Chat with us, powered by LiveChat Identifying symptoms of burnout is a proactive strategy towards effective staff development. This week you will begin developing staff development plans. After reading Chapter 14, you wil - Writingforyou

Identifying symptoms of burnout is a proactive strategy towards effective staff development. This week you will begin developing staff development plans. After reading Chapter 14, you wil

Identifying symptoms of burnout is a proactive strategy towards effective staff development. This week you will begin developing staff development plans. After reading Chapter 14, you will be able to identify and describe the stages of development for teachers and directors using evidence found in the text and additional resource provided.

Reflection- Think about your personal feelings when you were told that you had to attend some function such as a meeting, a party, or a class, as opposed to the times when you were given a choice. When it was a matter of choice, what were the factors that motivated you to attend? Was it curiosity about who would be there or what would take place? Was it your interest in the topics or activity? Was it to please the person who requested you attend or who told you about the event? Can you analyze your feelings and reactions when you went someplace to please someone else as opposed to the times when you went because you were intrinsically motivated

Stages of Development for Teachers- identify and describe the levels of development for teachers and directors using evidence found in the text, then use the additional resource Chart the Stages of Teacher DevelopmentLinks to an external site.  to examine the differences and similarities between the stages. Did any of the levels/stages resonate with some your professional experiences? What was the outcome?

Professional Development Plan- In your own words, describe the components of an effective professional development plan using evidence from the text. What would this look like for you professionally? What type of learning experiences would you enjoy? Does the director need to have a professional development plan? Explain why or why not.

Training Methods & Resources-Provide a short description of the different training methods mentioned in the text and give examples of each.

Online Learning- Read Working Smart with Technology on page 407 of your text then research to find 2 online learning platforms for early childhood providers, providing a description of each platform, the benefits of each, and links to each site. Be sure to identify how they meet the considerations explained in the text.

Conclusion- How can you motivate reluctant employees to attend training and staff development programs?

Assignment Requirements

  1. Organize your paper using the 6 writing prompts as headings for each section. 
  2. Follow APA formatting requirements, and cite resources correctly
  3. Your paper should be double-spaced, 12-pt font, and 3-5 pages in length not including the title and reference page.

The stages of teacher development are offered not as a way to label a teacher, but rather to guide the mentor’s decision about what services or support to provide to the teacher to promote the greatest

development. Providing services to a teacher at the survival stage that are more

appropriate for a teacher at the consolidation stage is a mismatch and may frustrate the teacher more than help him or her.

The table on pp. 8-9 suggests stages of teacher development drawn from over 25 years of research. It associates those stages with years of teaching; however, the years of teaching alone are insufficient to determine a teacher’s stage of development. Some first year teachers, for example, behave as teachers in the Renewal Stage. Also, some third-year teachers still demonstrate the behaviors of a teacher in the Survival Stage. It is highly recommended that a mentor consider the teacher’s behaviors as indicators of his or her stage of development rather than his or her years of teaching.


National Staff Development Council • 800-727-7288 • NOVEMBER 2008




• Have many specific needs mostly focused on coping with the daily demand of teaching, management issues, classroom organization, and sense of personal and professional competence.

• Ask “Can I survive until the end of the week?” • Focus on their own needs and have little

understanding of what is happening for students in their classroom.

• Frequently do not take responsibility for what occurs in their classroom.

• Fail to acknowledge problems. • Tend to blame students, others, resources, just

not themselves. • Have little sense of control. • Feel a diminished sense of efficacy.

• Provide specific suggestions or “how to’s.”

• Do classroom demonstrations. • Provide limited options so teachers can

choose what is most comfortable. • Co-teach with the new teacher. • Give ongoing personal support. • Connect new teachers with other

teachers. • Arrange for the new teacher to observe

other teachers. • Ensure that new teachers have all the

resources they need including curriculum guides, student books, etc.

• Check in frequently. • Listen and honor their concerns. • Remember no problem is too

insignificant to be a major one to a new professional.

Chart the stages of teacher development



National Staff Development Council • 800-727-7288 • NOVEMBER 2008



• Begin to think about the instructional needs of students.

• Typically teach to the middle of the class with little differentiation.

• Recognize that there is a connection between what they do and how well students learn.

• Implement rules and routines easily. • Ask “How can I change my instruction so all

students learn?”

• Share ideas with the teacher. • Co-teach with the teacher. • Observe and give feedback. • Recognize the teacher’s effort and

results. • Bring new resources to the teacher’s

attention. • Engage the teacher in problem solving. • Introduce the teacher to other networks

for support and idea exchange. • Engage the teacher in professional

learning experiences that include teachers other than new teachers.


