Chat with us, powered by LiveChat We will talk about our assigned text and article readings (see Syllabus for links). This week’s Canvas discussion should include the assigned Collins/Kanashiro reading (chap. 6) - Writingforyou

We will talk about our assigned text and article readings (see Syllabus for links). This week’s Canvas discussion should include the assigned Collins/Kanashiro reading (chap. 6)

We will talk about our assigned text and article readings (see Syllabus for links).

This week's Canvas discussion should include the assigned Collins/Kanashiro reading (chap. 6), Ganesan (chap. 4), and articles listed on the syllabus to fully discuss some critical ethical concerns and business situations using at least one of the Moral Intensity examples.

C&K Chap. 6: Ethical Decision-Making (Business Ethics: Best Practices for Designing & Managing Ethical Organizations (3rd ed. 2021) Denis Collins; Patricia Kanashiro (SAGE Pub. – 9781544396828 print / 9781544396842 eText)

Ganesan: Chap. 4 (The Business Case for AI (2022) Kavita Ganesan, PhD (Opinosis Analytics Pub. – 9781544528724)

Waser, M. R. (2012). Safety and morality require the recognition of self-improving machines as moral/justice patients & agents. (OneSearch:

Rossi, F. (2019). Building Trust in Artificial Intelligence. (Canvas) 

U.S. article:

This memo will assist your analysis using the highlighted ethical theories in the chapter by comparing / contrasting their strengths/weaknesses.

We will discuss further in class!

1. What are the individual strengths of each of the six ethical theories?

2. What are some of the warning signs of that an unethical decision is approaching? Why?



Memo Forum

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February 20, 2024

Memo Forum

Q1. What types of questions would you ask job applicants during an interview to understand their  ethics and integrity? List   three   questions you would include in the interview that will assist you in identifying these characteristics. How would you know they are being truthful and that they will positively contribute to your workplace ethics?

Ethical traits and employee character are more important than job skills in modern hiring decisions. Hiring managers prioritize character traits such as integrity and accountability in employees rather than their skill sets and experiences. Ethical behaviour, self-motivation, accountability, and integrity have become standards to enhance employment opportunities in modern times (SF, 2016). These moral values could be probed during job interviews with applicants. It is essential to ask them questions about their past behaviours, experiences, interactions, values and decision-making processes. Discussion about past experiences enables the interviewer to understand the applicant's ethical standards and values. Following are some questions that would help identify ethics and integrity in candidates;

1. Can you recall when you faced an ethical dilemma at the workplace and how you responded?

2. Have you witnessed a situation in which your colleagues violated ethical values? What was your reaction?

3. What personal values and norms are your decision-making process and behaviours at the workplace, especially in conflicting situations?

These questions will allow the applicant to discuss their values, norms and behaviours and enable the interviewer to assess their commitment to ethics and ethical behaviours. Candidates' responses would allow the interviewer to look for respect, accountability, integrity, and honesty for others.

To assess the truthfulness of their responses and contributions at the workplace, it is important to ask follow-up probing questions to assess the sincerity and consistency of their answers. If the attitude and answers of the applicants align with each other, it means they are committed to ethics and ethical behaviours. The interviewer would look for specific details and explanations from the interviewee to note the consistency of their responses and whether they are comfortable providing details. If the interviewees provide provides each possible detail in their answers to these questions, their truthfulness is tested.

Moreover, to check how the candidate will positively contribute to workplace ethics, the interviewer will evaluate their approach to ethics and how these ethical behaviours are aligned with the organizational culture and values. If the values and behaviours demonstrated aligned with corporate culture and values, they would be the best fit for the organization. They will surely contribute to the accomplishment of organizational goals. Committing to ethical behaviour and workplace ethics would enhance the probability of selection for candidates (Collins & Kanashiro, 2021). The future of employment will be tough because candidates will be hired by AI tools instead of human management. Thus, compliance with ever-changing trends in the employment industry is crucial to be prioritized (Metz, 2020).

To conclude, hiring managers' preferences are shifted towards ethically committed candidates rather than skilled and educated candidates. The future employment industry needs an ethical work environment as it would be led by AI tools more than human labour. Having ethically committed labour would help maintain a rich and respectful environment for everyone, leading to enhanced productivity and efficiency.

References Collins, D., & Kanashiro, P. (2021). Business Ethics: Best Practices for Designing and Managing Ethical Organizations. SAGE Publications, Incorporated. Metz, R. (2020, January ). There's a new obstacle to landing a job after college: Getting approved by AI. Retrieved from CNN: SF. (2016, July 1). Hiring Ethical Employees. Retrieved from Strategic Finance: