Imagine you have just received your certification and are taking on your first trainee within your organization who is working towards certification. Based on the BACB® guidelines and the Ethics code, and this week's lecture, create a task analysis that you will follow to set up the supervisory relationship prior to your first supervision meeting with this trainee. What things must be in place before you begin? Are there any conditions under which will you not proceed with the supervisory relationship?
Remember to review the Reflection Paper rubric and instructions for reviewing a peer's submission in the Important Course Information module.
Additionally, please include LINKS or DOIs to any articles or books referenced outside of the assigned readings as part of your APA citation (as is required when using web-based referencesLinks to an external site.). Failing to do so will result in point deductions.
Reflection Paper Rubric (25 points) Reflection papers consist of brief responses to a prompt related to the information shared in each week’s module. Using both the assigned materials and external references, the student should thoughtfully and thoroughly respond to the prompt. During the following week, students will be required to provide feedback on a peer’s reflection paper, and will be required to paste the text of their completed peer review into their own submission comments in Canvas, which will allow for the instructor to grade more easily. Reflection paper assignments will be graded as follows:
Category 5 points 3 points 0 points Reflection Length* *(excludes reference section and direct quotes from references that are longer than 5 words)
Reflection paper content was greater than 150 words.
Reflection paper content was between 100-149 words.
Reflection paper content was less than 99 words.
Grammar, Usage, and Spelling
Reflection paper contained less than 2 grammar, usage, or spelling errors.
Reflection paper contained 3-4 grammar, usage, or spelling errors.
Reflection paper contained more than 5 grammar, usage, or spelling errors and proofreading was not apparent.
References and Utilization of Outside Resources
The author used references from peer- reviewed behavioral sources in APA format and cited one or more original behavioral references, outside of the assigned readings. Hyperlinks to the cited external references are provided.
The author used references in APA format of assigned readings but did not include an additional peer-reviewed behavioral reference or did not include a hyperlink to the externally-cited reference.
The author neither utilized APA format for referenced material used nor cited an outside peer-reviewed behavioral reference.
Addressing the Prompt
The author’s reflection paper clearly responds to the assignment prompt, develops ideas cogently, organizes them logically, and supports them through empirical writing.
The author’s reflection paper clearly responds to the assignment prompt, develops ideas cogently, organizes them logically, and supports them through empirical writing.
The author’s reflection paper does not correspond with the assignment prompt, mainly discusses personal opinions, irrelevant information, or information is presented with limited logic and lack of development and organization of ideas.
Application The author’s post clearly demonstrates application and relationship to the week’s assigned reading/topic.
The author’s post refers to the assigned topic/reading tangentially but does not demonstrate application.
The author’s post does not demonstrate application of the week’s assigned topic/reading.
Peer Review – Your peer review text must be copied and pasted into the comments of your own reflection paper submission to receive credit.
Completes peer-review of colleague’s reflection paper and provides well-thought- out, thorough feedback.
Completes peer-review of colleague’s reflection paper, but provides only vague, non-specific feedback or input.
Does not complete peer- review of a colleague’s reflection paper or does not copy the text into the comments section of their own submission to allow for grading.
Late reflection papers will adhere to the general submission policy found on the Virtual Course Schedule.