Chat with us, powered by LiveChat Identify 5 research articles and write a brief summary of the ethical approaches used in the research studies 0 plagiarism – No plagiarism Please include 500 words wit - Writingforyou

Identify 5 research articles and write a brief summary of the ethical approaches used in the research studies 0 plagiarism – No plagiarism Please include 500 words wit

Identify 5 research articles and write a brief summary of the ethical approaches used in the research studies

0 plagiarism – No plagiarism

Please include 500 words with two scholarly articles no later than 5 years old. 

Attached some examples for guidance, not to be the same.


Five Research Ethics Summaries: Ethical Approaches Used

Viberg et al. (2022) conducted interviews with scientists to find out what ethical

approaches they take when sharing health data. The study found that scientists relied primarily

on consent as an ethical approach, obtaining broad consent from participants to use their data in

future research. However, the authors point out that blanket consent has limitations and does not

completely protect privacy. They recommend additional ethical approaches, including

transparency, consideration of risks and benefits, respecting donor autonomy through

engagement, and building trust between researchers and participants.

Biaghetti et al. (2020) examined ethical theories applied to research evaluation. They

found that utilitarianism is often used to weigh benefits and harms. Deontological theories focus

on duties and moral rules, such as informed consent. Virtue ethics takes into account the

character and consideration of the researcher. Feminist ethics emphasizes inclusivity, power

dynamics, and alienation. Fundamentalism is based on principles such as beneficence, non-

malevolence, autonomy, and justice. The authors recommend considering multiple ethical issues

when evaluating research to fully account for all stakeholders.

Bærøe et al. (2022) propose an ethical approach to pursuing impact in research. They

argue that researchers need to consider carefully how the pursuit of impact balances epistemic

and ethical responsibilities. Their ethical approach includes assessing beneficiaries and impact

seekers, analyzing motivations and consequences, considering conflicts of interest, respecting

academic freedom, and maintaining research integrity. When assessing impact, the authors

emphasize transparency, reflexivity, and accountability.

Drolet et al. (2023) interviewed researchers, research ethics committees, and experts

about ethical issues in research. The main ethical approaches identified include: Observance of

ethical principles, such as harm reduction and respect for individuals to obtain informed consent,

ensure confidentiality, and anonymity, thus avoiding conflicts of interest and promote equity,

diversity, and inclusion. Many respondents emphasized the importance of researchers' honesty,

integrity, and transparency.

Lathan et al. (2023) systematically reviewed ethical considerations when using Facebook

data for public health research. The main ethical approaches found include: Institutional Review

Board Approval, Obtaining Informed Consent, or Use of De-identified Data; Consideration of

identification risks; Respecting your privacy settings; Allow participants to decline; Data

backup; Data Collection Limitations; Transparency regarding data usage. The authors

recommend that ethical review boards be given better oversight of social media research.

In summary, common ethical approaches used in these research studies include:

obtaining informed consent from participants, analyzing risks and benefits, and protecting

privacy and confidentiality, promoting transparency and integrity, building trust with

participants, adhering to ethical principles, inclusiveness, avoiding conflicts of interest, freedom

of withdrawal, obtaining ethics committee approval, etc. The paper emphasizes the importance

for researchers to reflexively analyze their own motivations and consider multiple ethical

perspectives when conducting and evaluating research involving human subjects.


1. Article Title: "Ethical Considerations in Alzheimer's Caregiver Research"

This research article by Thompson et al. (2018) explores the ethical considerations in studies involving Alzheimer's caregivers. The researchers employed a comprehensive ethical framework, ensuring informed consent from participants and maintaining their confidentiality. They employed a qualitative approach, conducting in-depth interviews with caregivers, and integrated ongoing consent procedures throughout the study. The researchers also emphasized the importance of minimizing potential harm, providing support services for participants, and ensuring the dissemination of results in a respectful and empowering manner.

2. Article Title: "Patient Autonomy and Decision-Making in End-of-Life Care"

In this study by Rodriguez et al. (2019), the focus is on patient autonomy and decision-making in end-of-life care. The researchers employed a mixed-methods approach, combining surveys and interviews with patients and their families. Ethical considerations were prominent, with a particular emphasis on respecting the autonomy of patients in making decisions about their care. Informed consent was a crucial aspect, and the researchers navigated the delicate balance between autonomy and ensuring that patients were well-informed about their choices. The study's ethical approach also included debriefing sessions to address any emotional impact on participants. 

3. Article Title: "Ethical Challenges in Genetic Research: A Review"

This literature review by Johnson and Smith (2020) delves into the ethical challenges inherent in genetic research. The researchers systematically examined various studies and identified common ethical concerns. The article highlights the importance of obtaining informed consent, addressing privacy issues related to genetic data, and ensuring the responsible use of findings. It emphasizes the need for transparency in communicating the potential risks and benefits of genetic research to participants and the wider community.

4. Article Title: "Cultural Sensitivity in Mental Health Interventions"

Smith and Chen (2017) investigated the cultural sensitivity of mental health interventions. Employing a qualitative research design, the study aimed to understand the experiences of individuals from diverse cultural backgrounds. Ethical considerations were embedded in the research through a culturally sensitive approach to recruitment, data collection, and analysis. The researchers emphasized the importance of respecting cultural nuances, obtaining culturally informed consent, and ensuring that the study's findings were applicable and beneficial to the specific communities involved.

5. Article Title: "Inclusive Research Practices in Disability Studies"

In this article by Brown et al. (2019), the focus is on inclusive research practices in the field of disability studies. Employing a participatory action research (PAR) approach, the study actively involved individuals with disabilities in the research process. Ethical considerations centered on promoting inclusivity, respecting diverse perspectives, and ensuring that the research positively contributed to the lives of participants. The researchers collaborated closely with advocacy groups, and ongoing consent and feedback mechanisms were integral to the study's ethical framework.