Chat with us, powered by LiveChat Much of your role as an educator, both as a general education or special education teacher, will be explaining a student’s learning challenges to parents who may or may not be in educati - Writingforyou

Much of your role as an educator, both as a general education or special education teacher, will be explaining a student’s learning challenges to parents who may or may not be in educati

Much of your role as an educator, both as a general education or special education teacher, will be explaining a student's learning challenges to parents who may or may not be in education and understand the jargon. As a result, you will need to explain the disability and challenges in the classroom in a way anyone can understand.

Choose one of the following: Mathematics Disability, Reading Disability, Visual Processing, or Auditory Processing. Research the topic and post a summary of your findings in a parent-friendly description of the disability and how you would support the student in your classroom.

Criteria Level 4 – Proficient

Level 3 – Satisfactory

Level 2 – Basic

Level 1 – Missing or Inaccurate

Criterion Score


2 points

Expands on an initial inquiry or discussion question and supports or challenges it. Responses are backed up with evidence, shows novel insight.

1.5 points

Contributes information that is factually correct; lacks development of concept or thought. Ideas within the critique are not always presented with evidence.

1 point

Does not include substantive information; information is not presented with evidence.

0 points

Response is off topic or is inaccurate.

Score of Content,

/ 2

References and Support

2 points

Uses references to text(s), readings, videos, podcasts, or personal experience to support comments in a conversation or discussion critique.

1.5 points

Includes some references from the readings or research and personal experience is in the critique.

1 point

Uses only personal experiences. Includes no reference to readings or research from the content supporting the topic.

0 points

Does not include references or supporting experience.

Score of References and Support,

/ 2

Mechanics and Quality

2 points

Responses are relevant, succinct and free of mechanical errors.

1.5 points

Responses contribute relevant information in an organized manner. Minor clarity or mechanical errors.

1 point

Responses include basic information with some errors in clarity or mechanics.

0 points

Responses are unorganized, unclear and contain mechanical errors.

Score of Mechanics and Quality,

/ 2


Score of SPE 500 Weekly Assignment Rubric,

/ 6