Chat with us, powered by LiveChat Innovation projects for this course must focus on leveraging emerging mobile information technologies to enhance evidence-based practice. The video proposal must answer the following fi - Writingforyou

Innovation projects for this course must focus on leveraging emerging mobile information technologies to enhance evidence-based practice.  The video proposal must answer the following fi

power point


Week 7 Video project proposal

You may also use PowerPoint and video your screen and voice if that is your preference. 

Xxxxx Power Point Presentation 15 slides with speaker notes excluding title page and reference page. 


NPU-702 Innovation Project Video Proposal – Signature Assignment

CLO 1 – 4

This assignment is submitted in the form of a video proposal and must be a minimum of 10 minutes in length. The assignment will be submitted by posting a link to a web site hosting your video. 

Innovation projects for this course must focus on leveraging emerging mobile information technologies to enhance evidence-based practice

The video proposal must answer the following five questions:

1.      What problem will the innovation project solve?

Describe what the problem is, where the problem occurs, who is affected by the problem, and what would be different if the problem were solved. 

Xxxxxx Use this  Note To  Answer Question Above: problem = Prevalence of Depression among adolescents in the American society using app features. Where problems occurs = in the American Society, Who is affected by the problem = Adolescents ages 10 – 17 years. What would be different if the problem were solved? : =  It will bring attention to teens' struggles and emphasize the importance of timely intervention and support to prevent suicide ideation. 

2.      What is known about this problem?

Discuss the significance of the problem, including statistics about the health, social, ethical, and financial costs of the problem. Describe the background of the problem. Discuss what has been written in the professional literature about the problem. Describe other solutions that have been tried in the past. Describe why they were ineffective.

3.      With whom did you collaborate when working on your proposal?

Innovation requires collaborating with a diverse group of people who have many different perspectives on the problem. Describe with whom you talked about the project. Describe why you chose them. Describe what help they offered. Describe how you used or why you did not use their help.

4.      What “mobile app” did you propose to use to solve the problem?

Describe the application you chose and how it addresses the problem. Your description should demonstrate that you have become knowledgeable of the technology related the problem as well as solutions.

5.      Why is your proposed solution innovative?

Describe the innovative features of your project. Demonstrate your knowledge of the

principles of innovation discussed in your textbooks, course readings, and the literature that you collected.

The digital story should include images, text, and narration that flow in an integrated fashion. In the text of presentation, students should use the professional documentation standards describe in the style manual of the American Psychological Association and include a list of references at the end of the presentation.


Interview Portfolio Paper

Name xxxxx

Course xxxxxx

School xxxxx

Dr. xxxxxx

Date xxxxxx

This interview portfolio is focused on researching diverse perspectives regarding the use of mobile information technology in managing healthcare disorders. The technology of focus, in this case, is the Reset-O mobile medical application that helps in the management of mental health disorders, specifically depression. This application involves the use of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) aspects which helps in caring for the individuals diagnosed with depression (Connolly et al., 2020). The assignment involves an interview in a Mental health clinic that includes partners who are experts in evidence-based practice, those who have influenced in the widespread adoption of mobile information technology, and those whose healthcare is directly impacted by the app.

Selection of the Interviewees

There was a deliberate approach of selecting the interviewees to help in understanding the aspect of Reset-O mobile app project. The chosen interviewees have strategic understanding and they represent a variety of perspectives critical to the project's success. Dr. S.T, a renowned psychiatrist specializing in evidence-based practice, provides clinical expertise and insight into mental health interventions. Mr. J. R, an IT administrator, was selected because of his impact on adopting healthcare technology, technical expertise, and ability to address potential implementation issues (Connolly et al., 2020). Ms. E. Turner, a patient advocate with personal experience with depression, provides a functional user-centric perspective, emphasizing the significance of new solutions. These interviewees collectively provide a thorough awareness of clinical, technical, and patient-related aspects, ensuring a well-rounded approach to the creation and execution of the Reset-O mobile medical application.

