Course Objectives
- CO4: Evaluate and analyze various forms of argument for rhetorical devices, fallacies, and possible pseudo-reasoning. (Evaluate)
- CO5: Create an argument free from logical errors. (Create)
The goal for the week seven presentation is to use a well-structured argument to persuade the audience of what you believe to be the truth using evidence from authoritative, unbiased sources as justification. You will use one of the three types of argument discussed in week six, Classic, Toulmin, or Rogerian to present your case.
Note, you would do well to read the lesson from week six on these types of arguments before completing this assignment AND you will be free to modify your actual introduction to better align with your chosen type. A key graded component for each type of argument is producing a credible counterargument to your claim. If you cannot reasonably present a legitimate argument against your position, you need to rethink your topic. Rationally, if no one can argue against your position, there is no need for your argument.
Choose an issue you'd like to convince other people of and find resources that will be the foundation for the Week 7 PowerPoint.
Here you will focus on ONLY the introductory paragraph and an annotated bibliography.
See the examples for formatting. At the least, the document should be double-spaced and the annotated references should be hanging indent.
Part I: Introduce your topic.
Using information from the textbook in chapters 5 and 6, as well as the lessons from weeks 4 and 5, write a proper introductory paragraph. This paragraph will contain your thesis and a rudimentary outline of your argument.
This is NOT a rough draft and writing more than the introductory paragraph will result in a loss of points for not following directions. One consideration here is to provide enough for the instructor to provide proper guidance on how to best complete the PowerPoint.
Part II: "Annotated bibliography"
The goal here is to provide a proper reference in the chosen style for a minimum of three resources you plan to use in your argument. After providing that reference, provide a short description of the main points in the work AND how you intend to use that information in your final PowerPoint. See the attached example for guidance.
You would be well advised to consult the week 7 assignment descriptions for clarity on expectations.
Part I – Introductory paragraph
Fishing can be boring, frustrating, and infuriating even, but it can also be used as
a therapy promoting positive mental health. Using the classical method of
argumentation I will assert that taking up fishing can ultimately be stress-reducing and
excellent therapy for maintaining one’s mental stability.
Part II – Annotated Bibliography
Craig, Patti J., Alger, Dustin M., Bennett, Jessie L, & Martin, Tamar P. (2020). “The
transformative nature of fly-fishing for veterans and Military personnel with
posttraumatic stress disorder.” Therapeutic Recreational Journal, 54(2), pp, 150-
This article details a study confirming that fly-fishing can “[serve] as a breather
from the negative impact of PTSD” as well as helps those with PTSD regain
some control over symptoms and “can serve as a context for personal
transformation and posttraumatic growth.” I will use this research to add more
weight to my claims.
Mowatt, Rasul A., & Bennett, J. (2011) "Veteran stories, PTSD effects and therapeutic
fly-fishing." Therapeutic Recreation Journal, 45(4), pp. 286-308.
This article presents research using 67 veterans and the impact of a fly-fishing
program. This will allow me to see real-life accounts of how therapeutic fishing
can be for individuals who have confirmed PTSD.
Seara, T., Pollnac, R., Poggie, J.J., Garcia-Quejano, C., Monnereau, I., & Ruiz, V.
(2017, June 1). "Fishing as therapy: Impacts on job satisfaction and implications
for fishery management." Ocean & Coastal Management 141. Pp. 1-9.
While this article looks more at people who fish professionally, they report a deep
sense of job satisfaction even when facing financial hardship. Aside from that,
there is not much I can use in the research.