Chat with us, powered by LiveChat What are the benefits of collaboratively created work? What are some of its challenges? How might artists seek to overcome them? What are some the risks of inherent in documentary thea - Writingforyou

What are the benefits of collaboratively created work? What are some of its challenges? How might artists seek to overcome them? What are some the risks of inherent in documentary thea

  1. What are the benefits of collaboratively created work? What are some of its challenges? How might artists seek to overcome them?
  2. What are some the risks of inherent in documentary theatre work such as that done by Anna Deavere Smith or the Civilians?
  3. Is documentary theatre objective?  Why or why not?
  4. What are some story-telling traditions in the USA today?
  5. Why was the American musical a place for exploration of racial tensions in the USA?


Part 2

..document attached

Production Pitch – Theatre Appreciation Online


Overview (as reflected on the syllabus) This project asks students to prepare a pitch for Qui Nguyen She Kills Monsters. Specifically, this means fulfilling ONE of the tasks for the primary positions in the theatrical process, including:

• director, • dramaturg, • publicist, and • designers (scene/set, costume, lighting, and sound)

Each student will choose ONE scene from She Kills Monsters (except the Publicist and Dramaturg roles) and take on ONE of the above positions and complete the tasks for that position as outlined on the following pages. Since this project is an opportunity for you to throw yourself into the behind the scenes theatrical process and a chance to showcase your knowledge about theatre, be sure to play to your strengths. For example, if you are a terrific visual artist, perhaps you should lead scene or costume design; if you work well in a leadership position and know how to effectively manage a team, perhaps you should take the lead on directing; if you have no artistic design interests whatsoever, perhaps dramaturg or publicist is where you’ll be happiest. Each student will turn in a digital portfolio (Prezi, PowerPoint, PDF, or other digital tool) with information on each of the above areas (see below), as if you would be “pitching” this production to a panel of theatre professionals. Finally, each student will submit, after the project, a reflection paper (found on Blackboard) about your process. This document should be uploaded to Blackboard by the date and time specified on the calendar. Project Components

• Portfolio • Reflection

Getting Started This project is an opportunity for you to explore your own creativity and express your artistic vision. Before determining the position you will take on for this pitch, however, consider the following: What are your personal strengths? Where do you think you fit best in the world of theatre? Are you interested in how clothing expresses identity? If so, perhaps you would make a great costume designer. Do you enjoy analyzing literature and the context in which it was written? Then perhaps you should consider the role of dramaturg. Maybe you have strong technology skills that you would enjoy applying to sound or scenic design. Or if you have the

Production Pitch – Theatre Appreciation Online


ability to bring many elements together to form a strong artistic vision, directing may be right for you. Format: What, Exactly, Is the Digital Portfolio? The primary document due for this project, is a single digital file—PowerPoint, Prezi, or another online option, as long as it is easily accessible as an attachment or a link (i.e., no downloading of an app, no signup requirements, etc.). As with all written work, your digital portfolio must follow the writing expectations identified in your syllabus. Where you incorporate information from other sources (e.g., biographical information about the playwright), you must strictly adhere to guidelines for academic honesty. No “cut and paste” content lifted from web sources will be accepted without full proper citation. Again: Anything taken from somewhere else (e.g., a quote, image, etc.) must be cited. Furthermore, all media items (e.g., audio files, images) should be clearly visible and/or audible. Also, be sure to watch out for lettering that is too small to read, bizarre font and background colors, as well as having too much text on any one slide or image.

Production Pitch – Theatre Appreciation Online


Description of Positions and Responsibilities Director

● After choosing your She Kills Monster scene: o Determine the directorial concept, or vision, for the production, ultimately

leading toward a unified experience.

● What is your directorial concept? Consider the following: ▪ a statement of theme ▪ where the play is set (location, historical period, etc.) ▪ the style of production to be used and why that style is appropriate ▪ the reason for doing this play today ▪ the play’s intended audience

o Detailed blocking notes for the key moment/scene using appropriate stage directions.

o Approach to working with the performers (e.g., using Stanislavski method, physical work, improvisation, etc.).

o Three directors and/or productions mentioned in the textbook that proved most influential in your thinking, along with an explanation for each.

Production Pitch – Theatre Appreciation Online


Dramaturg ● The Dramaturg’s materials can work for the play as a whole, and you do not have to

focus on one specific scene.