Interview Summaries

During the interview, Dr. S.T, a seasoned psychiatrist, emphasized the need for evidence-based practice in mental health interventions. She envisioned the Reset-O app as a valuable addition to standard therapy procedures, with information regarding its potential clinical efficacy (Connolly et al., 2020). Dr. S.T, stressed the importance of incorporating psychological theories into digital therapies, acknowledging the usefulness of mobile information technology in improving mental health outcomes.

In an interview with Mr. J. R, an IT administrator, technical aspects of deploying mobile information technology in healthcare were discussed. Mr. J.R highlighted data security, user authentication, and integration with existing systems. His findings highlighted the vital requirement for effortless integration to ensure the effectiveness and acceptance of the Reset-O app among healthcare professionals, providing light on the challenging technological aspects.

Ms. Turner, who is a patient advocate with a personal history of depression, offered exceptional perspectives during the interview. She expressed optimism regarding this innovative intervention. She emphasized the need for consideration of social and ethical aspects (Song, 2019). She also highlighted the role of user-friendly interfaces by increasing the accessibility for different demographics. In addition, she emphasizes the financial challenges associated with the implementation of the application by the patients. She proposed avenues for financial support while giving more details on how individuals or patients are affected, especially those dealing with the issues of mental health.

Discussion of the Learnings

The interviews with Dr. S.T, Mr. J.R, and Ms. Turner provided valuable insights into the complications of launching the Reset-O smartphone app. Based on her expertise as a psychiatrist, Dr. S. T’s opinion revealed the importance of aligning digital interventions like the Reset-O app with proven therapeutic principles (Song, 2019). Her views emphasized the significance of ensuring that the app supplements established treatment procedures and follows evidence-based practices in mental health therapies. This alignment is critical to winning the medical community's and end-users' trust and acceptance.

Mr. J. R’s technical insights highlighted potential implementation issues with the Reset-O app. His concentration on a thorough approach to the seamless integration process is vital in dealing with some of the technical challenges in its implementation. The healthcare environment demands an effective and secure model supporting mobile information technology adoption. The effectiveness and acceptance of the application among healthcare providers requires consideration of factors or concerns related to data security, user authentication, and interoperability with the present systems (Flaubert et al., 2021). The contribution of this interviewee is a reminder of some of the challenges faced in balancing innovation and technical feasibility. It reveals the role of technological alignment within the healthcare sector.

Ms. Turner's responsibility as a patient advocate gave a unique perspective on the social and ethical issues surrounding the Reset-O app. Her emphasis on a patient-centric approach aligned with healthcare's basic principles, guaranteeing that the app is built to improve the user experience while meeting the different needs of people suffering from depression (Waltz, 2019). Furthermore, Ms. Turner's insights into the monetary consequences shed light on an essential part of innovation projects that are frequently overlooked (Flaubert et al., 2021). The requirement for pricing and exploring funding sources emerged as critical components in assuring the app's accessibility and widespread adoption. It is essential in healthcare, where cost constraints can considerably limit the adoption of innovative technologies.

The main takeaway from this activity is the importance of collaboration amongst different stakeholders in ensuring the project's success. The combination of clinical expertise, technical acumen, and advocacy interviewees' advocacy roles reveals a holistic and interdisciplinary strategy (Delgadillo & Duhne, 2020). Such collaboration helps ensure that the innovative project includes diverse aspects, such as evidence-based practices, technical needs, and social, ethical, and financial factors.

The interviews emphasized the importance of having a well-rounded strategy in developing and implementing the Reset-O mobile medical application. The application is a technical intervention that needs alignment with therapeutic principles, the feasibility of technicality, patient-centeredness, and finance viability (Eaves et al., 2022). While the project progresses, the information serves as the guideline that informs the decision-making process and ensures the successful development of a robust and successful mental health intervention using the Reset-O application. The complex dimension of learning highlighted the complex nature of innovation in the healthcare sector and the need to consider diverse aspects in achieving successful outcomes.


