Chat with us, powered by LiveChat Submit a one-page reflection paper on a social issue and/or racial justice event using bias-free language as described in the current APA citation guide. The event m - Writingforyou

Submit a one-page reflection paper on a social issue and/or racial justice event using bias-free language as described in the current APA citation guide. The event m

 The social justice topic i picked is 50th anniversary of the Freedom rides. I will post link below to the video. Look at attached file below for instructions. Let me know if instructions are not clear.

Reflection on Social Issue and/or Racial Justice Event

Rubric for SW 101-920

Total Possible Points: 15

Submit a one-page reflection paper on a social issue and/or racial justice event using bias-free language as described in the current APA citation guide. The event may be in-person or virtual. Refer to Module 4: Professional Writing and Academic Integrity for instructions and Module 6: Professional Comportment on information about bias-free language. (15 Points)


1 Point

2 Points

3 Points

Length of Paper

Paper is less than ½ page

Paper exceeds ½ page but is not 1 full page

Paper is equal to or exceeds 1 page

Social Issue or Racial Justice Event

Student attended an in-person or virtual event that addressed a social issue and/or racial justice and describes the event but provides no reflection.

Student attended an in-person or virtual event that addressed a social issue and/or racial justice, describes the event and recognizes different perspectives without enhancing their own perspective.

Student attended an in-person or virtual event that addressed a social issue and/or racial justice, describes the event and states how their personal assumptions have been challenged.

Overall structure, mechanics and writing style

Incoherent structure lacking a sense of beginning, middle and end. Confusing transitions. Numerous errors in mechanics, spelling, grammar and/or punctuation.

Clear sense of beginning, middle and end. Transitions may be somewhat unclear. Some errors in mechanics, spelling, grammar and/or punctuation.

Clear sense of beginning, middle and end. Clear transitions. Very few, if any, errors in mechanics, spelling, grammar and/or punctuation.

NASW – Ethical Standard 1.05

Student mentions NASW Ethical Standard 1.05 but does not make any clear attempt to explore how this standard relates to the social issue and/or racial justice event

Student refers to NASW Ethical Standard 1.05 and attempts to explore how this standard relates to the social issue and/or racial justice event

Student refers to NASW Ethical Standard 1.05 and clearly states how this standard relates to the social issue and/or racial justice event

Use of Bias-Free Language

Sometimes writes about people with inclusivity and respect using bias-free language as described in the current APA Style

Almost always writes about people with inclusivity and respect using bias-free language as described in the current APA Style

Consistently writes about people with inclusivity and respect using bias-free language as described in the current APA Style