Chat with us, powered by LiveChat Literature Review You can choose any nutrition-related topic. Part I: Selecting a topic (Due by Jan 26) Each student will select a topic (examples given below). Identify a sp - Writingforyou

Literature Review You can choose any nutrition-related topic.  Part I: Selecting a topic (Due by Jan 26) Each student will select a topic (examples given below). Identify a sp

Literature Review

You can choose any nutrition-related topic. 

Part I: Selecting a topic (Due by Jan 26)

Each student will select a topic (examples given below). Identify a specific area within that topic to investigate and come up with a research question. 

  • Maternal obesity – review of the literature on one specific GLP1RA.
  • Phytochemicals and chronic diseases
  • The keto diet
  • New biomarkers for heart disease
  • Nutrigenomics
  • Diet and the microbiome
  • Vo2 Max and Longevity
  • Gestational diabetes – TIR or glycemic targets and maternal outcomes
  • MAGE and health outcomes (Mean amplifications fo Glucose Excursions)

Part II: Researching the literature (attached guideline) (at least 5 clinical trials) (Due by Feb 2)

Part III: Abstract (attached guideline) (Due by Feb 9)

Part IV: Literature review initial draft (attached guideline) (Due by Feb 15)

Literature Review Assignment Part II:

Researching the Literature

Each student will research the literature, find, select and read 10 articles related to his/her topic (only human studies). Then, he/she will complete and submit a table that will summarize key elements and main findings from these selected articles. Use the following format when completing the table and make sure to include a reference list below the table (APA 7th edition format). The information should be succinct; including unrelated information will lead to point-deduction. You are not allowed to copy- and paste from the main articles. You cannot include review studies/meta-analyses/systematic reviews.

Authors (year)

Study design (e.g. randomized controlled trial, cohort, etc)

Main Objective

Exposure (or independent variable)

Outcomes Measured (or dependent variable)

Main Findings (Include numeric data)

Rationale (Mechanisms explaining the findings)

Study Limitations and Gaps

Research Recommendations

Below Standard (<70%)

Approaching Standard (~70-80%)

At Standard (100%)


The author name is not clearly stated for any of the 10 studies

The author name is clearly stated for some of the selected studies

The author name is clearly stated for all 10 studies

5 pts

The study design is not clearly stated for any of the 10 studies

The study design is clearly stated for some of the selected studies

The study design is clearly stated for all 10 studies

5 pts

The main objective is not clearly stated for any of the 10 studies

The main objective is clearly stated for some of the selected studies

The main objective is clearly stated for all 10 studies

5 pts

The exposure is not clearly stated for any of the 10 studies

The exposure is clearly stated for some of the selected studies

The exposure is clearly stated for all 10 studies

5 pts

The outcomes are not clearly stated for any of the 10 studies

The outcomes are clearly stated for some of the selected studies

The outcomes are clearly stated for all 10 studies

5 pts

The main findings are not clearly stated for any of the 10 studies

The main findings are clearly stated for some of the selected studies

The main findings are clearly stated for all 10 studies

10 pts

The mechanisms are not clearly stated for any of the 10 studies

The mechanisms are clearly stated for some of the selected studies

The mechanisms are clearly stated for all 10 studies

10 pts

The study limitations are not clearly stated for any of the 10 studies

The study limitations are clearly stated for some of the selected studies

The study limitations are clearly stated for all 10 studies

5 pts

The research recommendations are not clearly stated for any of the 10 studies

The research recommendations are clearly stated for some of the selected studies

The research recommendations are clearly stated for all 10 studies

5 pts

The information is not concise and much unrequired information was included

The information is somewhat concise but some unrequired information was included

The information is concise and to the point

5 pts

The reference list is not complete and does not follow the right APA format

The reference list is complete but does not follow the right APA format

The reference list is complete and follows the right APA format

5 pts

Has many grammatical or spelling errors

Has several grammatical or spelling errors

Free of grammatical or spelling errors

5 pt

Total Points: 70 pts



Literature Review Assignment Part III:


You will create an abstract for the literature review paper they are working on. At this point, you have not completed your research yet so your abstract is preliminary; it will not include a results’ section. The abstract should not exceed 300 words.

