Chat with us, powered by LiveChat Continuing from the previous assignment, it is now important to consider your approach to leading and managing your HR project. Tightly structured projects tend to restrict cr - Writingforyou

Continuing from the previous assignment, it is now important to consider your approach to leading and managing your HR project. Tightly structured projects tend to restrict cr

Continuing from the previous assignment, it is now important to consider your approach to leading and managing your HR project. Tightly structured projects tend to restrict cross-organizational communication. As such, objectives originate at the top of the project and are subdivided as they are passed down, resulting in little opportunity for creative contributions. Effective leadership and management of the project can greatly improve communication and team contributions.


5-6 pages in which you:

  1. Select two types of project management power that would be relevant to your current project, and explain your rationale.
    • Be specific.
  2. Identify and briefly discuss a minimum of four outcomes (possible issues) resulting from managing projects, and address how you might resolve the issues. Be clear with your rationale.
  3. Discuss two increased challenges a project manager may face when leading virtual or global project teams.
  4. Recommend three strategies to deal with the challenges.
  5. Identify and explain your overall plan for communication management during the project. The plan must be comprehensive and at a minimum address structure, purpose, method, and timing.
  6. Use three sources to support your writing. Choose sources that are credible, relevant, and appropriate. Cite each source listed on your source page at least one time within your assignment. For help with research, writing, and citation, access the library or review library guides.

The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is:

  • Examine types of manager power, how to resolve common management challenges, and how to manage team communication.


Schedule and budgeting exercise for Project scenarios

Aundi Sims


Dr. Christopher Rice

January 28, 2024

The Process required in order to move to a Centralized HR Structure includes the following details;

1. Establishing a more centralized HR department

This particular step is critical in this process since it involves fishing the market for competent human resource and then hiring a HR director and essential HR subordinates for the director who will lead the centralized function of the organization. After hiring the required staff members, the group needs a decent set up office space for their operation supplemented by technology and also various essential infrastructure for the HR team.

2. Smooth Transition of the current HR generalists

With the hired help in the organization, a change of leadership from the current staff to the new staff will be essential. The first step would be communication of the decided changes and new structure to the current HR staff, then offering of positions in the centralized structure on the HR team or other sections of the business and provision of training on new policies procedures and different associated systems.

3. Implementing the new HR systems

This particular step is easily achievable in three steps that is,

– Selecting HRIS system for maintaining employee records, payroll, etc.

– Put in place centralized recruiting and onboarding processes

– Developing company-wide training programs and learning management system

4. Rollout of the new HR structure

This last step simply smoothens the change by;

– Communicating the timeline and changes to managers and employees

– Phase approach by department/region to transition to new structure

– Seeking feedback, address concerns, iterate on processes as needed

On the case of the budget process, I would:

– Break down each of the above tasks into smaller activities

– Estimate time and resources needed for each activity

– Research actual costs of any tools, technologies, or vendors

– Apply appropriate overhead and padding to come up with budget

This phased, iterative approach allows for flexibility to start centralized HR function while refining the processes over time. Feedback mechanisms also help adapt the structure to fit the organization.



Project Budget
1/28/24 Total $141,300 $177,000 $ (35,700.00)
Labor Materials Fixed
Vertex42: WBS (Work Breakdown Structure): Each level uses a different formula to display the correct outline numbering. Copy the cell from the Template rows at the bottom of the worksheet and paste it as needed to define different task levels. Level 1: 1 Level 2: 1.1 Level 3: 1.1.1
Task Hrs Rate Units $/Unit Costs
Vertex42: Fixed Costs: Costs that may not fall under Labor and Materials, or for cases where you want to enter a fixed amount rather than calculating the Budget amount.
Budget Actual Under(Over)
1 establish centralized HR $106,100 $118,700 $ (12,600.00)
1.1 Hire HR director 80.0 $50/hr $5,000.00 $10,000 12,500.00 (2,500.00)
1.2 set up office space 40.0 $40/hr $2,000.00 $18,600 20,200.00 (1,600.00)
1.3 implement HRIS system 150.0 $50/hr $20,000.00 $77,500 87,500.00 (10,000.00)
2 transition hr generalists $ 22,800.00 $ 32,000.00 $ (9,200.00)
2.1 communicate changes 50.0 $40/hr $500.00 $2,500 4,500.00 (2,000.00)
2.2 offer new positions 60.0 $50/hr $0.00 $3,000 7,000.00 (4,000.00)
2.3 provide training 220.0 $65/hr $3,000.00 $17,300 20,500.00 (3,200.00)
3 rollout centralized model $ 12,400.00 $ 26,300.00 $ (13,900.00)
3.1 communication plan 60.0 $40/hr $1,000.00 $3,400 8,300.00 (4,900.00)
3.2 transition schedule 80.0 $50/hr $0.00 $4,000 9,000.00 (5,000.00)
3.3 seek feedback 60.0 $50/hr $2,000.00 $5,000 9,000.00 (4,000.00)


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Instructions / Tips
In this worksheet, the Budget amount is calculated from the Labor, Materials, and Fixed Costs columns. After defining your budget, you can hide these columns, or you could hide just the unused columns.
When adding new rows, copy an existing row and insert the copied row, so that the formulas in the grey WBS, Budget, and Under(Over) columns are copied. You can also copy a row from the list of template rows at the bottom of the worksheet.
Each WBS level in column A (1, 1.1, 1.1.1, etc.) uses a different formula. To change the WBS level for a task, you can copy and paste the cell containing the formula that you need from the list of template rows at the bottom of the worksheet. The indent for the Task column can be changed via cell formatting.
The Level 1 categories contain SUM() formulas in the Budget and Actual columns that should be verified for accuracy after inserting new rows. Check these formulas to ensure that the SUM() formula is referencing the correct range of cells.
Any time you add or remove a Level 1 category, you will need to update the formulas for the Total section at the top of the worksheet, to make sure that the Total correctly sums the correct cells.
After adding new categories, you may need to redefine the print area to include the new rows. In Excel 2003, go to File > Print Area > Set Print Area. In Excel 2010 go to Page Layout > Print Area > Set Print Area.
If you see "#####" in a cell, it means you need to widen the column to see the value.