Chat with us, powered by LiveChat Use a variety of informational sources to develop an argument for the Greatest of All Time (aka, the G.O.A.T.) in a topic of your choosing. Your nal product should adhere to these guide - Writingforyou

Use a variety of informational sources to develop an argument for the Greatest of All Time (aka, the G.O.A.T.) in a topic of your choosing. Your nal product should adhere to these guide

Use a variety of informational sources to develop an argument for the Greatest of All Time (aka, the G.O.A.T.) in a topic of your choosing. Your nal product should adhere to these guidelines:

– It should argue why a topic, person, song, food, etc is the GOAT in its specic eld

– It should be between 600 and 800 words

– It should be in MLA` format

– Double-spaced

– 4-line header

– In-text citations for sources

– Works cited page

– It should feature a clear argument, supported by various pieces of evidence