Prepare a narrated PowerPoint presentation on the diversity activity in which you participated. The presentation should be 5slides in length (including the title and reference slides). In the presentation, be sure to:
- Describe the activity and the associated population.
- Explain how the activity has influenced your understanding, bias, or comfort level in working with the identified population.
- More generally, explain how the activity has influenced your perceptions of diversity and difference.
- Analyze at least three key concepts from this course in relation to this experience.
The PowerPoint should present bulleted text on the slides with a full transcript of the presentation in the notes section. Please use the Learning Resources to support your presentation. Include citations and a Reference slide to document the sources you have used.
I believe that I am self-aware, and I do not show bias when dealing with people or even in my thoughts and actions. At first, I did not understand how to do it, so I did it the first time and had to repeat it again. After that, I was sure of what I was supposed to do. I took the Native and Sexuality Test because I interact with many people from these groups. I felt that was what defined me, and I could use the assessment to make inferences. However, I do not feel confident with the results because I am not sure about their accuracy. Sexuality is one of the themes that emerged, and in this week's activities, we also found this theme.
One of the populations that I am not comfortable with and would like to know more about is transgender. This group has for long been ignored and neglected, but I think I am ready to learn more about them and hear how they take the criticism they face and other challenges that are associated with being transgender. According to Sweileh (2018), this group is marginalized, and they face several social challenges such as violence, discrimination, stigma, inadequate special healthcare, and social rejection. Therefore, although human rights activists have tried to fight for their rights, there are areas and communities where they still experience these challenges because they do not endorse them.
I might feel discomfit associating with these people because of how my community would view me; however, I would be open to understanding how they feel about themselves, whether they regret being born the way they are, and whether they may want to be associated with a particular sex. Considering my origin and thoughts, I have a significant bias towards this population; however, being a student of culture and learning about culture, I do not think the biases will affect the way I interact with them at any level because I want to learn and the best way to learn from them is by getting firsthand information that I can use to correct my bias.
Sweileh, W. M. (2018). Bibliometric analysis of peer-reviewed literature in transgender health (1900–2017). BMC international health and human rights, 18, 1-11.