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Medical–surgical nurse leaders’ experiences with safety culture: An inductive qualitative descriptive study
Lisa Harton PhD, RN, FACHE, Chief Quality Officer |
Lisa Skemp PhD, FGSA, FAAN, Professor
Marcella Niehoff School of Nursing, Loyola
University Chicago, Chicago, Illinois, USA
Lisa Harton, 1016 BVM Hall, Marcella Neihoff
School of Nursing, Lake Shore Campus, 1032
W. Sheridan Road, Chicago, IL 60660, USA.
Email: [email protected]
Funding information
There are no sources of funding.
Aim: The aim of this study is to describe safety culture as experienced by
medical–surgical nurse leaders.
Background: Safety culture remains a barrier in safer patient care. Nurse leaders play
an important role in creating and supporting a safety culture.
Methods: We used an inductive qualitative descriptive study using semistructured
interviews, document review and observations in a Midwestern community hospital
in the United States.
Results: Results of the study are as follows: making sure nurses are keeping patients
safe, making sure nurses have nursing interventions in place, expecting nurses to stop
unsafe acts or escalate when they feel uncomfortable, making sure nurses have what
they need to provide safe care, organization prioritizes patient safety and making
sure nurses are learning and growing emerged as themes describing safety culture.
Conclusions: Nurse leaders made sure patients were safe by making sure everyone
was doing their best to provide safe care. Insufficient time, too many priorities,
insufficient resources, poor physician behaviours and lack of respect for their role
emerged as barriers to leading a safety culture.
Implications for Nursing Management: Organizations must remove barriers for nurse
leaders to develop and lead a safety culture. Nurse leaders must learn to advocate
successfully for safe nursing care and professional work environments.
acute care, nurse manager, patient safety, safety culture
The Institute of Medicine (IOM, 2000) seminal report on preventable
patient harm identified 44,000–98,000 deaths annually from
avoidable medical errors. Health care system leadership and
researchers responded to this problem by studying systems that led
to errors to create safer care processes while also addressing safety
culture (Gandhi et al., 2016). Despite efforts to improve patient safety,
one in 20 patients continue to experience preventable harm
(Panagioti et al., 2019). Delivering safe care requires leaders to estab-
lish, lead and sustain safety as a core value resulting in improved
safety culture (Gandhi et al., 2016). Safety culture is the product of
Received: 5 May 2022 Revised: 10 August 2022 Accepted: 29 August 2022
DOI: 10.1111/jonm.13775
This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs License, which permits use and distribution in any
medium, provided the original work is properly cited, the use is non-commercial and no modifications or adaptations are made.
© 2022 The Authors. Journal of Nursing Management published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
J Nurs Manag. 2022;30:2781–2790. 2781
individual and group values, attitudes, perceptions, competencies, and
patterns of behavior that can determine the commitment to, and the
style and proficiency of an organization’s health and safety manage-
ment plan (Health and Safety Commission Advisory Committee on the
Safety of Nuclear Installations, 1993, p.339). A positive safety culture
in hospital nursing units resulted in fewer reported adverse patient
outcomes including decreased patient falls, medication errors,
pressure injuries, hospital associated infections and higher patient
satisfaction (Alanazi et al., 2022).
Leader expectations, support, prioritization and commitment to
patient safety, accountability, sharing data, daily management practices,
focusing on safety behaviours, teamwork and communication, learning
and improvement and executive rounding positively impact safety cul-
ture (Campione & Famolaro, 2018; Churruca et al., 2021; Frush
et al., 2018). A systematic review identified that organizational safety
cultures are underdeveloped or weak in regard to staffing, nonpunitive
response to errors, handovers and transitions of care and teamwork
across units (Reis et al., 2018). Failure of leadership to prioritize and
support patient safety has been associated with poor patient safety
outcomes (Patient Safety Advisory Group [PSAG], 2017).
Efforts to develop a safety culture have not had a significant
impact. For example, the Agency for Health care Research and Quality
(AHRQ) Hospital Survey on Patient Safety Culture (SOPS) 2021 trend-
ing report identified a 1% decrease in overall perception of patient
safety and 40% of hospitals reported a 5-point or more decrease in
management support for patient safety (Famolaro et al., 2021). Nurse
leaders (NLs) are a subset of administration and management respon-
dents that have the most favourable safety culture perceptions. They
lead Registered Nurses (RNs), a subset of nurse respondents within
the AHRQ SOPS survey, who, in contrast, have the least favourable
perception of safety culture.
