Chat with us, powered by LiveChat Write the company description of your marketing plan about the market-leading company in your favorite industry that you feel most interested to study, following the exampl - Writingforyou

Write the company description of  your marketing plan about the market-leading company in your favorite  industry that you feel most interested to study, following the exampl

please use attachment  as guide only

chosen company- Apple

 Question 1

Write the “company description” of  your marketing plan about the market-leading company in your favorite  industry that you feel most interested to study, following the example  as shown below.

Question 2

Conduct an  investigation (e.g. by surfing the web) and find out the mission  statement of the market-leading company in any industry of your own  selection.

Question 3

List three  non-financial and three financial goals that you believe are appropriate  for the market-leading company in any industry of your own selection.

Question 4

Please  (a) identify an ethical dilemma that might arise in the industry you  selected. The dilemma has to involve a difficult decision where it is  hard to please both investors and customers; (b)discuss your  alternatives to solve the dilemma; (c) recommend the best alternative;  (d) explain why the recommendation provides a comprise that manages to  please, to a reasonable degree even though not perfectly, both investors  and customers.