Chat with us, powered by LiveChat Use the special Shriver REQ format and apply it to a written speech (not a video) you find at www.sargentshriver.orgLinks to an external site. The Shriver special REQ format is described i - Writingforyou

Use the special Shriver REQ format and apply it to a written speech (not a video) you find at www.sargentshriver.orgLinks to an external site. The Shriver special REQ format is described i


Use the special Shriver REQ format and apply it to a written speech (not a video) you find at www.sargentshriver.orgLinks to an external site.

The Shriver special REQ format is described in the REQ document

The connections to Chapter 8 or 13 in the 4th edition of the text are especially important

Instructions for R-E-Q write-ups:

At the top of each REQ please write your name, the article/reading you are writing about, the current semester and the year. You will be submitting all REQ assignments via CANVAS. Please use either WORD or PDF formats; CANVAS does not read Pages and other less-used programs.

You will have three assignments in which you will be doing some kind of REQ. The first assignment is the “Basic” REQ; others will be some kind of variation.

REQ #1: Kloos text Chapters 1 and 2

You will be writing ONE REQ that covers BOTH Chapters 1 and 2 in the Kloos text. It is your choice how much to include of each chapter, as long as you include something from both chapters in the writeup.

R = Revelations. Write 3 things that were revelations to you as you read them, noting where in the readings they occurred and how and why they were revelations.

E = Emotional Reactions. Write 2 things that led you to have strong emotional reactions as you read them. Note where they occurred, what the emotional reactions were, and why you had these reactions.

Q = Questions. Write 2 questions that occurred to you as you were reading, to which you would like answers, or areas with which you had disagreements. Make sure they are thoughtful questions/ concerns and not simple factual questions that you can actually look up if you were truly interested in the answer.

You should number and carefully label each R, E, and Q. You will submit these and other REQ assignments at the CANVAS web site in response to an assignment notice being sent to you. I will return these with feedback as quickly as I can. In summary, the standard REQ format for the first assignment is 3-2-2.

REQ #2: Writeup of a written speech given by Sargent Shriver, to be found at . Ideally, choose a speech from the 50’s, 60’s, or 70’s. Make connections with Chapters 8 and 13 in Kloos.

Special Shriver REQ:

Indicate at the top of your writeup which speech you have selected- this is essential!!

2 Revelations

2 Connections with concepts in Chapters 8 and/or 13 (specify the concepts and

where in Chapters 8 or 13 you found them—these chapters apply to the 4th edition ONLY))

1 Emotional Reaction

1 Question

REQ #3: Brendtro Book, Entire Part 3 (not Chapter 3—Part 3!)

4 Revelations/takeaways—4 things you have learned about how to work effectively with youth that you had not realized before

1 Emotional Reaction

1 Question    

In class, you will be adding to this before you submit it.   

All REQ assignments will be submitted as Assignments via CANVAS, and that’s how you will get your feedback. Each REQ assignment should be contained in ONE document as a Word Doc or as a PDF. The feedback you will get does not constitute a “grade” in CANVAS. I do NOT use the CANVAS gradebook, so you can ignore whatever is in there.

The feedback is this:

0 = √- This means what you submitted did not meet the basic requirements asked for that particular REQ.

1= √ This means you did a basically good job on the assignment as requested.

2= √+ This means you made personal/historic/current connections with what you read. You clearly communicated your “voice” and reflections.