Chat with us, powered by LiveChat Need to select a product which should be new, not the existing one or we can make some modifications or add some features to the existing one. 2. Research needs to be done for the new p - Writingforyou

Need to select a product which should be new, not the existing one or we can make some modifications or add some features to the existing one. 2. Research needs to be done for the new p

1. Need to select a product which should be new, not the existing one or we can make some modifications or add some features to the existing one.

2. Research needs to be done for the new product in the market so that we can know about the need and demand for the new one.

 3. Please study the brief carefully and analyse the factors mentioned in the document

Assessment Brief

Academic year and term:

2023/24 – Semester A

Module title:

Strategic Marketing RBP020L061A

For further module description see Module Brief.

Type of assessment:


Submission Date:

2PM, 8th January, 2024

Instructions for assessment

Instructions for assessment The mode of assessment: A written report on the design of a marketing strategy and implementation plan for a new or improved product or a service of your choice underpinned by academic and professional literature. The proposed product must be marketed by an existing, well-known company.

· What % of marks (if any) are awarded for presentation of work and referencing: 10%

· Word limit:3500 max excluding references and appendices

Your final report should include the following sections

Part 1: Introduction and Product/Service Description (10%)

A brief description and rationale for introducing the new or improved product or service that is the focus of your report. Agree your choice with your tutor by week 3.

Part 2: A Critical Analysis of the Market Context (20%)

Include a brief analysis of the market:

· Key market trends (e.g. growth trends)

· Who are the key competitors and how are they positioned?

· Summarise the current customer attitudes/behaviours in this market

· Identify the main issues / opportunities you think are relevant including social and/or ethical issues (if relevant)

Part 3: Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning (STP) (20%)

· What base(s) of segmentation you have used and why?

· Include size, geodemographic, psychographic etc.

· Summarise the profile and persona of your target market and, if not a completely new product, how is the target market different from the segment(s) targeted in the past?

· Include a statement that identifies why your target market should buy your improved product or service– i.e. what benefits it now offers and what problems it solves?

Part 4: Your Recommended Extended Marketing Mix (given your analysis above) (30%)

Traditional marketing mix elements:

· Product (include, for example branding and packaging and service quality)

· Pricing Strategy

· Promotional Strategy including Digital Media

· Channel or Distribution Strategy

Services marketing mix elements (where appropriate):

· Process

· Physical evidence (e.g. including essential and peripheral evidence, servicescape etc.)

· People (including role of customer in the value creation process as well as employees and/or relationship marketing challenges)

Part 5 A discussion of Implementation Issues (10%)

This section should discuss issues related to implementation such as co-ordination between different departments and the role of internal marketing, as well as resources and capabilities required to implement your chosen marketing strategy.

A further 10% of your grade is allocated to presentation and referencing (10%)

Structure and presentation

Any written work should be spell-checked and a contents page should be included. Do not use various font sizes and colours Black ink, Arial, size 11, 1.5 lines spaced is recommended. Use DIN A4 format and page margins of 2.5 cm or 1 inch.

How will your work be assessed?

Your work will be assessed by a subject expert who will use either the marking criteria provided in the section “Instructions for assessment” or the Marking rubric enclosed in the Appendix, as appropriate for this module. When you access your marked work it is important that you reflect on the feedback so that you can use it to improve future assignments.

Referencing and submission

You must use the Harvard System.

The Business School requires a digital version of all assignment submissions. These must be submitted via Turnitin on the module’s Moodle site. They must be submitted as a Word file (not as a pdf) and must not include scanned in text or text boxes. They must be submitted by 2pm on the given date. For further general details on coursework preparation refer to the online information at StudentZone, .

Use of AI

You may use generative AI to help generate ideas and brainstorm.  However, be aware that the material generated by these AI tools may be inaccurate, incomplete, or otherwise problematic. 

If you include material generated by generative AI, in most cases it should be cited in the same way as you would cite other references. Your tutors will advise you on how to do this. 

Any plagiarism or other form of cheating will be dealt with under the University of Roehampton academic misconduct policy.

Citing use of generative AI: (If this generative AI material is available online, you can cite it as an electronic version of a source (such as an artwork or article).

Citation order:

· Creator (name of AI)

· Year (in round brackets)

· Title of work (in italics)

· [Medium]

· Available at: DOI or URL (Accessed: date)


In-text citation

The AI-generated flower (Shutterstock AI, 2023) …

Reference list

Shutterstock AI (2023)  Photo of pond with lotus flower[Digital art]. Available at: (Accessed: 31 March 2023).

Personal communications  

If the AI’s end product (for example use of ChatGPT in conversation) is only available to you, cite this as a personal communication and include a description of the AI generated material in your in-text citation. Consult your tutor in case they require you to provide a copy of the AI work as an appendix to your work.

Citation order:

Name of AI

Year of communication (in round brackets)

Medium of communication

Receiver of communication

Day/month of communication

Mitigating circumstances/what to do if you cannot submit a piece of work or attend your presentation

The University Mitigating Circumstances Policy can be found on the University website: Mitigatin g Circumstances Polic y

Marking and feedback process

Between you handing in your work and then receiving your feedback and marks within 20 days, there are a number of quality assurance processes that we go through to ensure that students receive marks which reflects their work. A brief summary is provided below.

· Step One – The module and marking team meet to agree standards, expectations and how feedback will be provided.

· Step Two – A subject expert will mark your work using the criteria provided in the assessment brief.

