Chat with us, powered by LiveChat PC-3.2: Interact with others in a professional manner using appropriate communication and presentation skills. Purpose The ability to make presentations is important for any p - Writingforyou

PC-3.2: Interact with others in a professional manner using appropriate communication and presentation skills. Purpose The ability to make presentations is important for any p


PC-3.2: Interact with others in a professional manner using appropriate communication and presentation skills.


The ability to make presentations is important for any professional. This assignment reinforces your ability to develop a presentation for upper management. 

Assignment Instructions

Based on the knowledge you have achieved thus far in this class, compose a minimum 10-slide research presentation using the current APA version with title and reference slides using Microsoft PowerPoint. Prepare the slides for a 15-minute professional presentation on the topic of cybersecurity policies contains a policy recommendation of some type. Your presentation will be to upper management in an enterprise firm with over 2,000 employees and six locations throughout the world. Your presentation needs to include a title slide and follow APA formatting guidelines. 

Note: Be sure to use the notes portion within the slides to include additional content.

Then, compose a 1-page paper explaining how you will utilize interpersonal skills, including communications skills, problem solving, decision making, listening skills negotiation, and assertiveness to obtain management buy-in for your policy recommendation. 

Assignment Requirements

  1. Include a title slide.
  2. 10 slides in length, not counting the title and reference slides
  3. Includes a highly developed viewpoint and purpose and exceptional content
  4. Paper and slides demonstrate superior organization and are well ordered, logical, and unified.
  5. Free of grammar and spelling errors
  6. No evidence of plagiarism
  7. At least three outside references on the topic of cybersecurity policies
  8. One-page paper using the most current APA formatting

Your work should demonstrate a comprehensive understanding and expert-level usage of interpersonal skills to embody professional demeanor using all of the following skills: communication skills, problem solving, decision making, listening skills, negotiation, and assertiveness. Make sure to show how you would apply all of the skills in a professional situation.

For assistance with APA requirements, please go to Academic Writer. You will find the link in the Academic Tools section of the course.

Directions for Submitting Your Assignment

Compose your assignment using Microsoft PowerPoint and Word and save them as IT484_YourName_Unit_9_ Assignment 2 and submit them separately to the Assignment 2 Dropbox for Unit 9.

see unit 9-2 rubric

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Rubric Title: IT484 Unit 1 Assignment Rubric

Assignment Criteria

Level III

Level II

Level I

Not Present

Criteria 1

Points: 30

Points: 25.5

Points: 18

Not Present

Criteria 1: The Role of Cybersecurity Policies

In 500 words or more:

· Explains the role cybersecurity policy plays in securing

· private organizations

· public organizations

· government organizations

· nation’s infrastructure

In 200–500 words:

· Explains the role cybersecurity policy plays in three organizations.

· private organizations

· public organizations

· government organizations

· nation’s infrastructure

In 200 words or less:

· Explains the role cybersecurity policy plays in two organizations.

· private organizations

· public organizations

· government organizations

· nation’s infrastructure

Does not meet any criteria.

Criteria 2

Points: 10

Points: 8.5

Points: 6

Not Present

Criteria 2: Other questions about cybersecurity policies

Answers the following questions in 600 words or more:

· What are the main categories of an in-depth cybersecurity policy?

· How would a well-designed cybersecurity policy program help secure a government agency, such as the Department of Homeland Security (DHS)?

· What are some challenges to making sure everyone in an organization follows the cybersecurity policy?

Answers the following questions in 400 to 600 words:

· What are the main categories of an in-depth cybersecurity policy?

· How would a well-designed cybersecurity policy program help secure a government agency, such as the Department of Homeland Security (DHS)?

· What are some challenges to making sure everyone in an organization follows the cybersecurity policy?

Answers the following questions in 400 words or less:

· What are the main categories of an in-depth cybersecurity policy?

· How would a well-designed cybersecurity policy program help secure a government agency, such as the Department of Homeland Security (DHS)?

· What are some challenges to making sure everyone in an organization follows the cybersecurity policy?


· Does not answer one question

Does not meet any criteria.

Criteria 3

Points: 5

Points: 4.25

Points: 3

Not Present

Criteria 3: APA Style and Writing Conventions

Meets all criteria:

· Applies current APA style to in-text citations and references, and document formatting if appropriate, with minor to no errors

· Writing is focused, concise, and organized and articulates at a college level, with minor to no errors

· Uses resources from reliable and/or scholarly sources

Meets two criteria:

· Applies current APA style to in-text citations and references, and document formatting if appropriate, with minor to no errors

· Writing is focused, concise, and organized and articulates at a college level, with minor to no errors

· Uses resources from reliable and/or scholarly sources

Meets one criterion:

· Applies current APA style to in-text citations and references, and document formatting if appropriate, with minor to no errors

· Writing is focused, concise, and organized and articulates at a college level, with minor to no errors

· Uses resources from reliable and/or scholarly sources

Does not meet any criteria.

