Chat with us, powered by LiveChat Explain technology forecasting and its importance Differentiate between its different levels Discuss the different forecasting methods Identify the organizations - Writingforyou

Explain technology forecasting and its importance Differentiate between its different levels Discuss the different forecasting methods  Identify the organizations

In your Discussion post:

  1. Explain technology forecasting and its importance
  2. Differentiate between its different levels
  3. Discuss the different forecasting methods
  4.  Identify the organizations that are devoted to healthcare technology assessment
  5.  Lead a discussion of any challenges associated with technology forecasting. 

Make sure to include citations from your research including this week's content and additional resources you access

Cite powerpoint 

Chapter 7

The Policy Analysis Process – Evaluation – Technology Assessment


Why Technological Assessment Is Important

Heavy investments in R&D, especial genomic and molecular biology

Application of IT to delivery of care and epidemiology

Increasing market competition globally

Need for better dissemination

Need for wider use of better practices


Importance of Technological Forecasting -2

Long research and regulatory lead times

Slowness of adoption due to:


Decentralized decision making

Diffusion of power

Need to control costs

Importance of health care to overall economic well being



Washington State health care technology is “medical and surgical devices and procedures, medical equipment and diagnostic tests”

Let’s include pharmaceuticals here.

Information technology is increasingly a focus of attention.

Little said about organizational innovation.


Gilfillan’s Levels

A specific invention

Alternative inventions for the same purpose

Technical accomplishment

Social and economic effects possible from a sets of accomplishments

Social and economic effects likely to flow

Secondary or indirect effects



Not Just What, But When

In health care one also has to take into account:


Rates of dissemination and adoption

which are also affected by coding & payment

_ Further issues of ease of use and compliance

Disruptive Technology

Christensen, Bohmer et al. HBR article

“Health care may be the most entrenched, change averse industry in the U.S. The innovations that will turn it around are ready, in cases – but they cannot find backers.”

IT is one of their examples. In 40 years hospital IT failed to live up to its promise. External backers abound – Leapfrog Group, Newt Gingrich, President Bush, Hillary Clinton, IOM.


Disruptive Technology Approach

In large, mature market, go after a segment that can be met with simple, inexpensive technology.

Meet that need, even if the segment is small, but then adapt product to expand into larger segments served by the over-designed product.

Stuff designed at academic medical centers is usually overkill for other places.


Supports for Disruptive Innovation in Health Care

Less investment in high-end technology

Simplification of complex problems

Creation of new organizations to do disrupting

Overcoming regulatory barriers

Leadership favorable to change

Per Christensen et al. (2000)


Forecasting Methods

Gathering expert opinions

Time series analysis

Surveying and sampling

Correlational and causal modeling

Simulation and system modeling

Integrated approaches


Gathering Expert Opinion

Necessary in totally new situations

Can be influenced by acknowledged leaders and dominant personalities

Combat by using variants of Delphi or nominal group techniques

Use the web or LAN to maintain anonymity

Experts tend to favor current paradigm and may be last to see shifts


Time Series Analysis

Fit a series of lines to existing data

Identify which line is best fit for the data

Use that line to extrapolate to estimate of the variable being forecast


Sampling and Surveying

Sampling behavioral or physical responses, e.g., a clinical trial

Survey people about how they would respond to a real or hypothetical situation, e.g., as in market research

Both are costly and applicable to currently experienced situations.


Correlation and Causal Modeling

Works best with a causal model in mind, but can also generate hypotheses with data mining

Example given is the learning curve which is shown to work in cardiac surgery Models can be simple or multidimensional

Greater power as data bases are built and can be accessed


Simulation and System Modeling

Suitable for complex situation with interacting (concatenating) variables

Spreadsheet models – look at Figure 10-4

Probabilistic models – Monte Carlo simulations

Feedback models (analog or digital) including systems dynamics

Markov models – usely transitional models with populations moving from state to state

Scenarios – again interacting events


Integrated Approaches

Used for many large studies in which we have epidemiological data, multiple diagnoses and treatments, sensitivity analyses, and complex systems

Example is RAND study of future health needs and status of the elderly and of interoperability of health information systems.


Required Skills Sets

Identifying population appropriately

Forecasting impact of proposed treatment on THAT population

Projecting uptake of the technology by providers, payers and patient groups.

Estimating the comparative impact of the uptake including secondary effects

Planning release of info to support desirable implementation decisions.



Health care is segmented into over 500 products and thousands could be justified. You have to know epidemiology and use that to segment available data to model disease processes, treatments and outcomes.

Example given of alternative t-cell count segmentations and their impacts on cost analysis


Organizations Doing This


Federal –AHRQ, NIH

State – CA, WA, OR, MN

Private – universities, think tanks, consultants

Other countries



The Netherlands, Denmark



