Chat with us, powered by LiveChat After completing this assignment you will be able to explain the concept of gender and its biological determinants and characteristics and define and differentiate the terms: transsexua - Writingforyou

After completing this assignment you will be able to explain the concept of gender and its biological determinants and characteristics and define and differentiate the terms: transsexua

Please read thoroughly no references required you must respond to three students post after completing. NO AI and Tentium report is required no grammar mistakes and please read full assignment 

2/8/24, 8:15 PM Topic: Module 03: Group Discussion – Sex and Gender 1/4

This is a graded discussion: 20 points possible due Feb 18

Module 03: Group Discussion – Sex and Gender

Since this is a group discussion, each group has its own conversation for this topic. Here are the ones you have access to:

Sex and Gender Assignment

This assignment is required and counts towards your points for your semester grade.


After completing this assignment you will be able to explain the concept of gender and its biological determinants and characteristics and define and differentiate the terms: transsexualism, gender identity disorder, transvestism, third gender.

This activity gives us the chance to focus on the distinctions between gender, sex, and attraction. It has been adapted from ( . Please see the list of terms that is included in this week’s folder for more explanation of some of the terms used below.


Read this attachment:

Genderbread assignment required reading.docx . (

Find the group you've been assigned to for this assignment. You will need to post your work to the discussion board provided for your assigned group.

2/8/24, 8:15 PM Topic: Module 03: Group Discussion – Sex and Gender 2/4

After completing the required reading and finding your group discussion board area, complete BOTH parts of this assignment as follows:

Part 1: Questions to answer yourself and post to your small group discussion board (by Friday of Week 3, worth 5 points):

1) How do you make sense of this week's attached required reading for yourself? (Disclose only at the level with which you’re comfortable sharing with other students in the class.)

2) Does this reading/knowledge change how you think about sex or gender?

3) Why is it problematic to try to guess what someone’s biological sex might be based on their identity and expression?

4) Why is it problematic to try to guess what someone’s sexuality/attraction might be based on their identity, expression, and sex?

5) What are some implications of all of this? And what will you take away from this activity?

Feel free to comment on other student posts. Please remember Netiquette guidelines for online discussions and leave comments that are appropriate, on topic, kind, and respectful. A good rule of thumb is to only write a comment that you would feel comfortable sharing in person.

Part 2: Working with the other students in your small group, post these answers to the small group discussion board – one post per group (by Sunday of Week 3, worth 15 points):

Open this attachment:

genderbread person image (

1) Label the 4 components of “Genderbread Person” (image attached above and shown below). In other words, which part of the person represents gender identity? Which part represents biological sex? What part represents gender expression? Which part represents attraction?

2) Label the ends and middle of each scale/continuum below the image. Each continuum will need 3 labels.

2/8/24, 8:15 PM Topic: Module 03: Group Discussion – Sex and Gender 3/4

Place your labels directly onto the image so that I can clearly see your decisions. Save your work/labeled diagram as a .png or .jpg file and insert the image directly into your post – no attachments!

3) Identify a well-known individual and discuss this person’s gender identity, expression, biological sex, and sexuality based on what you learned in this activity. This write-up should be 200-400 words in length.

Only one image and essay per group is needed. See grading guidelines below so that you understand what participation is required to earn full points.

Post your discussion:

Click the Reply button below to post your introduction in the discussion forum. When finished, click the Post Reply You can also find this discussion forum by clicking the Discussions link in Course Navigation.


This assignment is worth 20 points. It has two separate due dates: Part one is worth 5 points. Part two is worth an additional 15 points. Late, untyped, and/or emailed work is not accepted. Your score is based on the depth of reflection given to the answers and clarity of thought expressed in writing. Failure to answer a question at all and/or failure to answer a question completely will result in a loss of points.

Your part 2 points will be determined in part by the contributions you make to your group discussion board. You will need to post at least 3 times (in addition to your Part 1 post) during Week 3 in order to be eligible to receive full points for this part of the assignment. Posting 2 times will result in a loss of 5 points on this assignment; posting 1 time will result in a loss of 10 points, and posting 0 times will result in a loss of 15 points on this assignment. Posts need to include substantive and relevant contributions – this means on topic and containing meaningful information to help the group complete the assignment.