Maximum Total Points





Minimum Total Points

38.26 points minimum

27.01 points minimum

1 point minimum


Rubric Title: IT484 Unit 2 Assignment Rubric

Assignment Criteria

Level III

Level II

Level I

Not Present

Criteria 1

Points: 30

Points: 25.5

Points: 18

Not Present

Criteria 1: The Role of Cybersecurity Policies in Management

In 500 words or more:

· Why does an organization’s management present special challenges when it comes to policy compliance? Provide examples

In 200 to 500 words:

· Why does an organization’s management present special challenges when it comes to policy compliance? Provide examples

In less than 200 words:

· Why does an organization’s management present special challenges when it comes to policy compliance? Provide examples

Does not meet any criteria.


Points: 10

Points: 8.5

Points: 6

Not Present

Criteria 2: Other questions about cybersecurity policies

Answers the following questions in 600 words or more:

· What are the components of an effective cybersecurity training program?

· How do organizational best practices help minimize risk to an organization’s confidential data?

· What are some best practices to manage portable devices in an organization?

Answers the following questions in 400 to 600 words:

· What are the components of an effective cybersecurity training program?

· How do organizational best practices help minimize risk to an organization’s confidential data?

· What are some best practices to manage portable devices in an organization?

Answers the following questions in 400 words or less:

· What are the components of an effective cybersecurity training program?

· How do organizational best practices help minimize risk to an organization’s confidential data?

· What are some best practices to manage portable devices in an organization?

Does not meet any criteria.

Criteria 3

Points: 5

Points: 4.25

Points: 3

Not Present

Criteria 3: APA Style and Writing Conventions

Meets all criteria:

· Applies current APA style to in-text citations and references, and document formatting if appropriate, with minor to no errors

· Writing is focused, concise, and organized and articulates at a college level, with minor to no errors

· Uses resources from reliable and/or scholarly sources

Meets two criteria:

· Applies current APA style to in-text citations and references, and document formatting if appropriate, with minor to no errors

· Writing is focused, concise, and organized and articulates at a college level, with minor to no errors

· Uses resources from reliable and/or scholarly sources

Meets one criterion:

· Applies current APA style to in-text citations and references, and document formatting if appropriate, with minor to no errors

· Writing is focused, concise, and organized and articulates at a college level, with minor to no errors

· Uses resources from reliable and/or scholarly sources

Does not meet any criteria.

Maximum Total Points





Minimum Total Points

38.26 points minimum

27.01 points minimum

1 point minimum


Rubric Title: IT484 Unit 3 Assignment Rubric

Assignment Criteria

Level III

Level II

Level I

Not Present

Criteria 1

Points: 30

Points: 25.5

Points: 18

Not Present

Criteria 1: The Role of Cybersecurity Policies and Controls

In 500 words or more:

· Evaluate the different types of access controls and the roles they play in a “defense in-depth” strategy. 

In 200 to 500 words:

· Evaluates the different types of access controls and the roles they play in a “defense-in-depth” strategy with examples.

In less than 200 words:

· Evaluates the different types of access controls and the roles they play in a “defense-in-depth” strategy with examples.

Does not meet any criteria.

Criteria 2

Points: 10

Points: 8.5

Points: 6

Not Present

Criteria 2: Other questions about cybersecurity policies

In 200 or more words for each answer, respond to the following:

· What are the pros and cons of three different biometric identification authentication systems?

· What security controls would you use to make credit cards more secure?

· What is authentication, and what are three different ways to accomplish it?


Answers the following questions in 400 to 600 words or more:

· What are the components of an effective cybersecurity training program?

· How do organizational best practices help minimize risk to an organization's confidential data?

· What are some best practices to manage portable devices in an organization?

Answers the following questions in 400 words or less:

· What are the components of an effective cybersecurity training program?

· How do organizational best practices help minimize risk to an organization's confidential data?

· What are some best practices to manage portable devices in an organization?

Does not meet any criteria.

Criteria 3

Points: 5

Points: 4.25

Points: 3

Not Present

Criteria 3: APA Style and Writing Conventions

Meets all criteria:

· Applies current APA style to in-text citations and references, and document formatting if appropriate, with minor to no errors

· Writing is focused, concise, and organized and articulates at a college level, with minor to no errors

· Uses resources from reliable and/or scholarly sources

Meets two criteria:

· Applies current APA style to in-text citations and references, and document formatting if appropriate, with minor to no errors

· Writing is focused, concise, and organized and articulates at a college level, with minor to no errors

· Uses resources from reliable and/or scholarly sources

Meets one criterion:

· Applies current APA style to in-text citations and references, and document formatting if appropriate, with minor to no errors

· Writing is focused, concise, and organized and articulates at a college level, with minor to no errors

· Uses resources from reliable and/or scholarly sources

Does not meet any criteria.

Maximum Total Points





Minimum Total Points

38.26 points minimum

27.01 points minimum

1 point minimum


Rubric Title: IT484 Unit 4 Assignment Rubric

Assignment Criteria

Level III

Level II

Level I

Not Present

Criteria 1

Points: 30

Points: 25.5

Points: 18

Not Present

Criteria 1: The Role of Cybersecurity Policies in Operations Security and Risk Assessment

In 750 words or more answers the following:

· What are the major considerations of operational security policies?

· Creates two example security policies regarding risk assessment.

In 500–750 word answers the following:

· What are the major considerations of operational security policies?

· Creates two example security policies regarding risk assessment.

In less than 500 words answers the following:

· Evaluates the different types of access controls and the roles they play in a “defense-in-depth” strategy with examples.

Does not meet any criteria.