Chat with us, powered by LiveChat Review how to create behavior plans (you created one in EDU506). You may NOT re-use the behavior plan from EDU506 for this assignment (this assignment will be checke - Writingforyou

Review how to create behavior plans (you created one in EDU506).  You may NOT re-use the behavior plan from EDU506 for this assignment (this assignment will be checke


Review how to create behavior plans (you created one in EDU506).  You may NOT re-use the behavior plan from EDU506 for this assignment (this assignment will be checked with Turnitin), but you may use it to refresh your memory on the various elements of an effective plan.

Describe a hypothetical class of your own design and creation. Include in your description a listing of the number of students with the specific learning issues listed below.  Select two hypothetical students from your class and identify a specific behavioral issue you want to address (must be different for each student).  Develop a specific behavior plan for each student designed to address the identified behavioral needs and issues based on the presenting problem.  See Appendix B for specific details and scoring rubric. 

Possible Behavioral Issues:

  • Aggression (physical and/or verbal)
  • Refusal to work
  • Inability to focus
  • Can’t sit still
  • Sleeps in class
  • Argumentative

Behavioral Plan

Behavioral Plan




This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePotential Problem

20 pts


Student is described clearly and concisely. Behavioral issue(s) is/are clearly identified, and the impact of the behavior(s) is/are clearly explained. Reader obtains a precise image of the student and the situation by reading this description.

17 pts


Student is described clearly. Behavioral issue is clearly identified, and the impact of the behavior is explained. Reader obtains an image of the student and the situation by reading this description.

14 pts


Student is somewhat described. Behavioral issue is mentioned. Reader obtains an idea of the student and the situation by reading this description.

11 pts


Student is mentioned. Behavioral issue is mentioned. Reader is unclear about the exact nature of either the student or the need for a behavioral plan.

0 pts

No Marks

20 pts

 This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeInTASC #3 – Learning Environments

The teacher works with learners to create environments that support individual and collaborative learning, encouraging positive social interaction, active engagement in learning, and self motivation.

threshold: 3.0 pts

4 pts

Advanced – The candidate’s performance is exemplary and consistently exceeds expectations. Indications of a high level of critical and reflective thinking, with a depth of understanding a core knowledge base, as well as demonstrates academic and professional skills

3 pts

Proficient – The candidate’s performance consistently meets expectations. The candidate effectively demonstrations the requirements with expected professional performance indicating an understanding of a core knowledge base with the application of critical thinking, academic, and professional skills.

2 pts

Basic – The candidate’s performance sometimes meets expectations but is not doing so consistently. Candidate demonstrates little depth of knowledge base understanding and little evidence of critical and/or reflective thinking.

1 pts

Minimal – The candidate’s performance demonstrates mediocre work, very little effort or demonstration of responses to requirements. The candidate demonstrates little to no understanding of a core knowledge base with little to no critical/reflective thinking, academic or professional skills.

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeIn Addition to the Rules

20 pts


Specific situations that tend to trigger the identified misbehaviors are identified and specifically addressed by these additional rules.

17 pts


Specific situations that tend to trigger general misbehaviors are identified and addressed by these additional rules.

14 pts


General situations that tend to trigger misbehaviors are identified. The additional rules may or may not address these situations.

11 pts


Additional rules are lacking in direct connection to the targeted misbehaviors.

0 pts

No Marks

20 pts

 This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeInTASC #3B – Learning Environments

The teacher works with learners to create environments that support individual and collaborative learning, encouraging positive social interaction, active engagement in learning, and self motivation.

threshold: 3.0 pts

4 pts

Advanced – The candidate’s performance is exemplary and consistently exceeds expectations. Indications of a high level of critical and reflective thinking, with a depth of understanding a core knowledge base, as well as demonstrates academic and professional skills.

3 pts

Proficient – The candidate’s performance consistently meets expectations. The candidate effectively demonstrations the requirements with expected professional performance indicating an understanding of a core knowledge base with the application of critical thinking, academic, and professional skills.

2 pts

Basic – The candidate’s performance sometimes meets expectations but is not doing so consistently. Candidate demonstrates little depth of knowledge base understanding and little evidence of critical and/or reflective thinking.

