Chat with us, powered by LiveChat If you are familiar with your colleague’s example of an innovative leader, suggest one or more additional traits that leader demonstrates/demonstrated. Share an insight you gained fr - Writingforyou

If you are familiar with your colleague’s example of an innovative leader, suggest one or more additional traits that leader demonstrates/demonstrated. Share an insight you gained fr


Respond to two or more of your colleagues’ posts in one or more of the following ways:

  • If you are familiar with your colleague’s example of an innovative leader, suggest one or more additional traits that leader demonstrates/demonstrated.
  • Share an insight you gained from the example of a leader your colleague provided.
  • Identify one or more traits in your colleague’s selected leader that inspire you in your own innovative approach to leadership.
  • Add Sources

Return to this Discussion in a few days to read the responses to your initial posting. Note what you have learned or any insights you have gained as a result of the comments your colleagues made

Benjamin Werner

Benjamin Werner

MondayNov 27 at 11:10am

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MOD2 week 5 discussion post

Someone who I feel innovated an industry, whether it be for better or for worse is Reed Hastings.  Reed is the founder of Netflix which innovated how we watch movies, tv shows, and other content and making the experience more accessible for a wider audience.  This innovated the way we intake media, eliminated commercials, and many other aspects of streaming on different devices.  This also has caused controversy in recent years about how people who made the show and the writers behind it get paid, proving that there is causation on both sides and not all of it positive, and in all reality when Netflix started, they probably had no idea that would be an outcome that could occur. 

I think being able to see a problem from both sides helps you better assess and understand what to do moving forward.  An example of this is how I communicate with my wife about something that upset either one of us, I’ve tried to take in the information and process how it either made her feel or how my action or response affected her, and I assess if I took the right course of action, and more often than not, if I feel I am in the wrong I am the first to admit it.  Doing this helps me balance out if I made the right decision because it helps me understand the other person’s point of view as well.  I can take this into my leadership approach by trying to understand both sides to have the foresight in order to make a decision that benefits everyone involved. 

John Kaiser

MondayNov 27 at 3:58pm

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Good afternoon,

The innovative leader I chose is my father. He is a farmer who often looks at problems around the farm and finds more efficient and innovative solutions to those problems. He studied engineering through college, so he knows how to bridge the idea with manufacturing to create a product that is a solution to a specific problem. He often uses associational thinking when intersecting solutions from diverse fields related to farming (Dyer, Gregersen, and Christensen, 2011). Also, before one task is complete, he has started working on multiple solutions for the next three all while questioning how the tasks intertwine making sure not to get one ahead of the other or the consequences of finishing one before the other.

Growing up my father taught me many skills including questioning, observing, networking, and experimenting (Dyer, Gregersen, and Christensen, 2011). Since these skills have been instilled since my childhood, having an innovative approach comes naturally to me. However, now I realize that he was teaching me these skills to become a better leader and succeed in my personal and professional life. This has now inspired me to instill these traits in my daughter to set her up for success in the future.