Chat with us, powered by LiveChat What are the benefits and limitations of the methodologies used in Liz’s Tinder research project? Do you think most people told the truth when responding? Why or why not? Why m - Writingforyou

What are the benefits and limitations of the methodologies used in Liz’s Tinder research project? Do you think most people told the truth when responding? Why or why not? Why m

Please read and follow instruction. The book is attached the and the assignment is attached no AI AND please Tentrium.please follow the instructions watch videos and please also follow the syllabus what the professor is looking for. and read the assignment thoroughly.

2/1/24, 9:22 AM Topic: Module 02: Discussion – Dr. Carroll's Notebook: Meet Liz 1/2

This is a graded discussion: 10 points possible due Feb 11

Module 02: Discussion – Dr. Carroll's Notebook: Meet Liz

This assignment is required and counts towards your grade in this course.


This activity will provide a real-life example of research within the field of sexology. It will also allow you to critically think about research methods within the field of sexology. It will provide an opportunity to write your learning, share your thoughts with others, and learn from other perspectives in the class.


In MindTap, read the chapter 2 entry "From Dr. Carroll's Notebook" titled "Meet Liz". This entry is about a college student's unique sex research study in her human sexuality course.

After reading the entry, select 3 of the following 4 questions and share your answers on the discussion board:

What are the benefits and limitations of the methodologies used in Liz's Tinder research project? Do you think most people told the truth when responding? Why or why not? Why might a person be motivated to lie or make up a response? How likely would you be to participate in a study like this? Would you have stopped and talked to her? Liz mentioned that one interesting finding is that the male participants were more likely to admit using Tinder for casual sex than female participants. What are your thoughts about this finding? Are you surprised that their study yielded those results?

A numbered list of your answers/responses is acceptable for this assignment. You will not be able to see any other student work until you have first submitted your own work.

After posting your work, read other student posts and leave comments if you'd like. Please remember to use Netiquette Guidelines in all discussion boards.

2/1/24, 9:22 AM Topic: Module 02: Discussion – Dr. Carroll's Notebook: Meet Liz 2/2

Replies are only visible to those who have posted at least one reply.

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Note: You will not be able to read other student posts until you have posted your own work.

Post your discussion:

Click the Reply button below to post your introduction in the discussion forum. When finished, click the Post Reply You can also find this discussion forum by clicking the Discussions link in Course Navigation.


This assignment is worth 10 points. It is due by 11:59 p.m. on the date listed. Late and/or emailed assignments will not be accepted for grading – no exceptions.

The assignment will be graded for completion (were the required number of questions answered), accuracy (were the questions answered correctly), and depth of knowledge (were the questions answered in a way that demonstrates a clear and advanced understanding of the material). Merely submitting a post is not sufficient to earn full points – please work to be accurate and in-depth in your answers/explanations.

Proofreading is expected and you will need to use complete sentences. Multiple errors (in grammar, spelling, punctuation, capitalization) will result in a loss of 1 point (10%) on this assignment.

Citations are not required on this assignment unless you consult a resource other than the entry or textbook. However, plagiarized work (see Syllabus for definition of plagiarism) will result in a 0 on this assignment – there are no exceptions.

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2/1/24, 8:09 AM Module 02: Readings, Videos and Links to Resources: (Spring 2024) PSY 270 (E50W) – Psychology of Human Sexuality 1/2

Module 02: Readings, Videos and Links to Resources Readings, Videos and Links to Resources


Read Chapters 1 & 2 in your textbook


All of these resources are optional. Reviewing them will improve your experience of this course and deepen your understanding of chapter material.

PowerPoint: Chapter 1 (


PowerPoint: Chapter 2 (


1. Video: TEDTalk, Stuart Firestein, The Pursuit of Ignorance, Feb 2013, 18:33 minutes ( "What does

real scientific work look like? As neuroscientist Stuart Firestein jokes: It looks a lot less like the scientific method and a lot more like 'farting around … in the dark.' In this witty talk, Firestein gets to the heart of science as it is really practiced and suggests that we should value what we don’t know — or 'high-quality ignorance' — just as much as what we know." How do you think this perspective of research will help you in this course? Retrieved from:


2. YouTube: 20 Misconceptions About Sex (

2/1/24, 8:09 AM Module 02: Readings, Videos and Links to Resources: (Spring 2024) PSY 270 (E50W) – Psychology of Human Sexuality 2/2

( Questions to think about while watching: Why there are so many myths about sex… How do they arise? Why do they tend to persist with remarkably little change from generation to generation? Approx. 11 minutes Retrieved from 20 Misconceptions About Sex – mental_floss on YouTube (Ep.212) (


3. Video: Participating in Sex Research ( participating-in-a-sex-study_news) This video clip is of Mary Roach, the woman who, along with her husband, participated in the filming of a 4-D ultrasound of sexual intercourse. Would you be willing to participate in sex research? What would you be willing to do and what would you absolutely not do? Approx. 6 minutes. Retrieved from



2/6/24, 5:12 PM Topic: Module 03: Discussion -Dr. Carroll's Notebook: Meet Sophie 1/2

This is a graded discussion: 10 points possible due Feb 18

Module 03: Discussion -Dr. Carroll's Notebook: Meet Sophie

This assignment is required and counts towards your grade in this course.


This activity will provide a real-life example of the process and experience of one person's transgender transition. It will provide an opportunity to write your learning, share your thoughts with others, and learn from other perspectives in the class.


In MindTap, read the chapter 4 entry (including watching any videos included) "From Dr. Carroll's Notebook" titled "Meet Sophie". This activity is about a student who shares her gender transformation experience with Dr. Carroll.

After reading the entry, select 3 of the following 4 questions and share your answers on the discussion board:

Would you be uncomfortable if Sophie was your roommate? Do you think it would be more or less uncomfortable if you were the same biological sex as her? Do you think that Sophie should have to disclose that she is a transwoman to her roommate? Why or why not? Sophie talked about her parents’ involvement with her struggles over the years and ultimate decision to take the next step to becoming a female. How do you think your parents would react if you were to go through this experience? If you could ask Sophie anything about her transition from being a male to a female, what would you ask her?

A numbered list of your answers/responses is acceptable for this assignment. You will not be able to see any other student work until you have first submitted your own work.

After posting your work, read other student posts and leave comments if you'd like. Please remember to use Netiquette Guidelines in all discussion boards.

Note: You will not be able to read other student posts until you have posted your own work.

2/6/24, 5:12 PM Topic: Module 03: Discussion -Dr. Carroll's Notebook: Meet Sophie 2/2

Replies are only visible to those who have posted at least one reply.

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Post your discussion:

Click the Reply button below to post your introduction in the discussion forum. When finished, click the Post Reply You can also find this discussion forum by clicking the Discussions link in Course Navigation.


This assignment is worth 10 points. It is due by 11:59 p.m. on the date listed. Late and/or emailed assignments will not be accepted for grading – no exceptions.

The assignment will be graded for completion (were the required number of questions answered), accuracy (were the questions answered correctly), and depth of knowledge (were the questions answered in a way that demonstrates a clear and advanced understanding of the material). Merely submitting a post is not sufficient to earn full points – please work to be accurate and in-depth in your answers/explanations.

Proofreading is expected and you will need to use complete sentences. Multiple errors (in grammar, spelling, punctuation, capitalization) will result in a loss of 1 point (10%) on this assignment.

Citations are not required on this assignment unless you consult a resource other than the entry or textbook. However, plagiarized work (see Syllabus for definition of plagiarism) will result in a 0 on this assignment – there are no exceptions.

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