1 pts

Minimal – The candidate’s performance demonstrates mediocre work, very little effort or demonstration of responses to requirements. The candidate demonstrates little to no understanding of a core knowledge base with little to no critical/reflective thinking, academic or professional skills.

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeRoutines

20 pts


Multiple classroom routines (at least 4) that all students are required to follow but might serve as a trigger for misbehavior are identified, and adapted strategies for this student are presented.

17 pts


Some classroom routines (3) that all students are required to follow but might serve as a trigger for misbehavior are identified, and adapted strategies for this student are presented.

14 pts


A few classroom routines (2) that all students are required to follow but might serve as a trigger for misbehavior are identified, and adapted strategies for this student are presented.

11 pts


One classroom routine that all students are required to follow but might serve as a trigger for misbehavior is identified, and/or adapted strategies are not presented.

0 pts

No Marks

20 pts

 This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeInTASC #3C – Learning Environments

The teacher works with learners to create environments that support individual and collaborative learning, encouraging positive social interaction, active engagement in learning, and self motivation.

threshold: 3.0 pts

4 pts

Advanced – The candidate’s performance is exemplary and consistently exceeds expectations. Indications of a high level of critical and reflective thinking, with a depth of understanding a core knowledge base, as well as demonstrates academic and professional skills.

3 pts

Proficient – The candidate’s performance consistently meets expectations. The candidate effectively demonstrations the requirements with expected professional performance indicating an understanding of a core knowledge base with the application of critical thinking, academic, and professional skills.

2 pts

Basic – The candidate’s performance sometimes meets expectations but is not doing so consistently. Candidate demonstrates little depth of knowledge base understanding and little evidence of critical and/or reflective thinking.

1 pts

Minimal – The candidate’s performance demonstrates mediocre work, very little effort or demonstration of responses to requirements. The candidate demonstrates little to no understanding of a core knowledge base with little to no critical/reflective thinking, academic or professional skills.

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeTransitions

20 pts


Techniques and procedures for making transitions (minimum of 3 situations) are addressed and preventive behaviors are presented.

17 pts


Techniques and procedures for making transitions (2 situations) are addressed and preventive behaviors are presented.

14 pts


Techniques and procedures for making transitions (1 situation) are addressed and preventive behaviors are presented.

11 pts


Transitions are addressed but procedures and/or preventive behaviors are missing.

0 pts

No Marks

20 pts

 This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeInTASC #3D – Learning Environments

The teacher works with learners to create environments that support individual and collaborative learning, encouraging positive social interaction, active engagement in learning, and self motivation.

threshold: 3.0 pts

4 pts

Advanced – The candidate’s performance is exemplary and consistently exceeds expectations. Indications of a high level of critical and reflective thinking, with a depth of understanding a core knowledge base, as well as demonstrates academic and professional skills.

3 pts

Proficient – The candidate’s performance consistently meets expectations. The candidate effectively demonstrations the requirements with expected professional performance indicating an understanding of a core knowledge base with the application of critical thinking, academic, and professional skills.

2 pts

Basic – The candidate’s performance sometimes meets expectations but is not doing so consistently. Candidate demonstrates little depth of knowledge base understanding and little evidence of critical and/or reflective thinking.

1 pts

Minimal – The candidate’s performance demonstrates mediocre work, very little effort or demonstration of responses to requirements. The candidate demonstrates little to no understanding of a core knowledge base with little to no critical/reflective thinking, academic or professional skills.

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePositive Reinforcements

20 pts


Each targeted behavior is linked with a specific positive reinforcement strategy.

17 pts


Positive reinforcement strategies linked to the targeted behaviors are presented

14 pts


Positive reinforcement strategies are presented but not linked to the targeted behaviors

11 pts


Positive reinforcement strategies are presented for some but not all of the targeted behaviors.

0 pts

No Marks

20 pts

 This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeInTASC #3E – Learning Environments

The teacher works with learners to create environments that support individual and collaborative learning, encouraging positive social interaction, active engagement in learning, and self motivation.

threshold: 3.0 pts

4 pts

Advanced – The candidate’s performance is exemplary and consistently exceeds expectations. Indications of a high level of critical and reflective thinking, with a depth of understanding a core knowledge base, as well as demonstrates academic and professional skills.

3 pts

Proficient – The candidate’s performance consistently meets expectations. The candidate effect