Chat with us, powered by LiveChat Below are a couple of specific requirements for this assignment: Speech Theme: A business to support or not support and WHY FYI speech submission (due later) will be 4-5 minutes in - Writingforyou

Below are a couple of specific requirements for this assignment: Speech Theme: A business to support or not support and WHY FYI speech submission (due later) will be 4-5 minutes in


ersuasive Speech Outline Assignment

INSTRUCTIONS: Below are a couple of specific requirements for this assignment:

  • Speech Theme: A business to support or not support and WHY
  • FYI speech submission (due later) will be 4-5 minutes in length so keep this in mind as you're creating your outline

CONTEXT: For this speech you will select a topic to present. Persuasive speeches seek to influence beliefs, choices, or opinions. This is a speech in which you persuade the audience to DO something. The objective of this speech is to persuade your audience to accept your viewpoint and/or take some action.

DESCRIPTION:  For this assignment, you'll be submitting the Persuasive Speech Outline. 

Speech outlines serve as the backbone and driver of your speech delivery, ensuring it's organized, timely, and effective. Outline are the pre-requisite to any speech as it's a necessary tool to help you prepare and ensure your speech delivery is strong. For this course, a speech outline with be required for each speech. 

Students must follow the formatting and infrastructure of the example provided in the module. 


  • Review the outline examples for guidance. Students must follow the format of the example and adhere to the instructions above
  • Do not copy and paste from sources. Must be written in your voice and tone.
  • Must include a bibliography/works cited page (minimum of 4 legitimate sources)
    • SOURCES: You must cite a minimum of 4 sources in this speech. (Aim for 6 sources, if possible.) The sources must be credible, high-quality sources. Be prepared to cite your sources when you deliver the speech.  This means you must say your sources out loud, and list them at the bottom of your slides, throughout your speech.

*Wikipedia and other ‘community shared’ information sites such as blogs, reddit, etc. are not allowed. If you question the legitimacy of the source, don’t use it.

Persuasive Speech Outline Template/Example




Purpose Statement:  To persuade the audience that. . .    (complete this statement)


I.                    INTRODUCTION


A.      Attention Grabber:  (Statement to wake the audience up

B.      Thesis:  (Tell listeners what action you want them to take—OR—how you want them to think.)

   TRANSITION SENTENCE:  (Overview of main ideas and lead into your reason 1)

II.                  BODY


A.      Reason 1:  (Tell one reason why listeners should act or think the way your thesis suggests.)


i.                    Example 1—Support for reason given above.

ii.                   Example 2—Support for reason given above.

iii.                 Example 3—Support for reason given above.


TRANSITION SENTENCE:  (Smoothly connect Reason 1 with Reason 2)


B.      Reason 2:  (Give listeners a second reason why they should act or think as you want them to.)


i.                    Example 1—Support for reason given above.

ii.                   Example 2—Support for reason given above.

iii.                 Example 3—Support for reason given above.


TRANSITION SENTENCE:  (Smoothly connect Reason 2 with Reason 3.)


C.      Reason 3:  (This should be your STRONGEST argument.  Tell listeners the most important reason why they should act or think the way you want them to.)


i.                    Example 1—Support for reason given above.

ii.                   Example 2—Support for reason given above.

iii.                 Example 3—Support for reason given above.


SIGNAL THE WRAP UP  (Move smoothly from Reason 3 to the conclusion of your speech.


III.                CONCLUSION


A.      Summary:  (Briefly remind listeners why they should agree with your position.)

B.      Memorable Ending/Audience Challenge:  (End with a powerful closing thought and recommended course of action.)

C.      Thank Audience for Listening


Works Cited Page ( 4 sources required)

Persuasive Speech Outline

Title: Climate Change

Purpose Statement: To persuade the audience that climate change is real and there are different factors causing that. And ways

to take action to minimize its effect on the world.


A. Attention Grabber: Climate change could be irreversible by the year 2030.

B. Thesis: Climate change is real and it affects us in a multitude of ways: health, safety, housing, and the economy. Some

ways to prevent or to reduce the effect it has is to recycle and switch to electric vehicles.

TRANSITION SENTENCE: Climate change is a change in the weather and temperature. Affecting millions of people in a variety

of ways.


A. Reason 1: It is factual since it affects our health, from diseases to mental health concerns. Our health is one of the most

important things, and being able to avert it can help reduce the risk.

i. Example 1— Greenhouse gases not only affect the planet but also increases the risk of respiratory and

cardiovascular diseases.

ii. Example 2— The air quality has gotten severely worse, with all the pollution and contamination. Resulting in

people having higher levels of anxiety and depression.

iii. Example 3—People who have experienced extreme weather events, have been related to developing mental

health illnesses. Such as when they are heat waves, it can interfere with the development of the brain for kids.