· Step Three – A moderation meeting takes place where all members of the teaching and marking team will review the marking of others to confirm whether they agree with the mark and feedback

· Step Four – Work at Levels 5 and 6 then goes to an external examiner who will review a sample of work to confirm that the marking between different staff is consistent and fair

· Step Five – Your mark and feedback is processed by the Office and made available to you.

Assessment Brief: Strategic Marketing 2023-24


Appendix: Marking rubric

Grade Category


Assigned mark


Marking criteria

(weight out of 100)






Very Good (70-79)








Marginal Fail (40-49)








Not done


Introduction 10%

Introduction and Product/ Service Description

Cannot be improved on

Excellent Introduction and Product Service Description

Very Good Introduction and Product Service Description

Good Introduction and Product Service Description

Satisfactory Introduction and Product Service Description

Underdeveloped rationale for introduction of product and Product/Service Description

Introduction and Product Service Description are below the necessary standard

Introduction and Product Service Description are substantially below the necessary standard

Missing or wrong. Doesn’t meet the basic assessment criteria

Mkt Context 20%

A critical analysis of the Market Context

Cannot be improved on

Excellent Critical Analysis of the Market Context

Very Good Critical Analysis of the Market Context

Good Critical Analysis of the Market Context

Satisfactory Critical Analysis of the Market Context

Generic/ underdeveloped/ descriptive Analysis of the Market Context

Critical Analysis of the Market Context are below the necessary standard

Critical Analysis of the Market Context are substantially below the necessary standard

Missing or wrong. Doesn’t meet the basic assessment criteria

STP 20%

Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning

Cannot be improved on

Excellent Critical Analysis of the Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning

Very Good Critical Analysis of the Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning issues

Good Critical Analysis of the Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning issues

Satisfactory Critical Analysis of the Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning issues

Generic or underdeveloped Analysis of the Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning

Critical Analysis of the Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning are below the necessary standard

Critical Analysis of the Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning are substantially below the necessary standard

Missing or wrong. Doesn’t meet the basic assessment criteria

Ext MKT Mix 30%

Cannot be improved on

Excellent Recommended Extended Marketing Mix

Very Good Recommended Extended Marketing Mix

Good Recommended Extended Marketing Mix

Satisfactory Recommended Extended Marketing Mix

Generic or underdeveloped Recommended Extended Marketing Mix

Recommended Extended Marketing Mix are below the necessary standard

Recommended Extended Marketing Mix are substantially below the necessary standard

Missing or wrong. Doesn’t meet the basic assessment criteria

Implement – 10%

Implementation issues

Cannot be improved on

Excellent Discussion of Implementation Issues

Very Good Discussion of Implementation Issues

Good Discussion of Implementation Issue

Satisfactory Discussion of Implementation Issue

Generic or underdeveloped discussion of implementation issues

Discussion of Implementation Issue are below the necessary standard

Discussion of Implementation Issue are substantially below the necessary standard

Missing or wrong. Doesn’t meet the basic assessment criteria

Presentation 10%

Cannot be improved on

Excellent presentation and referencing

Very Good presentation and referencing

Good presentation and referencing

Satisfactory presentation and referencing

Inadequately structured, errors in referencing practices and presentation of tables and figures

Presentation and referencing are below the necessary standard

Presentation and referencing are substantially below the necessary standard

Missing or wrong. Doesn’t meet the basic assessment criteria


Strategic Marketing

Guidance on the Summative Assessment

Requirement: A written report on the design of a marketing strategy and implementation plan for a new or improved product or a service of your choice underpinned by academic and professional literature. The proposed product must be marketed by an existing, well-known company.

Key Tips

Take advice from your seminar tutor about your choice of market. Ideally choose one where there is good quality market information available to you.

Base your work on a market that you can get Mintel/ WARC report(s) on.

Make sure you use relevant marketing concepts and theories to guide your analysis and recommendations


Guidance for the Summative Assessment

Product/Service Description

A brief description of the new or improved product or service (can use photographs to illustrate) for the consumer market

What is the additional value that the new product will be offering to potential customers that existing products don’t offer?

Outline Market Analysis

Include an analysis of the market:

Key market trends (e.g. how big the market is, which bits of it are growing – use Mintel/WARC data or similar)

Who are the key competitors and how are they positioned? (which firms make which brands)

Summarise the current customer attitudes/behaviours in this market (use consumer behaviour theory – e.g. in your market do customers engage in habitual purchasing – buying the same brand every time, or variety seeking behaviour – buying from a repertoire of brands etc. )

Identify the main issues / opportunities you think are relevant (e.g. are there new developments, is the technology of the product changing, is consumers’ behaviour changing).

Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning

What base(s) of segmentation you have used and why, how big are the segments – use theory: behavioural, geo-demographic, psychographic

Summarise the profile and persona of your target market

Include a statement that identifies why your target market should buy your improved product or service– i.e. what benefits it now offers and what problems it solves?

How is the new product/ service going to be positioned in the market

Your Recommended Marketing Mix

Product (include branding of the product and how it fits in with existing branding strategy of the organisation)

Pricing Strategy

Promotional Strategy including Digital Media

Channel or Distribution Strategy

Additional 3Ps – People, Process and Physical Evidence

Use theory! E.g. on pricing mention whether you plan to use, say, a premium pricing strategy


This Section should discuss

Issues relating to co-ordination with other departments

Internal Marketing

Resource and capabilities required to implement chosen marketing strategy


Ensure that your report is well structured and easy to follow.

Good idea to use lots of charts (e.g. on market information), photographs, diagrams – to make your report interesting.

Cite your sources in the body of the text using the Harvard format –and include a list of all sources used at the end.