● Use a variety of resources: books, journals, etc. Remember that the Internet is a great resource, but be wary of what you find online; make sure to check the information against more traditional sources.

● The below must be included in your digital portfolio:

o Provide information about playwright, production history, critical reviews, cultural references within the play, and other pertinent facts that might be useful to your production.

o Research bibliography in proper citation format of your choice. There should be more than merely web sources.

o A 2-3 paragraph summary of the play that would serve as the basis for program notes and the press release.

Production Pitch – Theatre Appreciation Online


Publicist ● The Publicist’s materials can work for the play as a whole, and you do not have to focus

on one specific scene. ● The below must be included in your digital portfolio:

o 2-3 page press release. o Color and computer-generated logo for the production (image and title only). o Color and computer-generated program cover/poster (image, title, and other

identifying specifics, such as producing theatre organization, playwright, director [and musical director and choreographer, if necessary], location, dates, times, etc.).

Production Pitch – Theatre Appreciation Online


Scene Designer ● After choosing your She Kills Monster scene:

o Identify your design concept. o Locate and research visuals that might inspire your design. o The below must be included in your digital portfolio:

▪ Three inspirational images. ▪ Detailed ground plan. ▪ Color rendering of set. ▪ A 2-3 paragraph explication as to how this design supports and enhances

the directorial concept. Consider the principles of composition: focus, balance, proportion, rhythm, and unity.

▪ Three designers and/or productions mentioned in the textbook that proved most influential in your thinking, along with an explanation for each.

Production Pitch – Theatre Appreciation Online


Costume Designer ● After choosing your She Kills Monster scene:

● Identify your design concept, making sure to adhere to the director’s vision while making your own choices.

● Locate and research visuals that might inspire your design. ● The below must be included in your group’s digital portfolio:

o A detailed description of each costume, listed by character, for each performer in the key moment scene as decided upon by the director.

o Three inspirational images. o Drafts of initial thumbnail sketches of four costumes. o Two complete color renderings of a final design. You may trace the clothing

or perhaps even use clipping from magazines. You may want to consider adding fabric swatches to the final rendering.

o A 2-3 paragraph explication as to how this design supports and enhances the directorial concept. Consider the principles of composition: space, focus, proportion, rhythm, and unity/harmony.

o Three designers and/or productions mentioned in the textbook that proved most influential in your thinking, along with an explanation for each.

Production Pitch – Theatre Appreciation Online


Lighting Designer ● After choosing your She Kills Monster scene:

● Identify your design concept, making sure to adhere to the director’s vision while making your own choices.

● Locate and research visuals that might inspire your design. ● The below must be included in your group’s digital portfolio:

o Detailed list of locations and time of day for each scene in the play. o Three inspirational images. o A lighting cue sheet, completely filled out in detail, for the key moment scene

as decided upon by the director. Be sure to note when you are using specials, practicals, backlighting, and side lighting, as well as slides, projections, or other special effects. Also, consider the visual elements of light: intensity, distribution, color, and movement.

o A 2-3 paragraph explication as to how this design supports and enhances the directorial concept. Consider the goals of stage lighting: providing selective visibility and focus, creating mood, defining style, establishing time and place, telling the story, reinforcing the central image or theme of a play, and establishing rhythm.

o Three designers and/or productions mentioned in the textbook that proved most influential in your thinking, along with an explanation for each.

Production Pitch – Theatre Appreciation Online


Sound Designer ● After choosing your She Kills Monster scene:

o Identify your design concept, making sure to adhere to the director’s vision while making your own choices.

o Locate and research visuals and sounds that might inspire your design. o The below must be included in your group’s digital portfolio:

▪ A detailed list of all sound cues for the entire production. ▪ A detailed sound cue chart for the key moment scene as decided upon by

the director. ▪ Three sample sounds to be used in the key moment scene (e.g., a phone

ringing, a doorbell, a song, a recorded voice). ▪ A 2-3 paragraph explication as to how this design supports and enhances

the directorial concept. Consider the goals of sound design: audibility, establishing the environment, telling the story, defining mood and style, aiding the flow of the action and providing rhythm, and reinforcing the central image or theme of the text.

▪ Three designers and/or productions mentioned in the textbook that proved most influential in your thinking, along with an explanation for each.