Nurse leaders play an important role in creating and supporting a
safety culture and leading a professional nursing work environment. A
professional nursing work environment has been associated with bet-
ter safety culture and patient outcomes (Lee & Dahinten, 2020; Olds
et al., 2017). Adequate staffing, managerial support for nurses and
good nurse–physician relations contribute to a professional nurse
work environment (IOM, 2004). Hospital manager behaviours that
promote patient safety and transformational leadership styles influ-
ence and predict nurse-perceived patient safety (Anderson
et al., 2019; Campbell et al., 2021; Ferreira et al., 2022; Lee &
Dahinten, 2020; Weaver et al., 2017). Transformational leadership
had a significant indirect effect on adverse patient outcomes through
structural empowerment (Boamah et al., 2018). Structural empower-
ment explains how leaders can influence employees to accomplish
their work effectively by providing access to information, support,
resources and opportunities (Kanter, 1993).
Transformational leadership is a relational leadership style in
which followers have trust and respect for the leader and are moti-
vated to do more than is formally expected of them to achieve organi-
zational goals (Bass, 1985). Transformational leadership consists of
four core dimensions. Idealized influence describes a leader who is an
exemplary role model, sets high standards of conduct and articulates
the vision of the organization. Inspirational motivation occurs when
leaders articulate a compelling vision. Intellectual stimulation occurs
when leaders solicit a variety of opinions perspectives in making deci-
sions and empower employees to constantly be learning, looking for
and acting upon opportunities (Bass, 1985). Finally, individualized con-
sideration occurs when leaders coach or mentor to the individual dif-
ferences in needs of employees to help them reach their full potential
(Avolio et al., 1999).
Assessing safety culture in health care has relied predominantly
on quantitative methods that measure varying dimensions of a safety
culture but lack an understanding of cultural assumptions and behav-
iours (Churruca et al., 2021). Through a better understanding of nurse
leader experiences within the situational context of a medical–surgical
unit, safety culture perceptions will be better understood, behaviours
described and facilitators and challenges identified to provide insight
into areas for prioritization or improvement. Therefore, this study
aimed to describe medical–surgical nurse leader experiences with
safety culture in a Midwestern United States hospital to inform fac-
tors that support leading a safety culture in nursing. This study is part
of a larger study describing the similarities and differences in safety
culture experiences between RNs and nurse leaders.
2.1 | Design and participants
An inductive qualitative descriptive study was used for data collection
and analysis. A purposive sample of nurse leaders with at least
6 months experience supporting the medical–surgical units were
recruited through flyers, a recruitment email and during hospital
safety huddles. Safety huddles or short, stand-up meetings occurred
each morning between nurse leaders and their staff allowing teams to
actively manage quality and safety by looking back at performance
and looking ahead to proactively discuss safety concerns
(AHRQ, 2017). Data saturation was reached at 10 nurse leader partici-
pants. Nurse leaders were at a minimum bachelor’s prepared RNs that
had 24 h accountability for a direct care unit or units.
2.2 | Data collection
Informed consent was obtained. Data were collected through a semi-
structured interview guide. Interviews were conducted by the first
author, a nurse researcher with over 15 years of leadership experi-
ence in acute care settings. Interviews were conducted in secure and
comfortable locations chosen by the participants and lasted, on aver-
age, 1 h. Confidentiality was maintained by using pseudonyms during
transcription. Audio tapes of interviews were transcribed verbatim,
reviewed line-by-line and compared with the audio recordings to
ensure accuracy. The second author, a nurse researcher with expertise
in qualitative research, reviewed a sample of audio recordings and all
transcripts to validate transcriptions. Key policies, protocols and
documents discussed in interviews were collected and reviewed to
enhance the credibility of data collection. Observations of 16 safety
huddles allowed the researcher to observe group safety behaviours
and were captured in field notes.
2.3 | Data analysis
Data analysis was conducted by two qualitative nurse researchers.
Inductive qualitative content analysis was applied to analyse and sum-
marize data resulting in six themes (Sandelowski, 2000). Analysis was
manual and occurred concurrently with data collection using a five-
step process (Miles et al., 2014). First, data were managed and orga-
nized into secure files. Second, data were read and re-read while
memoing emergent ideas to capture phrases and words to identify ini-
tial codes. Third, in vivo coding allowed clustering of similar data using
first cycle coding that was continuously revised to accommodate new
data. Then, pattern codes were generated through second cycle cod-
ing to identify emerging themes. Subthemes provided rich description
of participant experiences by providing quotes, emotions and context
to ensure that the voices, feelings, meanings and actions of the partic-
ipants were described in sufficient detail. In the fourth step, interpre-
tations were developed and assessed. Fifth, results were validated by
member checking and by researcher triangulation through consensus.
Findings were compared with what is known in the literature.