TRANSITION SENTENCE: Not only does it affect our health, but it also affects the environment. With all the extreme weather

events like hurricanes and tornadoes. It can destroy many communities all around the world.

B. Reason 2: It is evident enough that it can also affect housing, from pricing to even damaging the property thanks to the

geographical location.

i. Example 1—The California Wildfires in 2020 have caused over $10 billion in damage to property.

ii. Example 2—Hurricanes also cause a lot of chaos and destruction. Hurricane Katrina was one of the biggest

hurricanes and it caused many people to be homeless.

iii. Example 3—The pricing and demand for houses shift since homeowners don’t necessarily want to live near the

coast. Thanks to the uncertainty that it will not be a permanent residency for them, with the rising sea levels. Making it unsafe

and unstable.

TRANSITION SENTENCE: Climate change affects us and it can be seen with our own eyes. Causing destruction and having a big

influence. But there are ways to minimize and prevent those effects.

C. Reason 3: There is only a limited time to reverse the long-term effects of climate change by recycling and switching to

electric-powered vehicles.

i. Example 1—Plastic plays a huge factor in climate change but it can also be a vital piece in helping with climate

change. Recycling plastic can help reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

ii. Example 2—Cars are used on a daily basis and it contributes to poor air quality. By switching to electric-powered

vehicles, it can improve air quality since it is a zero-emission vehicle.

iii. Example 3—Recycling also reduces the amount of trash that is sent to landfills. It is important because it can

preserve natural resources.

SIGNAL THE WRAP UP Helping and reducing the effects of climate change is vital in saving us. Climate change did not happen

overnight, and it is not going to solve itself overnight.


A. Summary: Overall, climate change is real. They are ways to prevent effects on the world by switching to electric power

vehicles and recycling. The effects include housing, the economy, and poor health. Resulting in safety being less ensured.

B. Memorable Ending/Audience Challenge: Correspondingly, it affects every aspect of our life, so we should take care of our

planet and make it a better place.

C. Thank Audience for Listening: Appreciate your time listening to me talk about why climate change is real.

Works Cited Page ( 4 sources required)

“Climate Change: Evidence and Causes: Royal Society.” Climate Change: Evidence and Causes | Royal Society,


Corporativa, Iberdrola. “Las Consecuencias Del Efecto Invernadero: Desde La Desertificación a Las Inundaciones.”




“How Climate Change Affects Mental Health: News.” Wellcome, 7 Nov. 2022,

“How Does Climate Change Affect Real Estate Prices?” How Climate Change Affects Real Estate | Rocket Mortgage,


“Climate Change, Recycling and Waste Prevention.” Climate Change, Recycling and Waste Prevention from King County's

Solid Waste Division – King County,



Persuasive Speech Outline Assignment

INSTRUCTIONS: Below are a couple of specific requirements for this assignment:

· Speech Theme: A  business to support or not support and WHY

· FYI speech submission (due later) will be 4-5 minutes in length so keep this in mind as you're creating your outline

CONTEXT: For this speech you will select a topic to present. Persuasive speeches seek to influence beliefs, choices, or opinions. This is a speech in which you persuade the audience to  DO something. The objective of this speech is to persuade your audience to accept your viewpoint and/or take some action.

DESCRIPTION:  For this assignment, you'll be submitting the Persuasive Speech Outline. 

Speech outlines serve as the backbone and driver of your speech delivery, ensuring it's organized, timely, and effective. Outline are the pre-requisite to any speech as it's a necessary tool to help you prepare and ensure your speech delivery is strong. For this course, a speech outline with be required for each speech. 

Students must follow the formatting and infrastructure of the example provided in the module. 

NOTE: The outline requirements for this speech are different from the Informative Speech outline.  Please refrain from a word-for-word, essay/paragraph format


· Review the outline examples for guidance. Students must follow the format of the example and adhere to the instructions above

· Do  not copy and paste from sources. Must be written in your voice and tone.

· Must include a bibliography/works cited page  (minimum of 4 legitimate sources)

· SOURCES:  You must cite a minimum of 4 sources in this speech. (Aim for 6 sources, if possible.) The sources must be credible, high-quality sources. Be prepared to cite your sources when you deliver the speech.  This means you must say your sources out loud, and list them at the bottom of your slides, throughout your speech.

*Wikipedia and other ‘community shared’ information sites such as blogs, reddit, etc. are not allowed. If you question the legitimacy of the source, don’t use it.