The interview portfolio thoroughly analyses many perspectives on the Reset-O mobile medical application, fostering a collaborative understanding between Dr S. T, Mr J.R and Ms. Turnner. Dr. S. T’s findings highlighted the significance of integrating the app with evidence-based mental health practice, underlining its potential as a complementary therapeutic tool for managing mental health disorders. Mr. J. R’s technical knowledge shed light on implementation issues, emphasizing the importance of effortless integration and strong security measures. Ms. Turner's patient advocacy gave excellent insights into social, ethical, and financial factors, focusing on user-friendly design and affordability. These collaborative ideas are the foundation for constructing the innovation project proposal, resulting in a complete and impactful strategy to manage depression using mobile information technology. Collaboration with varied stakeholders has paved the way for a holistic strategy that integrates the clinical effectiveness, technical feasibility, and patient-centeredness approach in developing and implementing the Reset-O application.


Connolly, S. L., Hogan, T. P., Shimada, S. L., & Miller, C. J. (2020). Leveraging Implementation Science to Understand Factors Influencing Sustained Use of Mental Health Apps: a Narrative Review. Journal of Technology in Behavioral Science, 6(2), 184–196.

Delgadillo, J., & Duhne, P. G. S. (2020). Targeted prescription of cognitive–behavioral therapy versus person-centered counseling for depression using a machine learning approach. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 88(1), 14–24.

Eaves, E. R., Doerry, E., Lanzetta, S. A., Kruithoff, K. M., Negron, K., Dykman, K., Thoney, O., & Harper, C. C. (2022). Applying User-Centered Design in the Development of a Supportive mHealth App for Women in Substance Use Recovery. American Journal of Health Promotion, 37(1), 089011712211138.

Flaubert, J. L., Menestrel, S. L., Williams, D. R., & Wakefield, M. K. (2021). Supporting the health and professional well-being of nurses. In National Academies Press.

Song, W. (2019). ScholarWorks Mobile Technology Deployment Strategies for Improving the Quality of Healthcare.

Waltz, E. (2019). FDA approves a prescription-only app for addiction [News]. IEEE Spectrum, 54(11), 9-10. Milestone 1 NR361 updated format DLP 8.2020.


Week 3 DB: Innovation

Top of Form

Project Topic

My clinical Scholarly project focuses on the prevalence of depression among adolescents in the American society.

This explores the issue of adolescents’ depression in American society, highlighting its impact on well-being, academic performance, social connections, and the risk of substance misuse or suicidal ideation. The study emphasizes the need for specialized therapies aligned with the preferences of today's tech-savvy and socially aware youth (Dally, 2021). The incidence and prevalence of adolescent depression present a worrisome trend, emphasizing the need for urgent intervention by use of some specialized app features.  

Mobile Health App Feature 

In addition to seeing a therapist, the patient can benefit from using the reset-O mobile medical application. According to Waltz (2019), this is a prescription-only app that is targeted to individuals struggling with depression. The application uses features of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) to enable patients to recognize situations that cause behavioral and emotional responses which in turn trigger substance use and suicide ideation.

Platforms To Use App

It is intended for patients who speak English as the primary language, who have access to Android/iOS smartphones or tablets and know how to use smartphone applications. Users are required to upload data frequently and thus must have reliable internet access. Being a prescription-only app, one must first obtain a prescription from his/her clinician after which the patient is contacted by a patient care official from Reset Connect™ (Pear Therapeutics, Inc.) the developers of the app (Waltz, 2019). The patient care official then guides a patient through downloading the app from either Google Play Store or Apple App Store and provides an access code to unlock the app. One must have an access code to use this app.

Managing Depression with an O-Mobil Medical App

Upon setting up the app, a patient interacts with the product and answers questions about his/her hunger, mood, loneliness, and cravings. The information is conveyed to the supervising clinician who helps reinforce physician-patient interaction. The patient can compare weekly milestones. The app also features modules that a patient must complete. These modules use text, video, and audio to teach patients what to do when faced with various scenarios related to mental health condition. When a patient completes a module, he/she receives rewards which act as incentives to continue using the tool (Waltz, 2019).  


Daly, M. (2021). Prevalence of Depression Among Adolescents in the U.S. From 2009 to 2019: Analysis of Trends by Sex, Race/Ethnicity, and Income. Journal of Adolescent Health 70(3).  .