• Demonstrate competence in teaching. • Find that some routines need refreshing. • Look for new ideas about teaching, the

curriculum, and how students learn. • Have mastered management issues. • Have mastered most basic instructional

strategies. • Have a sense of efficacy as a teacher. • Ask “What are some new techniques for . . ?”

• Share articles from professional journals. • Connect the teacher with state and

national professional associations. • Engage them in professional

experiences outside the school, including conferences, networks, etc.

• Engage them in action research projects.

• Allow them to demonstrate lessons for new teachers.

• Arrange for new teachers to observe the teacher.

• Provide opportunities for them to reflect on their professional practice.

• Suggest that they consider the National Board certification process.

MATURITY Year 6 and beyond

• Are interested in new ideas and resources. • Ask questions about the more complex issues

related to teaching, such as how to reach a specific type of learner or how to teach a challenging concept.

• Refine their beliefs about teaching. • Establish themselves within the professional

community. • Analyze the impact they have on student

learning and make adjustments. • Take on more leadership responsibilities within

the school. • Display a strong sense of personal and

professional efficacy. • Demonstrate a commitment to education and

to a career in education. • Consider their career future in education. • Ask “What is my role in promoting democratic

ideal in education?” or “What is my role in improving the school?”

• Observe and give feedback, especially when the teacher is practicing new instructional strategies.

• Engage the teacher in professional networks and communities.

• Encourage the teacher to seek leadership opportunities for the teacher.

• Encourage the teacher to become a mentor, learning facilitator, department or grade-level chair, committee chair, etc.

• Provide support and coaching about leadership skills.

Source: Taking the Lead: New Roles for Teachers and School-Based Coaches, by Joellen Killion and Cindy Harrison. NSDC, 2006.


The document outlines four stages of teacher development, which are Survival Stage, Consolidation Stage, Renewal Stage, and Maturity. These stages are associated with different years of teaching experience and highlight the typical behaviors and needs of teachers in each stage.

For teachers, the stages represent a progression from coping with daily teaching demands and establishing basic competencies in the Survival Stage, to focusing on instructional needs and student learning outcomes in the Consolidation Stage, exploring new ideas and professional growth in the Renewal Stage, and finally, taking on leadership roles and refining teaching beliefs in the Maturity Stage.

As for school directors or educational leaders, they may also go through similar stages of development in their careers. The roles and responsibilities of educational leaders evolve as they gain more experience and skills in managing schools, supporting teachers, and shaping the educational environment.

Reflecting on professional experiences, I find that I may resonate with certain stages of development described in the document. For example, a teacher may recall when they were in the Survival Stage, feeling overwhelmed with the daily demands of teaching and seeking support to build confidence and competence in the classroom. By receiving appropriate guidance and mentorship, the outcome would be a smoother transition to the next stage of development, such as the Consolidation Stage, where they start focusing on student learning and refining their instructional practices.

Similarly, school directors or educational leaders may identify with stages of development outlined in the document, such as moving from managing daily school operations to fostering a professional learning community and taking on leadership roles within the school.

Overall, understanding and recognizing the stages of development for teachers and directors can help in providing targeted support, professional growth opportunities, and mentorship to facilitate their progress and success in their roles within the educational community.

An effective professional development plan typically includes key components such as identifying professional goals, assessing current skills and knowledge, creating a roadmap for learning and growth, implementing learning activities, reflecting on progress, and seeking feedback and support from mentors or colleagues.

Professional Development Plan

Drawing evidence from the text provided, teachers at different stages of development may benefit from personalized support and guidance tailored to their specific needs, whether it be classroom management strategies, instructional techniques, or opportunities for professional networking and learning. Mentors play a crucial role in understanding the teacher's stage of development and providing appropriate assistance to facilitate growth.

For me professionally, an effective professional development plan would involve setting clear teaching goals aligned with student learning outcomes, periodically evaluating my instructional practices, seeking opportunities for continuing education and professional workshops, collaborating with colleagues to share best practices, and reflecting on my teaching experiences to enhance my skills and effectiveness in the classroom.

Regarding learning experiences, I would enjoy attending conferences, participating in teacher-led workshops, engaging in action research projects, exploring innovative teaching methodologies, and networking with educators from diverse backgrounds to gain new perspectives and insights into effective teaching practices.

As for school directors or educational leaders, having a professional development plan is essential for staying current with educational trends, enhancing leadership skills, and fostering a culture of continuous improvement within the school community. School directors can benefit from participating in leadership training programs, attending management seminars, networking with other educational leaders, and engaging in self-assessment and reflection to drive their professional growth and effectiveness in leading the school.