The abstract’s main sections are:

Background: Brief background of the main outcome and exposure. Briefly list the existing gaps.

Purpose: State the main objective for conducting this literature review.

Exposure and Outcome: Define the main exposure and outcome(s)

Methods: (Bulk of the abstract); What research engines will you use for your search? Any key words? Timeline? Define the population your search will be confined to. What is the design of the studies included in your review (e.g. randomized controlled trials, cohort, etc). Exclusion criteria?

Conclusion: Briefly describe the public health implications of your research.

Below Standard (<70%)

Approaching Standard (~70-80%)

At Standard (100%)


The background is not clearly stated and the gaps are not described.

The background is clearly stated but the gaps are not described.

The background is clearly stated and gaps are described.

/3 pts

The purpose is not defined

The purpose is defined but ambiguous

The purpose is clearly defined

/2 pts

The exposure and outcome(s) are not clearly defined

Either the exposure or outcome(s) is clearly defined

The exposure and outcome(s) are clearly defined

/3 pts

Most of the elements of the methodology (e.g. research engine used, key words, timeline, population, etc) are not listed.

Some, but not all, of the elements of the methodology are listed (e.g. research engine used, key words, timeline, population, etc).

All of the elements of the methodology are listed (e.g. research engine used, key words, timeline, population, etc).

/9 pts

The public health implications are not described in the conclusion

The conclusion does not clearly reflect the public health implications

The conclusion clearly reflects the public health implications

/2 pts

Has many grammatical or spelling errors

Has several grammatical or spelling errors

Free of grammatical or spelling errors

/1 pt

Total Points: /20 pts

Abstract Rubric:


Literature Review Assignment Part IV

You are required to submit an initial draft of the literature review. Grading will be based on the synthesis of the ideas and conclusions made. Please refer to the rubric for the specific details required. Format is Times New Roman (double spaced; size 12); referencing style is APA 7th edition.

Assignment Rubric:

Below Standard (<70%)

Approaching Standard (~70-80%)

At Standard (100%)


Introduction lacks most of the following parts:

· Epidemiology of the outcome

· Target population

· Risk factors of outcome

· Risk factor/exposure of interest

· Research gaps

· Aim of your review

Introduction lacks some of the following parts:

· Epidemiology of the outcome

· Target population

· Risk factors of outcome

· Risk factor/exposure of interest

· Research gaps

· Aim of your review

Introduction includes all of the following parts:

· Epidemiology of the outcome (2 pts)

· Target population (2 pts)

· Risk factors of outcome (1 pt)

· Risk factor/exposure of interest (1 pt)

· Research gaps (2 pts)

· Aim of your review (2 pts)

/10 pts

Methodology lacks most of the following components:

Search strategy:

· Search date

· What type of research engine(s) did you utilize?

· Sources?

· What are some of the key terms you used?

Study Selection:

· Target population?

· Study designs

· Inclusion/ exclusion criteria

· Flow chart

Data extraction:

What information did you utilize from the articles?

Methodology lacks some of the following components:

Search strategy:

· Search date

· What type of research engine(s) did you utilize?

· Sources?

· What are some of the key terms you used?

Study Selection:

· Target population?

· Study designs

· Inclusion/ exclusion criteria

· Flow chart

Data extraction:

What information did you utilize from the articles?

Methodology includes all of the following components:

Search strategy:

· Search date (1 pts)

· What type of research engine(s) did you utilize? (1 pt)

· Sources? (1 pt)

· What are some of the key terms you used? (1 pt)

Study Selection:

· Target population? (2 pts)

· Study designs (3 pts)<