Waltz, E. (2019). FDA approves a prescription-only app for addiction [News]. IEEE Spectrum, 54(11), 9-10. Milestone 1 NR361 updated format DLP 8.2020.

Bottom of Form



The Prevalence of Depression Among Adolescents in The American Society

My Name >>>>>>>

NPU- Code>>>>>>>

UMass Global


October 14, 2023


This paper explores the issue of adolescents’ depression in American society, highlighting its impact on well-being, academic performance, social connections, and the risk of substance misuse or suicidal ideation. Depression is a complex mood disorder that affects all age groups and has long-term effects, contributing to increased healthcare consumption and decreased productivity in adulthood. Contemporary stressors like academic pressures, social media, and societal expectations have led to alarming increases in depression rates among teenagers. The study highlights the need for specialized therapies tailored to the preferences and challenges of contemporary teenagers, including guided meditation, aroma therapy, and relaxation therapy with an app feature. The historical and societal perspectives surrounding adolescent depression highlight the pervasive issue of stigma, leading to underreporting and undertreatment. The study emphasizes the need for specialized therapies aligned with the preferences of today's tech-savvy and socially aware youth. The incidence and prevalence of adolescent depression, particularly among girls, present a worrisome trend, emphasizing the need for urgent intervention. The economic burden of adolescent depression extends beyond immediate treatment costs, impacting productivity, income, and healthcare consumption. Advanced Practice Registered Nurses (APRNs) play a crucial role in addressing adolescent depression, contributing to improved access to mental health care, higher patient satisfaction, and adherence to treatment strategies. The PICOT question, focusing on therapies combining traditional approaches with cutting-edge technology, demonstrates a planned and thorough approach to tackling adolescent depression. The findings have far-reaching implications for clinical practice and future research, urging a paradigm shift in the approach to adolescent mental health.

The Prevalence of Depression Among Adolescents in The American Society

Depression is a mood disorder leading to persistent feelings of sadness and the loss of interest. It is also considered as a group of conditions characterized by the increased or reduced individual’s mood. The condition is common in all age groups and because of its tremendous impact on individuals and society, adolescent depression is a critical health issue that requires attention (Colizzi et al., 2020). Depression in teens is more than just a passing mood disturbance; it is a complex mental health issue that has a substantial impact on their general well-being. This therapeutic issue is critical since it can have long-term effects, such as impairing academic performance, and social connections, and even raising the risk of substance misuse or suicide ideation. Addressing adolescent depression is important for social health as well as individual well-being. Adolescents suffering from depression frequently continue the burden into adulthood, contributing to greater healthcare consumption and lower productivity. The ripple effect on families, schools, and communities emphasizes the societal influence. Depression is extremely common among teens (World Health Organization, 2021). Depression rates have risen alarmingly in recent years, with teenagers facing unprecedented stressors such as scholastic obligations, social media, and societal expectations. Understanding the context of this prevalence is critical for developing effective therapies suited to the unique issues that adolescents confront today.

The therapies under consideration – guided meditation, aroma therapy, and relaxation therapy via an app feature – were chosen for their ability to address the multidimensional nature of adolescent depression. These solutions provide a comprehensive approach that incorporates psychological, sensory, and technical components (Hamdani et al., 2022). Guided meditation and fragrance therapy engage the senses, fostering calm, while the app component makes these interventions more accessible to youth in the digital age.

Background and Significance/Problem Statement

The clinical problem's context immerses us in the complex terrain of adolescent depression, presenting a disorder that goes beyond its basic features. This mental health issue is profoundly embedded in historical and societal settings that impact teenage experiences (Rikard-Bell et al., 2022). Mental health issues, particularly depression, have been plagued by stigma throughout history, resulting in widespread underreporting and undertreatment of this condition among teenagers. The shadow of societal criticism has placed a veil over these young people's challenges, impeding their access to the care and support they desperately require. For today's teens, societal expectations, along with academic obligations, produce a crucible of stressors. Sometimes family issues such as parents’ separation and divorce affect teenagers psychologically and may lead them to depression. The constant quest for success, which is commonly measured by scholastic achievements and conformity to societal norms, places enormous pressure on the shoulders of young people. Furthermore, the pervasiveness of social media has added a new dimension to adolescents’ life, resulting in virtual environments that can both unite and isolate (Snukis, 2022). Cyberbullying, continual comparison enabled by social platforms, and crafted images of supposedly perfect lives all contribute to a complicated web of issues that adolescents face daily.

