The student will research the topic of Communication and students with significant intellectual disabilities. The student will further research the development of a Communication Passport for students with significant disabilities. They will create a sample Communication Passport for a student with significant communication disabilities.
Assignment Rubric
Rubric Competencies
(a) Research was conducted on the topic of communication and students with significant intellectual disabilities an extensive discussion (i.e., 2-3 pages) with references was evident.
(b) A descriptive background of the Case was provided in the Communication Passport.
(c) The passport was organized, and it included a cover, table of contents, page numbers. etc.
(d) The passport addressed a minimum of 20 areas related to the student including the following areas:
- About the child
- How is Sight and Hearing
- Family
- Friends
- Special Places and Things
- How child communicates
- Dislikes
- Challenging Behaviors
- School Projects
- OTHER areas as appropriate for case.
(e) The passport provided extensive supporting visuals, pictures, etc..
(f) The passport was free of spelling or grammatical errors
Total Points5