I have fostered for 9 years. They were placed with me when they were 4 and 15m. After a 4 year roller coaster I finally was able to adopt. There are highs and lows and I would love to express that in my speech.
Informative Speech Preparation Outline Assignment
Purpose: This assignment will help you develop outlining, organization, and research skills that will prepare you for professional and social public speaking situations. This will be accomplished by developing a Preparation Outline to prepare for delivering an Informative speech.
Skills: The Informative Speech Outline assignment will help you practice the following skills that are essential to your success in school and your professional and social life outside of school. In this assignment you will:
· Determine an appropriate topic for the context and audience.
· Compose a well-organized preparation outline, using an appropriate organizational pattern.
· Use supporting information from appropriate sources.
· Create an Introduction and Conclusion that shows awareness of audience and purpose.
· Use correct formatting for an outline, for citing sources and for creating a Works Cited page.
Knowledge: The Informative Speech Outline assignment will prepare you to apply the following important content knowledge in the discipline of Communications:
· Recognizing the importance of considering the audience when communicating in work and social situations.
· Utilizing the components of an introduction and conclusion to effectively engage your audience.
· Using organization and writing skills for creating maximum impact in work and social situations.
· Understanding that effective writing and communication requires providing support for ideas.
· Realizing the importance of acknowledging expertise and sources for the purpose of establishing credibility.
Task: To complete the Preparation Outline portion of this assignment, you will:
1. Identify your general and specific purposes for your speech, based on the topic selected for the speech.
Your general purpose will be “to inform.”
Your specific purpose will be comprised of: Your general purpose + your specific intended audience + your specific goal for the intended audience. Refer to the textbook for examples of specific purposes and for further information on how to create yours.
Place your purpose statements at the top of the outline, immediately after your MLA-formatted heading.
2. Create a thesis statement that accomplishes your specific purpose. Remember that your thesis will preview the main points/sections of your speech. At the top of your outline, place your thesis after your specific purpose.
3. Using the recommended format for an outline (a template has been provided if you need it), write your speech as you intend to deliver it with complete sentences . This will include everything you intend to say (although you are not expected to memorize the speech). The key idea is this outline is used to prepare your speech; thus, it includes everything you intend to say , as that is how a speech would be prepared.
4. Carefully revise your outline to be sure all material is relevant to the topic, audience, and specific purpose.
5. Verify that clear and effective transitions are used to move between sections of the speech and to connect ideas as needed.
6. Check that all required elements of the Introduction and Conclusion are present in the speech.
7. Double check that all material in the speech is relevant to the specific purpose and the intended audience. If material is present that does not relate to the specific purpose or audience, revise that material or delete it if necessary.
8. Carefully proofread your outline for grammatical and spelling errors.
9. Be sure the required number of sources are used for research, and be sure all sources are correctly cited within the paper and on the Works Cited page.
10. Submit a copy of your Preparation Outline to this assignment dropbox.
Criteria for Success: Please see the Preparation Outline Evaluation Rubric for how the preparation outline will be graded.