Chat with us, powered by LiveChat Select one class period from the course syllabus you created in week 5 and develop a teaching plan for your chosen class. Following the assignment guidelines below, develop an - Writingforyou

Select one class period from the course syllabus you created in week 5 and develop a teaching plan for your chosen class. Following the assignment guidelines below, develop an

 Select one class period from the course syllabus you created in week 5 and develop a teaching plan for your chosen class. Following the assignment guidelines below, develop and submit your teaching plan for the class period during week 6.

Assignment Guidelines

Your teaching plan should serve as a road map of what you think students need to learn as well as how you will effectively deliver your instruction and evaluate what the students learned during the class period. While there are many formats for a teaching plan, the following sections should be included in your plan:

  • The subject or topic that you plan to teach: Your topic should be selected from one of the class periods listed in your syllabus that you developed for an undergraduate nursing course.
  • Level of instruction: The placement of the course in the nursing program curriculum (i.e., freshman, junior, sophomore, senior; beginning, mid-program, or end-of-program level)
  • Method/mode of delivering your teaching presentation: Form of audio-visual delivery, PowerPointpresentation, or similar method
  • Learning objectives: Include 4–5 outcome statements that define what you expect the students to learn or accomplish by the end of the class period. Your learning objectives should be clear and measurable, and appropriate to the information you are teaching, and the level of instruction.
  • Content outline: Develop an outline of the central points and/or skills you plan to cover. Your content should be logically structured.
  • Teaching strategies and learning activities: List the approach, techniques, and methods you will use to drive your instruction and engage your students to reach the learning objectives (e.g., lecture, active learning, discussions). Provide a rationale supporting your selected teaching strategies, as well as their advantages and disadvantages.
  • Plans for individual learning differences: How you plan to adapt your teaching to meet individual learning needs of various students. Explain how individuals with different learning styles will be supported by your teaching strategies and activities.
  • Evaluation process: List the methods you plan to use to assess student learning and evaluate the effectiveness of your teaching strategies (how you will determine if students met the outcome objectives).
    • Include formative (questioning, discussion, games, etc.) and summative (assignment, test, presentation, etc.) evaluation strategies.
    • Include at least one written assignment and develop a rubric that clearly describes your expectations for the assignment. Your rubric should:
      • List the criteria that will be assessed (a breakdown of the assignment parts).
      • Include some type of scale that measures the levels of quality for the criteria being assessed (e.g., from excellent to poor, from exceeds expectations to does not meet expectations).

Nursing Syllabus

Cristina Lopez



Instructor: Cristina Lopez, RN

Course Title: Nursing Care in Chronic Illness

Course Number: NURS 320

Credit Hours: 3 Hours

Class Days and Time: Wednesdays/Fridays 1400-1600

Location of Class: Room 203, Nursing Building

Contact: Email: [email protected], Phone: (555) 123-4567

Course Description:

This eight-week online course for undergraduate nursing will emphasize the comprehensiveness

of skills required in taking care of patients with chronic illnesses. The students will learn the

related complications of chronic health problems, the outcome of which will result in knowing

and gaining competence in appropriate care of the clients. The course is designed to include

evidence-based practice, ethics, and appreciation of values underlying cultural competency.

Course Outcome Objectives:

By the end of the course: students will therefore be in a position to, after the course:

• Conduct research on the historical and current issues that have an impact on the nursing

profession, keeping in mind the essential part it plays in the healthcare system.

• The use of critical thinking abilities to clinical decision-making and problem-solving in a

variety of healthcare settings is essential.

• Develop therapeutic connections with patients, their families, and other members of the

healthcare team, as well as demonstrate strong communication skills.

• In order to deliver comprehensive, patient-centered care that maximizes health outcomes,

it is important to make use of evidence-based practice.

• Nursing interventions that are both safe and ethical should be implemented in accordance

with professional and legal norms.

• Contribute to the development of interprofessional communication and collaboration

while working as an important part of the healthcare team community.

Required Materials and Learning Resources:

1. Plan and implement patient care using critical thinking skills for patients with chronic


2. In-class simulation with medical supplies and equipment

3. Personal protective equipment (PPE)

4. Access to online databases in order to do research for research assignments

Instructional Methods and Activities:

• Lecture: Interactive lectures on understanding theoretical underpinnings of nursing care

in chronic illness.

• Case Study: Real world cases, comparing real world situation with how the application of

that theoretical knowledge has been.

• In-class simulation: Actual clinical reasoning and patient-care development experience.

• Group Discussion: Discuss case scenarios, ethical dilemmas, and evidence-based practice

with one another.

• Guest Speakers: Get to know what the experts have to say about different common

chronic illnesses dealt with in health and care.

Classroom Policies Rules:

1. Classroom Behavior: Respectful and professional behavior is required at all times.

2. Absences: Class attendance is mandatory. Any legitimate cause for absence must be

brought to the notice of the instructor in advance. Excessive absences might weigh on the

final grade.

3. Tardiness: Punctuality is advised. Latecomers disrupt the teaching and learning process.

4. Late Assignments: A grade penalty of 10% of points per day late will apply for

assignments submitted after the due date, up to 30%.

5. Make-Up Work: Make-up examinations or assignments will be given under documented

medical or family emergencies.

Grade Determination:

• Class Participation – 10%

• Quizzes (3) – 30% (10% each)

• Research Paper – 20%

• Group Simulation – 15%

• Final Exam – 25%

Outline and General Timeline:

Readings Required

• All assigned textbook chapters

Week Content Activities/Assignments Readings

1 Introduction to Chronic


– Icebreaker activity

– Overview of course objectives


Chapter 1

2 Understanding Chronic


– Lecture on types and impact

– Case study analysis


Chapter 2

3 Evidence-Based


– Guest speaker on research in

chronic care

– Group discussion on EBP in



Chapter 3

4 Communication in

Chronic Care

– Role-play scenarios

– In-class simulation


Chapter 4

5 Assessing Patient


– Skill development workshop

– Individual case study



Chapter 5

6 Planning Interventions – Group simulation

– Research paper discussion


Chapter 6

7 Implementation and


– In-class activities

– Quiz 3


Chapter 7

8 Final Review and


– Final exam review

– Reflection on course learning

Review all


• Supplementary articles available at the course website

Note: Please note that this schedule is tentative and is likely to be changed depending on the

pace of the class. In either scenario, it will be announced well in advance.

This syllabus is meant to keep the learning atmosphere dynamic and vibrant and its

learners interactive between themselves and also with the course material. Encouraging critical

thinking, ethical consideration, and practical skills essential to nursing care in chronic illness, it

is designed to help students reframe their preconceptions about nursing. Please do not hesitate to

seek any clarification or assistance during office hours. I look forward to an exciting and

enriching 8 weeks of learning together.