In summary, an effective professional development plan is vital for both teachers and directors to enhance their skills, stay motivated, and deliver high-quality education. By investing in ongoing learning and skill development, educators can positively impact student achievement and contribute to the overall success of the school community.

Training Methods & Resources

Various training methods are suggested to support teachers at different stages of development. Here are descriptions of some training methods mentioned along with examples:

1. **Providing Specific Suggestions – This method involves giving teachers practical advice and step-by-step guidance on how to tackle specific challenges in the classroom. For example, a mentor may provide a new teacher with specific strategies for managing classroom behavior effectively.

2. **Classroom Demonstrations:** In this method, experienced teachers or mentors demonstrate effective teaching practices in a real classroom setting. For instance, a mentor may conduct a demonstration lesson to show a new teacher how to engage students effectively during a math class.

3. **Co-Teaching:** Co-teaching involves collaboration between two teachers to plan and deliver instruction together. For example, a veteran teacher may team up with a new teacher to co-teach a lesson on a complex topic, allowing for shared expertise and support.

4. **Observation and Feedback:** This method involves observing teachers in action and providing constructive feedback to help them improve their instructional practices. For instance, a mentor may observe a teacher's lesson and provide feedback on areas for development, such as classroom management or student engagement.

5. **Professional Learning Experiences:** Engaging teachers in professional learning experiences, such as attending workshops, conferences, or webinars, can expose them to new ideas, research-based practices, and networking opportunities for professional growth.

These training methods aim to address teachers' specific needs at different stages of development and provide them with the support and resources necessary to enhance their teaching effectiveness and student outcomes.

Online Learning- 

1. **ChildCare Education Institute (CCEI)**

   - **Description:** ChildCare Education Institute (CCEI) is an online learning platform that offers professional development courses and certificates for early childhood educators. They provide over 150 online child care training courses in various early childhood education topics.

   - **Benefits:**

     - Accredited courses: CCEI's courses are designed to meet state licensing requirements and are accredited by various organizations.

     - Flexibility: Providers can access courses online at their convenience, allowing for self-paced learning.

     - Variety of topics: CCEI offers a wide range of courses covering topics from child development to classroom management.

     - Certificates: Participants can earn certificates upon completion of courses.

   - **Link:** [ChildCare Education Institute (CCEI)](

2. **Early Childhood Investigations Webinars**

   - **Description:** Early Childhood Investigations Webinars is an online platform that offers live and recorded webinars on various early childhood education topics. These webinars are presented by experts in the field and cover a range of relevant issues.

   - **Benefits:**

     - Expert presenters: Webinars are conducted by experienced professionals in the early childhood education field.

     - Interactive learning: Participants can engage in live Q&A sessions during webinars or access recorded sessions at their convenience.

     - Current topics: The platform covers timely and relevant topics that are important for early childhood providers.

     - Professional development: Webinars offer opportunities for professional development and staying up-to-date with best practices.

   - **Link:** [Early Childhood Investigations Webinars](

Conclusion- How can you motivate reluctant employees to attend training and staff development programs?

Motivating reluctant employees to attend training and staff development programs can be a challenging but achievable task. Here are some strategies that can be effective in encouraging reluctant employees to participate:

1. **Highlight the Benefits:** Communicate the value and benefits of the training program to employees. Emphasize how the training can help them improve their skills, advance their careers, and contribute to their personal and professional growth.

2. **Make it Relevant:** Ensure that the training content is aligned with the employees' roles, goals, and professional interests. Show them how the training can address their specific needs and challenges in the workplace.

3. **Offer Incentives:** Provide incentives such as certificates, recognition, career advancement opportunities, or monetary rewards for employees who successfully complete the training program. Incentives can motivate employees to actively participate and engage in the training.

4. **Create a Supportive Environment:** Foster a supportive and inclusive work culture that values continuous learning and development. Encourage peer support, mentorship, and collaboration among employees to create a sense of community around training initiatives.

5. **Personalize the Training:** Tailor the training content to meet the diverse learning styles and preferences of employees. Offer a mix of training formats, such as hands-on workshops, online courses, peer mentoring, and self-paced learning, to accommodate different preferences.

6. **Seek Employee Input:** Involve employees in the training planning process by seeking their input and feedback on the training topics, formats, and schedules. Empowering employees to have a say in their learning can increase their buy-in and motivation to participate.

7. **Set Clear Expectations:** Clearly communicate the expectations and outcomes of the training program to employees. Outline how the new skills and knowledge gained from the training can benefit both the employees and the organization.

By implementing these strategies, organizations can effectively engage and motivate reluctant employees to attend training and staff development programs, ultimately leading to a more skilled, motivated, and productive workforce.