2.4 | Rigour
Rigour was established by adhering to the four criteria described by
Lincoln and Guba (1985). Credibility was ensured by pilot testing the
interview guide, flexible, systematic, purposive sampling, ensuring par-
ticipants had the freedom to provide rich information, participant-
driven data until saturation was reached, triangulation of data collec-
tion through multiple sources, accurate and timely transcription, data-
driven coding with member checking, investigatory triangulation and
on-going attention to context. Confirmability was ensured through
bracketing personal bias, investigator triangulation and member
checking. Dependability was ensured through a documented exten-
sive, detailed audit trail. Transferability or fittingness of the results is
determined by the reader.
2.5 | Ethical considerations
The study was approved by the University IRB and the study site
research ethics review committee.
The 10 participants were female and held at minimum a bachelor’s
degree in nursing as was required for the role. There was variation in
age (28–62 years of age) and years of experience as a nurse leader
(2–21 years). All nurse leaders worked at least 40 h a week predomi-
nantly on the day shift (90%) (Table 1).
Six themes described nurse leader experiences with safety cul-
ture. Within the themes, 16 subthemes provided rich description of
the meaning of those experiences (Figure 1). This resulted in nurse
leaders making sure patients were safe by making sure everyone was
doing their best to provide safe care.
3.1 | Making sure nurses are keeping patients safe
Nurse leaders set expectations and held RNs accountable for gather-
ing information from and about their patients and ensuring a
T AB L E 1 Demographics
NL (n = 10)
% n
Male 0 0
Female 100 10
Supervisor 40 4
Manager 50 5
Director 10 1
20–29 10 1
30–39 50 5
40–49 30 3
50–59 10 1
Highest education level completed
Bachelor’s 90 9
Master’s 10 1
RN, number of years
4–5 10 1
6–10 20 2
> 10 70 7
Years as a nurse leader
2–3 20 2
4–5 10 1
6–10 40 4
>10 30 3
Hours worked per week
0–24 30 3
25–40 70 7
Shift most often worked
Days 90 9
Nights 0 0
Rotating 10 1
collaborative plan to proactively keep patients safe. The subthemes
described knowing the patient by reviewing the electronic medical
record, bedside shift report to know the patient and catch things
upstream and risk assessments, when completed, determined patient
risks. This was described as the safest day.
When the patient is admitted there is collaborative,
effective communication with all care team members.
There’s a plan of care to keep the patient safe whether
it’s preventing falls, preventing any kind of harm. To
make sure that we have the best standards in place to
prevent harm from that patient. (RNL04)
Nurse leaders described RNs as spending a lot of time looking for
information that was not always accurate and did not transfer from
most settings outside of the hospital. Bedside shift report facilitated
knowing the patient and involving them in the plan of care which
helped RNs catch things upstream by validating the patient’s condi-
tion and ensuring safety interventions were in place. Although they
shared stories to help RNs understand the benefits of bedside shift
report and conducted audits to increase compliance, they were not
done consistently or accurately.
Handover is mind-boggling to me that people have
trouble getting nurses to buy into it because [I] can
give examples that demonstrate from a patient per-
spective what that means. I talk to my nurses about
the position they can put you in if you do not do it
right. You did not do handover and the IV rate is
wrong, you have an infiltrated IV. All these things that
the previous nurse maybe was part of and now you
cannot even ask those questions. Now you have got to
explain the situation to the patient and doctor, and you
do not have the background. (RNL02)
Finally, nurse leaders described risk assessments, when com-
pleted, determined patient risks to inform a clear plan to keep patients
safe. A review of a risk assessments confirmed that prevention inter-
ventions were recommended based on a calculated risk score. How-
ever, NLs described that RNs not having time and being too busy
were barriers to completing risk assessments.
3.2 | Making sure nurses have nursing interventions in place
Nurse leaders set expectations and held RNs accountable for having
nursing interventions in place. Nursing interventions were defined as
policies and protocols developed using professional standards and
evidence-based practice for RNs to follow to guide safe patient care.
The subthemes described setting expectations and holding staff
nurses accountable for following nursing interventions: checklists,
alarms, warnings and safety double checks and workarounds to keep
patients safe.
F I GU R E 1 Results
The IV policy is a reference that my nursing team
utilizes. Recently there was another unit that wanted
to transfer a patient who was on a nitro drip for
high blood pressures that needed to be titrated.
Currently our team is not competent in that, nor
are we staffed to take care of that acuity to make sure
that we are monitoring that patient safely. So, they
were able to use that policy and stop it right there and
figure out a different plan to keep that patient safe.