Due to the inadequacies of conventional healthcare methods in responding to adolescent depression, the need for specialized therapies becomes clear. Despite tremendous advances in mental health care, there are still gaps in our understanding of the best effective interventions, especially when considering the changing panorama of difficulties confronting today's teenagers (Rikard-Bell et al., 2022). Traditional treatment approaches, while useful, may not fully correspond with this generation's choices and demands. There is a misalignment between traditional therapy conventions and the dynamic, tech-savvy, and socially aware nature of today's teenagers.

The problem statement encapsulates the present healthcare framework's inadequacy in responding to adolescent depression. The gaps in evidence regarding effective interventions make a compelling rationale for further research into alternative and novel techniques. It is not simply a call for additional treatments, but rather an acknowledgment that these programs must be targeted to address the unique issues that adolescents face today (Bhana et al., 2021). The necessity for the study stems from the knowledge that the options provided may not be adequately aligned with the nuanced demands and preferences of today's adolescent population. The backdrop and issue statement, in essence, highlight the complexities of adolescent depression, weaving together historical stigma, cultural pressures, and the deficiencies of existing therapy paradigms. The call for study is a cry for a paradigm shift, asking us to investigate interventions that resonate with today's teenagers' lived experiences, ensuring that our response to their mental health needs is both effective and empathic.

Perspectives, Incidences, and Prevalences

The historical viewpoint sheds light on changing society's views regarding mental health, demonstrating a steady shift highlighted by growing understanding. Despite this encouraging trend, the ongoing stigma associated with mental health concerns remains a substantial impediment to the formation of sufficient support systems for teenagers. Social changes, such as rapid technological advancements and adjustments in societal expectations, have added to the complexity, increasing the prevalence of depression among teens. The incidence and prevalence of adolescent depression are at an all-time high, giving a bleak picture of the mental health landscape among this age group. This growing trend emphasizes the vital importance of gaining a complete understanding of the contributing causes and developing effective solutions.

Major depressive disorder (MDD) is a major public health concern, owing to its occurrence during adolescence or even younger. Importantly, adolescent-onset depression has a recurrent course and is associated with worse outcomes than adult-onset depression. Daly's study on adolescent depression in the United States utilizing the National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH) finds an alarming rise (Wilson & Dumornay, 2022). Adolescent depression rates increased from 8.1% to 15.8% between 2009 and 2019, a significant increase when compared to earlier times. Adolescents are experiencing increased stress, anxiety, sadness, self-harm, and suicidality, highlighting the critical need for assistance. Descriptive research, which employs regular cross-sectional examinations in large, nationally representative samples of teenagers such as the NSDUH and others (e.g., Monitoring the Future, Millennium Cohort Study), is critical for understanding long-term trends (Wilson & Dumornay, 2022). Daly's work not only provides descriptive data on adolescent depression rates in the 2010s, but it also raises critical issues about the rising rates and the potential effects of sex and race/ethnicity on adolescent depression.

Daly's findings show a significant increase in depression rates among girls relative to boys, exacerbating the well-known sex gap in adults. This adolescent sex difference is still a complex phenomenon with numerous potential reasons, including sex hormones, puberty, stress reaction, personality, and societal gender disparities (Daly, 2021). Furthermore, depression rates among teenagers increased across all racial/ethnic groups, with subtle variances across them. Adolescent girls and boys who identified as Black had a lower rise than their White, Hispanic, or other race/ethnicity peers. The research suggests that rates of adolescent depression varied by racial/ethnic identity, with minority adolescents being less likely to receive treatment. Despite substantial studies into these discrepancies, causal mechanisms and a complete understanding of racial/ethnic group variations in adolescent depression remain elusive.

