Chat with us, powered by LiveChat You will write 1000 words minimum on brand loyalty. An expert in this field is Frederick Reichheld who has written several books on this topic including The Loyalty Effect or Lo - Writingforyou

You will write 1000 words minimum on brand loyalty. An expert in this field is Frederick Reichheld who has written several books on this topic including The Loyalty Effect or Lo

Read: The One Number You Need to Grow

Watch: Brand Loyalty


Marketing Paper: Brand Loyalty Assignment 

Marketing Paper: Brand Loyalty Assignment Instructions

You will write 1000 words minimum on brand loyalty. An expert in this field is Frederick Reichheld who has written several books on this topic including The Loyalty Effect or Loyalty Rules. As he stated, “Without trust, there can be no loyalty – and without loyalty, there can be no true growth.” Again, this course has a customer-centric marketing emphasis. Your HBR package has an article by author Reichheld, but you are expected to research and find two other Reichheld sources plus two Marketing Journal articles by any authors to support your write-up on the importance of Loyalty. The premise of the paper will be whether or not brand loyalty is dead OR is it still important to businesses today and why? Integrate a Biblical verse into this paper and include a separate subject header / paragraph for this and how it connects to brand loyalty and being a Christian. 

Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.

Brand Loyalty

Welcome to Week 5. You can, I hope you're enjoying the course. I'm certainly enjoying being here with you. This week. We read an article by in your HBR course pack by Frederick Reichheld. And you'll write a paper on this topic. Frederick rich, I'll use work for Bain and Company. And he was really an expert in the area of loyalty. That's so important as we talk about and focusing on customers. Let's review another article that he wrote. And of course, if you do research, I'm an entry will you'll find, and he's written several books on this topic as well. In slide to just read caps, the book that were earlier, I'm sorry, the article read out of your HPR course pack to 2003 article by Frederick Reichheld. There's many articles and I said, as I said, books by Frederick, right child. But let's talk about 11 is called the loyalty waste Management's the 990 three articles. So that's a little bit old, but here's a snaps as snow read all this, but he just is abstract for this article says despite a flurry of activities aimed at serving customers, better, companies systematically revamped their operations with customer loyalty in mind. Instead, both have adapted improvement programs. Ad hoc and paybacks haven't materialized. Building a highly loyal customer base must be integral and accompanies basic business strategy. So again, I think you'll find this a good. This is another article you could look up if you wanted to, to add to your research this week. But I think you'll enjoy his writing. He just makes sense to me and I hope it does to you as well. I believe the deliverable for this particular week, week 5, will be a brand loyalty week 5, paper. They'll write a thousand words minimum on brand loyalty. Again, an expert in the field is Frederick Road child, which we talked about was written several books on this topic, including the loyalty effect or loyalty rules. And he stated without trust, there can be no loyalty. And without loyalty there can be no true growth. Again, this course has a customer centric marketing emphasis. We don't do that without focus on profitability as well. There's a strong connection between profits and the retention customers. Obviously, your HPR package has an article by author right child, which were your reading this week. But you are also expected to research and find two other of his sources. And marketing journal or, or, or any marketing journal articles by any offers to support your write-ups on the importance of loyalty. The premise of the paper will be whether or not brand loyalty is dead. Some people say it as the next-generation, isn't as loyal to brands as previous generations? Or is it still important to business this today? And if so, why? Integrate a biblical verse into this paper and include a separate subject header paragraph for this and how it connects to brand loyalty and being a Christian. So it's a very, it's a, it's an interesting topic because is loyalty debt, or is it still important to companies? And is it still important to two people personally? Sometimes we say, when we think of peanut butter, for example, you can think of a brand immediately that you are loyal to perhaps. And that kind of shortcuts the shopping experience because you know exactly what you want to pick out of the aisle. You don't have to read all of the jars of peanut butter, you know which one you want. And that really happens quite a bit through, through all of our shopping experiences. There's another book that I enjoyed and it really is. It's a funny book title, but it's called the customer comes second. And it was a book that I read while ago. How if you have happy employees, you treat the customers better as well. So there's a connection between Epic customers and their loyalty to come back and returned by your brand or your visit your store, whatever it is. So again this week, brand loyalty, I hope you have some fun with this. And again, think about how this could maybe be part of your week seven paper if it makes sense to do that as well. Thank you so much. Have a good time. Take care.