Chat with us, powered by LiveChat This assignment entails you to take a picture of yourself (or have someone take it) that demonstrates a psychological concept from the most recent units (Chapters 8- 15). Please post - Writingforyou

This assignment entails you to take a picture of yourself (or have someone take it) that demonstrates a psychological concept from the most recent units (Chapters 8- 15). Please post

Psych Selfie #2

“Psychology Selfie”

This assignment entails you to take a picture of yourself (or have someone take it) that demonstrates a psychological concept from the most recent units (Chapters 8- 15). Please post the photo in the body of your thread.   In addition to your photo, you need to write a paragraph (minimum 5 -7 sentences) that defines the concept in your own words using in-text citations for your paraphrased definition. That paragraph needs to explain how your photo relates to the concept being depicted.  

You need to then do research about this concept, refer to it, and use it to do any one of the following: Explain the concept better to someone else by going into more detail, comparing what your research says to what your textbook says, explaining how this informed you, or something along those lines. This should be a paragraph (minimum 5 – 7 sentences). You must use in-text citations in reference to the material you use for every source you use.  You should not be quoting your sources, you should be paraphrasing and using in text citations for the paraphrases.

In addition, please comment on how understanding/applying this concept could add value to your life or someone else's minimum a paragraph, (minimum 5 – 7 sentences). You can incorporate your research here instead if that makes more sense. If you incorporate the research here, you must use in-text citations here.

Doing just the bare minimum may not allow you to obtain full credit. Be thorough in your explanations.

  • You may not duplicate someone else's concept. So you must check the prior posts to make sure you are not copying anyone. (ex. If they chose anterograde amnesia you could do retrograde amnesia but not anterograde).
  • You may not use general chapter titles as the main concept (ex. you cannot use "memory," "learning," "sensation" etc. but you could use extinction, absolute threshold, aptitude test ex.)
  • You must have a reference to your textbook and the source you researched and use in text citations for each one.
  • Those references must be included at the bottom of your post.

To submit the assignment you will post it here by creating a new thread in the forum. When you have finished, go back to the discussion board and insure that your photo is visible to everyone. To insert the photo, go to the rich content editor at the top of the window and click embed image (it's the fifth icon in that looks like a mountain and a sun) or follow the instructions hereLinks to an external site..

 This is worth 50 points.

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How do I embed an image in a discussion reply as a student?

You can embed an image file directly into discussion replies using the image icon. Images can be embedded from the web, or your Canvas user files. If a change is made to the source of your image after you have embedded it in a discussion reply, the image added to your discussion reply will not be changed.


Before you can embed an image from Canvas, the image must first be uploaded to your user files. You can also attach a file to a discussion reply. If you post your discussion response before an attached image finishes uploading, Canvas will display a warning message.

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Open Discussion

Click the discussion title.

Write Reply

Create a new discussion entry by clicking the Reply text field.

Add Image from Toolbar

To add an image from the toolbar, click the Image icon [1].

You can also upload an image from the image options menu. To view additional image options, click the Image Options arrow [2]. Then select the Upload Image option [3].

Note: To view the Image icon, you may have to click the Options icon [4].

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Add Image from Menubar

You can also add an image using the menubar in the Rich Content Editor. The menubar displays the title of Rich Content Editor tools and may be preferable for those using keyboard navigation.

To upload an image using the menubar, click the Insert menu [1], select the Image option [2]. You can upload new images and embed images from your user files [3].

Upload Image from Computer

By default, the Image Upload Tool displays the Computer tab [1]. Click or drag and drop an image file to the image uploader to upload a file from your computer [2].

Note: Images uploaded from your computer using the image upload tool are added to your user files.

Select File

Select the image file [1] and click the Open button [2].

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View Selected File

The uploader displays the image file name [1] and an image preview [2]. To remove the image, click the Delete icon [3].

Embed Image from URL

To embed an image using a URL, click the URL tab [1].

Enter the URL in the File URL field [2].

Manage Usage Rights

If required by your institution, you will need to select usage right settings for your image.

In the Usage Right drop-down menu [1], select one of the five usage right options:

I hold the copyright: original content created by you I have obtained permission to use the file: authorized permission by the author The material is in the public domain: explicitly assigned to public domain, cannot be copyrighted, or is no longer protected by copyright The material is subject to an exception – e.g. fair use, the right to quote, or others under applicable copyright laws: excerpt or summary used for commentary, news reporting, research, or analysis in education The material is licensed under Creative Commons: this option also requires setting a specific Creative Commons license

If known, enter the copyright holder information in the Copyright Holder field [2].

Note: If you are an instructor and are not sure which usage right applies to your image, please consult your institutional admin for guidance.

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Manage Image Attributes

To add Alt Text to your image, type an alternative text description or text tags in the Alt Text field [1]. By default, the Alt Text field displays the image file name. Alt text is read by screen readers, and it displays when an embedded image cannot display.

If the image is decorative and does not require alt text, select the Decorative Image option [2].

By default, the Embed Image display option is selected for embedded images [3].

To display the image file link, select the Display Text Link display option [4]. The file link will replace the image in the Rich Content Editor.

Embed Image

To embed your selected image, click the Submit button.

Note: The image will flash before it embeds in the Rich Content Editor.

View Embedded Image

View your uploaded image in the Rich Content Editor. You can also add or modify alt text tags and manage the image display options.

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Click the Post Reply button.

View Discussion Reply

View your discussion reply.

← How do I attach a file to a discussion reply as a student? How do I link to a YouTube video in a discussion reply as a student? →

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