Nurse leaders could not agree on how prescriptive nursing inter-
ventions should be to support the use of nursing judgement. They
acknowledged that RNs did not always follow nursing interventions
placing patient safety at risk. Nursing interventions were not followed
because they were too complicated, confusing, unrealistic, ever-
changing, not easily accessible at the point of care, outdated and were
too open to interpretation. ‘You’re trying to coach on fall prevention
to the 17-page policy. By the time you get around to every nurse to
personally coach them, they’ve changed it’ (RNL04). Key policies were
reviewed to confirm this result. During a safety huddle observation, a
NL took over 15 min to explain a 17-page safety policy that RNs still
found confusing and unreasonable. The organization had shared gov-
ernance councils and improvement teams to incorporate RN input
into nursing interventions; however, nurse leaders described a lack of
RN engagement to participate. They also described not enough RN
representation, members not trained on how to use evidence-based
practice to develop nursing interventions and no training on managing
group conflict as barriers.
Nurse leaders made sure RNs understood expectations through
consistent, clear communication, auditing, rounding and feedback to
ensure learning and compliance. They acknowledged inconsistency in
how they set expectations and held RNs accountable.
We have hounded on medication safety so much or
even bigger is shift handover at the bedside. Finally,
we all agreed between the hospital leadership we are
really going to hold people accountable. You cannot
turn your head. We’ve got to hold people accountable
[slamming fist in hand]. (RNL06)
After tracking and coaching for so long, nurse leaders believed
RNs did not follow standards because they lost sight of the patient in
all the busyness and being overwhelmed.
Alarms, warnings, checklists and safety checks were supportive
when they were working, easily accessible and responded to. Nurse
leaders described that RNs did not always respond to alarms because
they were too busy or perceived socialization took priority over
answering alarms.
A lot of socialization takes priority over patient care. I
do not know if it’s because half the time they are so
busy and rundown that when they are not it’s ‘I have
to breathe. I do not want to do any work, I just want to
be able to chitchat and have some downtime’ or if it’s just a culture that we have grown. (RNL09)
They described that RNs did workarounds in nursing interven-
tions because of real- or perceived-time pressure, knowledge gaps
and lack of accountability.
3.3 | Expecting nurses to stop unsafe practices or escalate when they feel uncomfortable
Nurse leaders expected RNs to stop unsafe practices immediately,
reach out to others with more expertise when they were in unfamiliar
situations, and escalate, or reach up to the nurse leader or the rapid
response team, to meet immediate patient needs. The subthemes
described expecting direct conversations about safety, getting the
right eyes on the patient and we do not have great relationships with
our physicians.
No fear. I [RN] would not think twice about stopping
somebody from doing something if I felt it wasn’t the
right thing. I hear people talk about it, somebody will
tell me I saw so-and-so do this and I’ll say how did they
react when you let them know. Of course, the answer I
get is ‘I did not’. Not having that fear would be a safety
culture. They have the power to do it, I do not think
they always believe they have the power. (RNL01)
Direct conversations about safety occurred when a RN would
speak up immediately to anyone at any time to keep the patient safe
by stopping unsafe practices, poor practices or disrespectful behav-
iour. Nurse leaders described RNs as struggling to have direct conver-
sations and stopping unsafe practices that have resulted in patient
Sometimes they do not [speak up]. A lot of times that
is due to hierarchy, poor relationships that they have,
and some of it is based out of fear because they do not
want the provider mad or to get yelled at. There’s
opportunities in pockets and opportunities for collabo-
ration across the organization. (RNL10)
Nurse leaders coached, trained and encouraged direct conversa-
tions and stopping unsafe practices by recognizing and rewarding
these behaviours. They also sought to empower RNs by promoting
patient advocacy, reminding the RN of their duty and engaging the
CEO in advocating for the important role of the RN in the organiza-
tion. Nurse leaders had an open-door policy and followed up on RN
concerns to model how to have direct conversations. Fear, lack of
leader availability and lack of RN confidence were identified barriers.
Fear was attributed to not wanting to look incompetent or challenging
to physicians.
Nurse leaders believed RNs used their resources to keep patients
safe in situations where they lacked experience or were unable to get
what they needed to keep the patient safe. Resources included lean-
ing on each other, other specialties, escalating to a nurse leader or
calling a rapid response team that brought additional resources such
as respiratory therapy and an intensive care unit nurse to the bedside
to assist. The charge nurse was the most valuable resource when they
were not busy and were approachable.
Nurse leaders described that resources were not available,
barriers not removed and negative experiences when escalating
a situation caused RNs to delay or question escalating, thereby placing
patients at risk. In particular, a pattern of poor behaviours from
physicians and other disciplines that was never addressed.
If it’s a one-time thing, you are having a bad night our
nurses do not care. Everyone has a bad day. It’s when
it’s a consistent repetitive [physician] behaviour that
we have tried to address. It’s just a slap in the face
from the provider and honestly the organization
because you are told we should not have to deal with
this and to have it consistently ignore