Chat with us, powered by LiveChat According to the Bedford Book of Genres a multi-genre project is a collection of three or more genre compositions built around a single topic. A multi-genre project is an opportunity to - Writingforyou

According to the Bedford Book of Genres a multi-genre project is a collection of three or more genre compositions built around a single topic. A multi-genre project is an opportunity to


This project will be made up of two components, each graded equally–a set of three genre compositions and a written explanation. Detailed instructions and grading information for both are found below:

According to the Bedford Book of Genres a multi-genre project is “a collection of three or more genre compositions built around a single topic. A multi-genre project is an opportunity to experiment. It also gives you a chance to practice in a variety of different rhetorical situations, forms of composition, and types of media.”

Your goal with this project will be to convince a specific audience to visit a particular “place” by using three genres of communication.  
A genre is simply a type of thing–there are genres of music, genres of books, genres of television shows. You will use three different "genres of communication." First,  think about the different ways ideas are communicated to you throughout the day–social media posts, commercials, billboards, posters, newspaper headlines, podcasts, and on and on. Throughout the day we are bombarded with information, and this information comes through different genres of communication.

For Example: 
For instance, you might choose downtown Denver as your place.
You might choose to create a podcast, a brochure, and an opinion column about downtown Denver. Each genre uses a different modes of communication—the podcast is auditory, the brochure is visual, and the opinion column is written.  

This is not a research project, so the place you choose to write about should be one you are personally acquainted with. However, you may use interviews and other forms of primary research to further learn about your place.

I place no other criteria on what is meant by “place.” You may choose something actual, historical, fictional.… 

We will look at examples of how place can be treated—and I will upload a selection of approaches to Canvas—but your place, and your approach to writing about your place, should be your own. 

The Genre Compositions

You will create a portrait of a place through three separate genre compositions. By defining your place you should illustrate what makes it significant. What qualities does this place have that it shares with no other—what gives it those qualities? What is the essence of this place?

You will also want to think about your audience—who would you tell about this place? Why?

Your genre compositions will be chosen according to what genres will best allow you to exhibit your place to your audience.

Your genres must utilize different modes/media, while forming a cohesive approach. I suggest choosing at least one genre that uses visual appeals. I suggest at least one genre that uses writing extensively. Keep in mind, you are creating these genre compositions (composing within the genres), so you should choose genres that you want to work in.


The genre compositions will be worth one half of your project grade. 

I will grade you based on the creativity of your approach. I will expect you to utilize your genres in a way that is specific and appropriate to each genre. I will expect an approach that feels cohesive, like the different genres fit together to form a complete portrait of your place.

I will also grade you based on your ability to mix persuasive appeals with information.

I will not grade you on your artistic skills, but I will grade you on your understanding of how your genre works. I will also grade you based on your ability to utilize your genres rhetorically.

Written Explanation

You will write a 3-4 page written explanation. This explanation should discuss 1) Why you chose the genres you did. 2) What different types of appeals your genres allowed you to use. 3) What audience(s) each genre is meant to communicate with (and how). 

For instance, if you chose Instagram as one of your genres you should explain why you chose Instagram, how the limitations and benefits of Instagram forced you to change your argument or emphasize certain aspects of your argument, and what the different aspects of a quality Instagram post are and how well you adhered to the formula. 


This analysis must be formatted using MLA convention. It will be worth one half of the project grade. I will grade you based on how well you explain (and support using specific examples) specific aspects of the different genre conventions as well as how well you are able to analyze your own ability to create in those different genres. I will also look for a thesis—a statement that ties together the experience, explaining overall the relationship between genre and rhetoric.