Chat with us, powered by LiveChat Company: TechX Using your analysis of the strategic plan from the Wk 2- Strategic Plan Research assignment, complete the following for your specific company: Analyze in 350 to 525 words - Writingforyou

Company: TechX Using your analysis of the strategic plan from the Wk 2- Strategic Plan Research assignment, complete the following for your specific company: Analyze in 350 to 525 words

Company: TechX

Using your analysis of the strategic plan from the Wk 2- Strategic Plan Research

assignment, complete the following for your specific company:

Analyze in 350 to 525 words total the:

• Purpose of the strategic plan for your specific company

• Key objectives:

• Market development and how your ideas fit

• Process improvement

• Development of people

• Product/service – How do you deliver? Is there a way to improve quality over time to


• Key performance indicators (KPIs) (specific and detailed) to measure performance over time


Using your analysis of the strategic plan from the Wk 2- Strategic Plan Research assignment, complete the following for your specific company:

Analyze in 350 to 525 words total the: • Purpose of the strategic plan for your specific company • Key objectives: • Market development and how your ideas fit • Process improvement • Development of people • Product/service – How do you deliver? Is there a way to improve quality over time to

differentiate? • Key performance indicators (KPIs) (specific and detailed) to measure performance over time

Recommend initiatives to support your objectives to improve the strategic plan.

Identify ways to adapt to the changing business environment.

Be sure to choose a specific Fortune 500 company (in excess of $5 billion). Use bullets or paragraphs/headings for each question!

PLAGIARISM: All papers in Blackboard are checked for originality by SafeAssign. NO part of any previous papers used in other classes are permitted in this class. All material must be original and Blackboard Originality Report must be less than 33% for each assignment. This 33% also includes all Discussion Posts and the use of a paraphrase generator or “word spinner” (AI).

Analysis of TechX Innovations' Strategic Plan:

Strengths and Areas for Improvement

Yvette Garcia


November 3, 2023


According to Sayari (2021), TechX Innovations, a fictitious Fortune 500 tech company

in the ever-evolving tech industry, presents a compelling subject for analysis in this

evaluation. This assessment aims to highlight the strengths and identify areas for

improvement in TechX's strategic plan. The analysis includes the various aspects of the plan,

such as its vision and mission, the diligence of its evaluation of external and internal

environments, the inclusivity of its people plan, and its commitment to corporate social

responsibility as well as environmental sustainability. The goal is to provide constructive

insights into this fictional company's strategic direction, emphasizing elements of excellence

and opportunities for enhancement.

Strengths of the Plan Clear Vision and Mission

TechX Innovations' strategic plan excels in providing a clear vision and mission. It

envisions a future where cutting-edge technologies transform society. The mission statement

demonstrates a commitment to innovation and societal impact (Hervas et al., 2018).

Environmental Analysis

The plan conducts a thorough analysis of TechX's external environment, identifying

market opportunities and monitoring the competitive landscape. Internally, it assesses the

company's strengths and weaknesses comprehensively.

People Plan and Diversity

TechX's people plan is a model of diversity and inclusion. It articulates a strong

commitment to building a workforce that embraces differences, contributing to a more

inclusive work culture.

Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Sustainability

TechX Innovations demonstrates a strong commitment to corporate social responsibility

and environmental sustainability. The plan outlines strategies for reducing the company's

carbon footprint, supporting recycling initiatives, and contributing to environmental


Areas for Improvement

Lack of Clarity

While TechX's vision is inspiring, some sections of the plan may be too complex for a

broader audience. Simplifying technical jargon and making the plan more accessible could

enhance its effectiveness.

Innovative Risks

TechX Innovations tends to lean towards a cautious approach. To truly push the

boundaries of innovation, they may consider embracing more calculated risks, fostering a

culture of experimentation, and exploring ground-breaking ideas (Levin, 2012).

Diversity Metrics

The plan celebrates diversity but lacks specific, measurable goals for increasing diversity

and monitoring progress over time. Implementing measurable diversity metrics could

enhance the effectiveness of their people plan.


TechX Innovations' strategic plan is a visionary roadmap for the future. It excels in

presenting a clear vision, conducting environmental analyses, promoting diversity and

inclusion, and advocating for corporate social responsibility and environmental sustainability.

However, there is room for improvement in terms of clarity, embracing more innovative risks,

and implementing diversity metrics to ensure progress.


Hervas-Oliver, J. L., Sempere-Ripoll, F., Boronat-Moll, C., & Rojas-Alvarado, R. (2018). On

the joint effect of technological and management innovations on performance:

increasing or diminishing returns?. Technology Analysis & Strategic Management,

30(5), 569-581.

Levin-Goldberg, J. (2012). Teaching Generation TechX with the 4Cs: Using Technology to

Integrate 21st Century Skills. Journal of Instructional Research, 1, 59-66.

Sayari, F. (2021). Integration of Startups in Corporations: A qualitative case study on a tech
