Chat with us, powered by LiveChat In this module, you have explored stress and emotion regulation. An important aspect of dealing with stressors is coping behaviors. Being aware of what our coping strategies are and reme - Writingforyou

In this module, you have explored stress and emotion regulation. An important aspect of dealing with stressors is coping behaviors. Being aware of what our coping strategies are and reme

In this module, you have explored stress and emotion regulation. An important aspect of dealing with stressors is coping behaviors. Being aware of what our coping strategies are and remembering to apply them can make a big difference in a person's emotional well-being and resilience. Recognizing stressors and coping strategies can be helpful in both a personal and professional setting. We will focus more deeply on resilience and grit in the next module.

For your initial post, complete the proactive coping inventory (PCI), comprised of multiple scales, in your webtext and answer the following questions:

  • Based on the self-assessments, what is your primary coping strategy? Do you agree with your results?
  • What is the value of being conscious about one's coping strategies? How is that related to emotional regulation?
  • How does the concept of coping behaviors apply to any of the following programmatic course themes:
    • Self-care
    • Social justice
    • Emotional intelligence
    • Career connections
    • Ethics


Emotional Intelligence

Student’s Name

Institutional Affiliation

Professor’s Name

Course Name

Due Date

Based on the emotional intelligence exam, my greatest result was in the domain of empathy, with a score of 13. As an empath, I believe this result is accurate. I can empathize with people, which helps me form close bonds with friends and coworkers. Since I routinely help others, a good score in this category was expected.

As the test results showed, I face challenges in my interactions with some friends and coworkers. This resonates with my present self-perception, and I concur. I acknowledge that there is room for improvement in other areas of emotional intelligence, even though I may have strong empathy. Conflict resolution may be complex for me, which might hurt my professional relationships.

Forging forward with emotional intelligence can be a powerful weapon. It allows individuals to comprehend themselves better and others, improving communication and relationship-building abilities. With strong empathy, I can use this domain to connect with others, settle disputes, and provide help. This may improve workplace harmony and personal progress.

My emotional intelligence score affects various thematic themes:

Self-care: Knowing my emotional intelligence helps me identify areas for growth. I may improve my emotional health and personal development by addressing these flaws.

Social justice: Emotional intelligence might help promote it. It promotes empathy, inclusion, and a more fair and equal society by understanding others' feelings and opinions.

Career connections: Emotional intelligence is crucial in business. Understanding workplace demands and expectations may assist in developing healthy connections with coworkers and superiors, resolving issues, and advancing one's career.

Ethics: Understanding how one's actions affect people and their emotions is essential in ethical decision-making. Emotional intelligence helps us make ethical judgments by considering their emotional effects.

Despite scoring high in empathy, I can always improve in other areas of emotional intelligence. Recognizing this and improving my emotional intelligence will help me overcome obstacles, strengthen relationships, and accomplish my personal and professional objectives. Knowing my emotional intelligence score can improve my relationships and help me handle life's challenges more ethically, which is relevant to self-care, social justice, career connections, and ethics.


PSY Norms of Practice for Online Discussion

The norms below help define what acceptable behavior looks like in your discussions. These norms are

established to strengthen communication among you and your peers, as well as feelings of safety.

In each discussion, please practice the following:

 Provide thoughtful commentary and participation to the community.

 Help peers, through advocacy and communication, to promote equity and fairness.

 Respect diversity. o Refrain from name calling. o Do not criticize individuals or groups, but don’t be afraid to note non-inclusive ideas. o Be open and considerate of others and their perspectives.

 Acknowledge bias. o Consider your background and experiences and how they may differ from the

experiences of others. o Consider sources of research.

 Acknowledge peer contributions to the learning community. o Summarize and quote others within the community.

 Politely challenge others, with the goal of facilitating growth.

 Maintain academic ethics.


  • PSY Norms of Practice for Online Discussion


PSY Ethical Usage Practices

Before adding content to a paper, project, portfolio, or discussion, you need to fully understand the legal and ethical practices associated with using resources and words that are not your own.

Why cite your sources?

● Shows that you are a responsible scholar ● Shows that your work can be supported and establishes your credibility ● Provides credit of ownership to others’ work ● Guides readers to further information on a topic

When should you cite?

● A direct quotation ● A paraphrase or restatement of what someone else says ● A summary of someone’s work ● Any data, charts, or graphs used ● Websites ● Media, including images and videos ● Class discussions or online discussions ● A previously written paper

When do you NOT cite?