Distribution of Age at Onset of First Major Depressive Episode

Figure 1

World Health Organization. (2021).

Trends in the prevalence of past-year MDE from 2009 to 2019 in the Figures 1 (A) overall NSDUH sample, for 1(B) males and females, and 1(C) nonblack and black race/ethnicity groups

World Health Organization. (2021).

Review of the Healthcare Costs

The economic burden of adolescent depression is significant, going beyond the immediate costs of mental health treatment. The indirect costs of this disorder extend into many aspects of life, putting strain on both individuals and their families. The financial strain on families is especially visible in the case of extended treatment, where the cumulative expenditures can skyrocket, potentially resulting in a large loss of income (Janna et al., 2021). The importance of studying healthcare expenses stems from their function as a primary determinant of the scope of the problem. Understanding the economic dimensions of adolescent depression is critical not just for healthcare stakeholders, but also for society as a whole. It sheds light on the significant impact on individuals, families, and, by extension, the healthcare system as a whole.

Adolescents’ depression has ramifications throughout homes, resulting in decreased productivity and increased healthcare consumption. Individuals suffering from depression frequently struggle to maintain optimal levels of productivity in several parts of their lives, including scholastic endeavors and work (Lu, 2019). The resulting decline in productivity might result in personal and societal economic losses. Furthermore, the increased healthcare consumption caused by adolescent depression places further strain on an already overburdened healthcare system. The need for mental health care is increasing, which could strain existing resources and infrastructure (Lu, 2019). As a result, effective interventions are required not just to address the well-being of affected individuals, but also to relieve the demand on healthcare resources.

Recognizing the significant link between mental health and economic wealth emphasizes the need to address the economic components of adolescent depression. The financial burden on families goes beyond the direct costs of therapy, incorporating broader societal ramifications such as lower educational attainment and fewer professional chances. Untreated adolescent depression ripples across the socioeconomic fabric, influencing not only individual households but also the collective progress of communities (Lu, 2019). Understanding the complicated links between mental health and economic stability reveals that investing in mental health therapies is an investment in society's economic resilience. Mitigating the economic repercussions of adolescent depression requires a holistic approach that recognizes the far-reaching consequences that go beyond the immediate area of mental health and fosters an environment in which adolescents can realize their educational and career potential. Therefore, an assessment of healthcare costs related to adolescent depression reveals a complicated problem with consequences that reach far beyond the clinical sphere. The economic burden is not limited to the immediate costs of mental health treatment; it affects many elements of life, including productivity, income, and healthcare consumption. Recognizing the economic ramifications emphasizes the importance of effective therapies, not only to address immediate mental health difficulties, but also to reduce the broader economic effects for individuals, families, and the healthcare system as a whole.

Evidence of Support for the APRN Role

A large amount of data supports Advanced Practice Registered Nurses' (APRNs') key role in effectively addressing the complicated issue of adolescent depression. A profusion of studies constantly shows that treatments led by APRNs result in beneficial outcomes. These outcomes range from improved access to mental health care to higher levels of patient satisfaction and adherence to treatment strategies among teenagers suffering from depression. The documented improvement in access to mental health care is one notable component of the evidence supporting the APRN role. Adolescents suffering from depression frequently face challenges in receiving timely and effective care (Kumar et al., 2020). With their advanced training and skill set, APRNs have helped to overcome these barriers by offering comprehensive mental health treatments. Their capacity to provide a range of care that goes beyond the usual biological approach is critical in dealing with the multidimensional character of adolescent depression.

The increased satisfaction indicated by patients receiving APRN-led treatment emphasizes the importance of this function. Patient satisfaction is an important statistic for analyzing not just the quality of care but also the effectiveness of interventions (Flaubert et al., 2021). APRNs develop a therapeutic alliance with adolescents through their holistic approach, recognizing the interconnectedness of biological, psychological, and environmental components that contribute to depression. This patient-centered approach meets the specific requirements of teenagers and contributes to their overall satisfaction with the care they get.

Guidelines from major health organizations emphasize the necessity of incorporating APRNs into teen depression mental health care teams. These principles serve