section. In other words, use at least two subheadings under a main heading, or do not use any at all. Headings are used in order, so a paper must use Level 1 before using Level 2. Do not adjust spacing to change where on the page a heading falls, even if it would be the last line on a page.
Formatting References and Citations
The reference list should appear at the end of a paper. Start on a separate page. It provides the information necessary for a reader to locate and retrieve any source you cite in the body of the paper. Each source you cite in the paper must appear in your reference list; likewise, each entry in the reference list must be cited in your text. A sample reference page is included below. Do not include “Retrieved from” in APA7.
Wrap up the major points of your paper in at least 4-5 sentences. The conclusion of your paper should re-phrase the points of what your reader should be left remembering, nothing new, concise, and to the point. Align the conclusion to your Introduction.
Lastname, C. (2008). Title of the source without caps except Proper Nouns or: First word after colon. The Journal or Publication Italicized and Capped, Vol#(Issue#).
Title of article. (year). Website or other source of information.
Use “Anonymous ” only if the author of the work is signed “Anonymous.” This is a new addition to APA7.
References (samples)
All 33 Chile miners freed in flawless rescue. (2010, October 13). http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/39625809/ns/world_news-americas/
Daresh, J. C. (2004). Beginning the assistant principalship: A practical guide for new school administrators. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin.
Herbst-Damm, K. L., & Kulik, J. A. (2005). Volunteer support, marital status, and the survival times of terminally ill patients. Health Psychology, 24, 225-229. doi:10.1037/0278-6133.24.2.225
Investopedia. (2016). Fair market value. Investopedia Dictionary. http://www.investopedia.com.
Kernis, M. H., Cornell, D. P., Sun, C. R., Berry, A., Harlow, T., & Bach, J. S. (1993). There's more to self-esteem than whether it is high or low: The importance of stability of self-esteem. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 65, 1190-1204.
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, National Institutes of Health, National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute. (2003). Managing asthma: A guide for schools (NIH Publication No. 02-2650). http://www.nhlbi.nih.gov/health/prof/asthma/asth_sch.pdf
PLEASE NOTE: I placed sample citations in a chart so you could see the difference. Do not place cites in a chart format in your paper.
Within a sentence |
At end of sentence |
"All 33 Chile Miners," (2010) |
("All 33 Chile Miners," 2010). |
Daresh (2004) |
(Daresh, 2004). |
Herbst-Damm and Kulik (2005) |
(Herbst-Damm & Kulik, 2005). |
Investopedia (2016) |
(Investopedia, 2016). |
First citation: Kernis et al. (1993) |
First citation: (Kernis et al., 1993) |
First citation: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, National Institutes of Health, National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute [USDHHS] (2003) Subsequent cites: USDHHS (2003) |
First citation: (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, National Institutes of Health, National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute [USDHHS], 2003). Subsequent cites: (USDHHS, 2003). |
How to Cite Your Own Paper(s) from Previous Coursework
When citing a paper that you wrote for a past class, consider yourself as the author and your previous course work as an unpublished paper, as shown in the APA publication manual.
References Page Format |
In-Text Citation |
Author, (year written). Title [Unpublished manuscript]. Institution. O’Toole, T. (2019). An analysis of pre-WWII leaders [Unpublished manuscript]. Concordia University, St. Paul. |
With page number: (O’Toole, 2019, p. 4). Narrative Citation: According to O’Toole (2019) |