Proofreading is expected and you will need to use complete sentences. Multiple errors (in grammar, spelling, punctuation, capitalization) will result in a loss of up to 2 points (10%) on this assignment.

Citations are not required on this assignment unless you consult a resource other than the textbook or required reading. However, plagiarized work (see Syllabus for definition of plagiarism) will result in a 0 on

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PSY 270

Required reading for Week 3

Traditionally, we use the word “gender” to simply mean either “man” or “woman.” We describe this as the “gender binary,” a phrase you’ve probably heard, meaning just two options.

Man OR Woman

But in reality, the way folks experience gender is far more complex than that. We call this a “non-binary” understanding of gender. But the binary terms and general ideas they evoke — the idea of “man” and what that means, and the idea of “woman” and what that means — are helpful in understanding the more diverse ways folks experience and make sense of gender.

Man —————Woman

A simple way to think about non-binary gender is with a scale that goes from man-to-woman, where folks could plot how they identify somewhere along the line. Perhaps close to the “man” end if they strongly identify as “man,” close to the “woman” end if they strongly identify as “woman,” or somewhere in-between if they identify as genderqueer, bigender, or another one of the non-binary gender identity labels we have. The problem with this depiction of gender is that it implies that the more “man” someone is, the less “woman” they are. Our gut reaction is that this is accurate, but when you dissect gender into its component parts, you’ll see this isn’t necessarily true.

Gender is best understood when broken up into three parts:

· Gender identity (which is how you, in your head, define and understand your gender based on the options for gender you know to exist),

· Gender Expression (the ways you demonstrate gender through your dress, actions, and demeanor), and

· Biological Sex (the physical parts of your body that we think of as either male or female). Let’s talk about these one-by-one.

Gender identity can be thought of as the aspects of man-ness and woman-ness you either do or don’t align with. In this case, we are talking about the norms (social expectations), and roles (ways we fulfill or act out those expectations) placed upon “men” and “women” in a society. A few typical norms of man-ness might be “strong-willed, logical, athletic” and a roles of “leader, builder, protector.” For woman-ness, we might think of the norms “empathic, sensitive, caring” and roles “teacher, caretaker, supporter.” Some folks identify with neither “man-ness” or “woman-ness,” but a third gender altogether. Some folks identify with aspects of both, and might use the label “genderqueer” to describe their identity.

Gender expression can be thought of as the aspects of masculinity and femininity you display in your clothing, grooming, speech, actions, demeanor, and more. As examples, masculine dress might be considered baggy, unprimed, or functional. Feminine dress is form-fitting, colorful, and frivolous. The term “androgynous” is used to describe gender expression that is both masculine and feminine.

Biological sex can be thought of as the aspects of “male-ness” or “female-ness” you embody in your physical self. Examples of “male-ness” are primary traits like “penis, testicles” as well as secondary traits (which are developed during puberty” like “coarse body hair, wide shoulders.” Examples of “female-ness” are primary traits like “vagina, ovaries” and secondary traits like “breasts, wide hips.” Some folks are predominantly male or female, while others are intersex. There are a multiple reasons and ways that our bodies look the way they do or are the way they are. Cancers or other illnesses, hormone imbalances, transition genders can all play a factor in the type of sexed body that we have and regardless of what we have going on we may identify a particularly biological sex regardless.

And all of this we have been talking about, remember, is related to gender, which is distinct from sexuality. With sexuality, we often subtly reinforce a different binary, thinking people are “gay or straight.” There are far more ways folks identify and experience sexuality, so a helpful way to think about that is to distinguish between our romantic and sexual attraction. Some folks experience both, some experience one more than the other, and some folks experience little to none of either. Many of us experience sexual attraction and romantic attraction at about the same levels, and to the same genders, and therefore may not feel a big difference between the two. However others, like people who are asexual but who are not aromatic, may experience romantic attraction (wanting to go on dates, have intimate conversations, etc) without experiencing sexual attraction.

Source: Killerman, S. (2011). Breaking through the binary. It’s Pronounced Metrosexual.