● Common knowledge (George Washington was the first president of the U.S.)

Do you need more information about citation?

● Visit this Shapiro Library webpage: APA Style: Basics


  • PSY Ethical Usage Practices
    • Why cite your sources?
    • When should you cite?
    • When do you NOT cite?
    • Do you need more information about citation?


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Psychology Undergraduate Discussion Rubric

Psychology Undergraduate Discussion Rubric

Overview Your active participation in the discussions is essential to your overall success this term. Discussion questions will help you make meaningful

connections between the course content and relevant programmatic themes. These discussions give you a chance to express your own

thoughts, ask questions, and gain insight from your peers and instructor.

Directions For each discussion, you must create one initial postone initial post and follow up with at least two response poststwo response posts.

For your initial postinitial post, do the following:

Write a post of 1 to 2 paragraphs.

In Module One, complete your initial post by Thursday at 11:59 p.m. Eastern.

In Modules Two through Eight, complete your initial post by Thursday at 11:59 p.m. of your local time zone.

Consider content from other parts of the course where appropriate. Use proper citation methods for your discipline when referencing

scholarly or popular sources.

For your response postsresponse posts, do the following:

Reply to at least two classmates outside of your own initial post thread.

In Module One, complete your two response posts by Sunday at 11:59 p.m. Eastern.

In Modules Two through Eight, complete your two response posts by Sunday at 11:59 p.m. of your local time zone.

Demonstrate more depth and thought than saying things like “I agree” or “You are wrong.” Guidance is provided for you in the discussion


Discussion Rubric

CriteriaCriteria ExemplaryExemplary ProficientProficient NeedsNeeds

ImprovementImprovement Not EvidentNot Evident ValueValue

Contribution toContribution to

the Learningthe Learning


Initial post actively

stimulates the

discussion and

growth of learning

within the

community by



dialogue; posts

reflect a clear

focused point of

view pertaining to

subject matter that

is supported by

credible resources

and is designed to

motivate the group’s


dialogue (100%)

Initial post

contributes to the

learning community

by initiating

dialogue; posts

reflect a clear point

of view and are

supported by

credible resources


Initial post


contributes to the

learning community,

with an attempt to

initiate dialogue;

posts may reflect

some challenges in

communicating a

clear point of view

that may not be

supported by

credible resources


Initial post does not

contribute to the

learning community,

with no attempt to

initiate dialogue;

post does not reflect

a clear point of view

that is supported by

credible resources



Relevance toRelevance to




Social Justice,Social Justice,






Initial post

integrates multiple



themes and

elaborates on how

each theme relates

to the discussion

topic (100%)

Initial post

elaborates on how

one or more



themes relate to the

discussion topic


Initial post attempts

to integrate one or

more applicable


themes, which may

relate to the

discussion topic


Initial post does not

integrate one or

more applicable


themes (0%)


Advancement ofAdvancement of


Response posts

significantly add to

the learning

community and

advance the

discussion by

building upon peers’

initial posts; posts

integrate multiple

views from other

learners and

sources, views are

applicable to

content and


practice, and they

extend learning

within the

community (100%)

Response posts add

to the learning

community and

advance the

discussion; posts

integrate views from

other learners and

sources (85%)

One or more

response posts

attempt to add to

the learning

community and

provide content that

somewhat advances

the discussion (55%)

One or more

response posts do

not add value to the

learning community

and fail to advance

the discussion (0%)




Posts are clear and

concise, and

demonstrate respect

and awareness of

peers’ viewpoints;

proper APA citation

methods used where

applicable, with

minor errors in

citations (100%)

Posts are clear and

concise, and

demonstrate respect

and awareness of

peers’ viewpoints;

proper APA citation

methods used where

applicable, with few

errors in citations,

grammar, and syntax


Posts are

understandable, and

use proper APA

citation methods

where applicable,

with a number of

errors in citation,

grammar, and syntax


Posts lack clarity,

contain numerous

grammar and syntax

errors, and/or do not

use proper APA

citation methods

where applicable



TimelinessTimeliness N/A Submits initial post

on time (100%)

Submits initial post

one day late (55%)

Submits initial post

two or more days

late (0%)


Total:Total: 100%


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Last Visited Oct 15, 2023 8:25 PM

PSY-108-J2421 Introduction to Psychology 23EW2 Christopher Middleton

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